Freeholders will still be called Freeholders.
The Indianapolis Colts will defeat the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl.
Governor Christie will propose a budget of $20 billion. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There will be tens of thousands of government layoffs on the state, county and municipal level. Property taxes will rise by 4% statewide, but municipal services will decline. Class sizes will increase in schools, residents will pay private haulers to collect their garbage. There will be less police officers and more volunteer neighborhood watch groups. There will be 100 referendums to approve mergers or consolidations. 52 will pass.
ObamaCare will be approved by the House and the Senate and signed into law by the President. It will not include a public option or federal funding of abortion.
Applications to medical schools will decline by 20%.
4th quarter 2009 GDP growth will be negative. The recession continues. Unemployment will hit 11% in the 1st quarter of 2010.
The "cap and trade" bill will not be brought to the floor of the U.S. Senate.
The GOP will pick up 42 seats in the House of Representatives. The New Jersey GOP delegation will pick up one seat.
John D'Amico will not seek another term as Monmouth County Freeholder. Rob Clifton and Neptune City Mayor Tom Arnone will defeat Democrats Michelle Roth (Manalapan) and Randy Bishop (Neptune).
In Middletown, Sean Byrnes will not seek another term on the Township Committee. Gerry Scharfenberger and Thomas Wilkens will defeat Democrats Lenny Inzerillo and James Grenafege, restoring 5-0 GOP control to Middletown.
Joe Oxley will be elected to a second term as Monmouth GOP Chairman, unopposed.
Victor Scudiery will not seek another term as Monmouth Democratic Chairman. Mike Mangan will defeat Vin Gopal to succeed Scudiery.
What do you think will happen?
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
21 hours ago
For Art's newer readers, here are some of his 2009 predictions (just so we all can judge his accuracy):
Jon Corzine will defeat Christopher Christie for Governor of New Jersey. Corzine will make history by being re-elected with an upside down approval rating.
No one will care who the Lt. Governor candidates are.
Barbara McMorrow will be re-elected Monmouth County Freeholder.
Patrick Short will decline to seek re-election to the Middletown Township Committee. Tom Hall comes out of retirement and defeats Whatshisname, giving the Middletown GOP a 4-1 majority.
U.S. GDP will be positive in the second quarter of 2009. The media will give Barack Obama credit for a miraculous economic recovery.
Oil will be trading at over $80 per barrel in July. Gasoline will cost over $3.00 per gallon.
Frank Lautenberg will announce his retirement in November. Corzine will appoint Congressman Steve Rothman to fill the U.S. Senate seat. Frank Pallone is appointed Ambassador to India.
The New York Times will cease publishing a daily print edition.
Fair enough Chris. I did better with my 2008 predictions:
2008 Predictions
Mike Bloomberg will be elected President of the United States.
Frank Lautenberg will be re-elected to the U.S. Senate.
The Democrats will win the Congressional seats being vacated by Saxon and Ferguson.
Rob Clifton will be the Monmouth County Freeholder Director.
Bill Barham will not seek re-election as Freeholder. Lillian Burry and The Mayor of Howell will be the Republican candidates for Monmouth County Freeholder.
Stephen Schuler and Robert Honecker will be the Democratic candidates for Monmouth County Freeholder.
The Presidential primary in Monmouth County will go off without a hitch.
Adam Puharic will be re-elected Monmouth County GOP chairman.
Vic Scudiery will be re-elected Monmouth County Democratic chairman.
Lillian Burry and Robert Honecker will be elected as Monmouth County Freeholders.
Tolls on the NJ Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway and the Atlantic City Expressway will increase by 40%.
The gasoline tax will increase by 30%.
The New Jersey Supreme Court will overturn Corzine's school funding scheme, except for just this year.
What are your predictions?
Rush Holt will be re-elected by a landslide.
actually Art, don't edit your answers, the links is still up.... your 2008 predictions sucked also, almost as bad as 2009....yous said Curley would win, McCain would win, Adler would lose and Stender to win.
Stick to selling used trucks.
I agree with a lot of Art's predictions. Here are a few modifications for 2010:
Thousands of state workers will be laid off. State workers will make huge concessions in health and pension contributions to avoid thousands of additional layoffs.
Obamacare will be signed into law with the public option and federal funding for abortions. This will cause the Democrats to lose dozens of seats and will restore control of the House back to Republicans who will repeal the bill before it goes into place in 2014.
Flippy will seek another term but will be defeated by Clifton and his running mate Serena Dimaso.
Sean Byrnes does not run again in Middletown but tries to once again win a seat in Freehold. He and Flippy go down in flames due to Obamacare.
Frank Pallone loses his congressional seat to former Olympian Tom Wilkens. Wilkens soundly defeats Pallone in Monmouth County while holding his own in Middlesex County to win a narrow victory. Wilkens promises to overturn Obamacare if elected.
John Runyan trounces John Adler down in Ocean County to become Congressmen of CD 3.
The Christie administration forces Board of Education elections in November and the budgets that used to be passed based on 4 hour voting get soundly defeated.
That didn't take long Art - you already got half your predictions wrong.
I predict my job is safe from all Internet bloggers, anonymous or otherwise, who believe that they can predict the future in 2010.
I also predict that I, along with many, many others, will continue to read these blogs in 2010.
For although they can't predict the future for us, blogs like Art's do tend to shape it.
Happy New Year!
wasn't it Jeane Dixon??-whatever.. I predict yet another person who has not earned a title for the GOP will get to be sheriff, passing up the most qualified who has, Mickey Donovan..and, that NJ's cong. delegation sadly remains the same, since it takes NJ so long to wake up..and, that some real people will wake up and finally have a say in the Freeholder candidate, hopefully Arnone..Obamacare may pass, but if he doesn't acknowledge there are terrorists out there, and right in here,too, and start doing something about it, we'll lose more innocents as he loses the miserable Congress, at last, but at a very high price to us all..
Regarding the prediction on the House of Representatives and the Senate, a lot of the battle is won in the so-called offseason. Who can the Republicans recruit to run against incumbent Democrats?
I think the Virginia and New Jersey runs will encourage Republican challengers to run. If the Republicans get the candidates, they could probably retake the House. If they get the quality challengers that they need such as Gov. Hoeven in North Dakota, they probably take several Senate seats.
Here is my analysis of the situation: Obama and McCain basically split the 30 and over vote. It was a more than 2 to 1 margin among the 18% of voters in that election who were under 30 and an unusually large turnout of black voters of all ages that gave Obama his relatively large margin. If that over 30 vote shifts by a few points towards the Republicans and the under 30 vote and the black vote becomes much smaller in the congressional elections, the Republicans retake the House.
If you look at Virginia and New Jersey, those voters did not turn out for the Dems in 2009.
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