Save Jersey has a poll: Who was the best gop county chair of the 2009 election?
A case could be made for each of the nine included. I'm asking MoreMonmouthMusings readers to click over and vote for Joe Oxley.
In his first full year as chairman he made the very risky move of doing away with conventions and ended the public display of acrimony that ripped apart the party during the terms of his predecessors.
Yet, he maintained democracy by including municipal chairs in candidate screening and selection. He empowered the rank and file with an outstanding education seminar series throughout the summer and he recruited a team that recruited hudreds of volunteers that made tens of thousands of phone calls and knocked on thousands of doors throughout the campaign.
Monmouth County was the first to award "the line" to Chris Christie.
The Monmouth GOP regained control of county government.
Christie won Monmouth by a 64,000 vote plurality.
Click over the Save Jersey and vote for Joe.
Make Alberta America
21 hours ago
Joe Oxley did a poor job of managing the Monmouth County Jail when he was the elected sheriff of Monmouth County. Because of Oxley's mismanagement, there were jail guards making more than the Governor.
Oxley was an incompetent administrator and he is a lousy party chairman. Chrisite would have carried Monmouth County by a large plurality no matter who the Republican chairman was. Joe Oxley played little or no role in the success that Republicans enjoyed in the recent election. He certainly does not deserve anyone's support.
I like Joe and he has not been a bad Chairman but people did not stop fighting because he changed the convention. They just got tired of fighting and got scared when the Dems started winning.
The fact of the matter is we are back where we started. Things are not run much differently then when Dowd ran things.
We have less democracy and I do not believe that is a good thing. So that has disappointed me.
I will admit that Joe has provided a steady hand and has been competent but I would not rate him Best in class
nice, and a "merry" to you, too: one more time: Joe inherited a nearly $30,000 debt, wiped that out, cleaned up the HQ, offered many free training programs for local candidates and chairs, has raised more than the past 2 chairs,enough in pay-to play reality to run 2 decent races, took back the Board, and, oh, by the way, set the national standard for jail management as the only 5-star facility in the nation, which Kim has continued,.. get your sour puss and negative jealousy out of your rear and be happy all the Dems on all levels are screwing up so badly, that we can win the next few cycles, to boot!!(oh, and here's a holiday present for ya, also:he's staying here and running again, so, if you want to lose and not contribute to more GOP wins, PLEASE go over to the disgusting and pocket-raiding DARK Dem side!!
very convenient Art - didn't you join us in opposing him doing away with conventions when he was doing it? Now you've sold out your opinion again huh? Figures.
A monkey could have been county chairman and Christie would have carried Monmouth by the same amount of votes. Its not anything that Oxley did - its EVERYTHING that Corzine did. Evident in the fact that their Democratic candidate for freeholder got 7000+ Christie voters to vote for him instead of Curley.
Corzine handed Monmouth County to the GOP without Joe 'I don't believe in county conventions and I go into towns and become township attorney and make Boss Bob Menendez's buddy richer' Oxley.
All the GOP county state legislators are well aware of how inefficient ox is. Too bad you can't tell the difference. Educational seminars, ROFL. If Corzine wasn't like poison in Monmouth, Jen Beck, Curley, O'Scanlon and their allies would have taken the chairmansip this June. Now all that happens is we wait for 2 more years until Ox is history.
I agree with TR but would rather have Joe the Jen and Curley running the show.
Adam, is that you?
Hey disgruntled R, wasn't the party just victorious across the board--isn't that a good thing?Your allegiance to beck, oscanlon, and curley are evident--it's no secret that they're always looking for a fight in the party..that's their M.O.-cause friction so instead of focusing on victory and legislating--focus on in-fighting...Makes one wonder if you and your crew are really happy about the Christie victory. If Christie lost, you would have mercilessly blamed the Chairman. Now, Christie wins and somehow a monkey could have done the job. What a joke. Go be a democrat already--seriously go register now. Merry Christmas!
AMEN, 7:46: very well-said, and, guess the "RASTA" MEN and WOMEN HAVE NEVER TRULY GONE AWAY!!
Look at the results.
I'll grant you that going against a Governor like Jon Corzine was a big help, but you cannot argue with the results.
I worked on the Christie campaign and I know that we were hoping for a margin of victory of just under 30,000 countywide. We delivered a margin more than twice that. The Freeholder Board is back in Republican hands and our Assembly candidates swept.
No one is above criticism, but getting rid of Joe Oxley after this year with these results because of what some perceive as his negatives, would be like the Yankees firing Joe Girardi after this year's World Series because of the way he handled Joba Chamberlain.
Room for improvement? Sure. But you don't get rid of a leader after results like we just had. Even if you think he lucked out.
Hey Hadden, take off the rose colored glasses.
you win one or two races state/local,(notice I did not say county),and you're such big experts: let's see if you "smarter",so-hip,holier- than- thou critics are around in five years: you are an immature, jealous, short-sighted group that cannot abide, or give credit to, anyone out of your little comfort-zone, social"club" who does a decent job in any aspect of politics or governing: your lack of experience and self-confidence is showing way too much, so park it and try to work WITH everyone,going forward!!
Glad we stopped fighting
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