Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Crotch Salute


Anonymous said...

a little respect for your commander chief you jackass, wonder if you would have shown the same respect for President Bush...of course not because your a hypocrite by nature and i say the same to those who showed President Bush any disrespect towards hi hand motions, intelligence etc.

Anonymous said...

look at my president???

he's your president too you piece of anti-American garbage. Learn to have some respect for the Commander in Chief of our brave men and women overseas.

Steve Borbely said...

This is not about being a D or an R, its respecting the flag, and those who have sacrificed their lives so whe can be here to debate this. Quite frankly, this isnt the first photo of the president not saluting the flag.

stopthesocialists said...

Good point Mr. Borberly. This is part of a troubling pattern with Obama that began with his refusal to wear a lapel pin, his removal of the flag from his plane, his mentoring by a hateful, anti-American pastor, his cozying up to our sworn enemies and the despicable statement abroad that he is a "citizen of the world." Simply put, why? Why does he feel the need to go out of his way not to embrace the symbols of our country? As bad as his policies are, his lack of respect and outright contempt for the very symbols and traditions of the country and apparently those who fought for them are what is most disheartening. I guess Orrin Hatch was right, you can't be a good liberal and love your country.

ambrosiajr said... fell for this hoax pix...please go here to find out the truth..and maybe print a retraction.

But here's the gist....
"Lastly, there's a very good reason why President Obama wasn't saluting when the above photo was taken, even though everyone else on the dais was. C-Span video footage reveals that the moment in question occurred just after Obama was introduced and the band began playing "Hail to the Chief."

Please don't perpetuate these hateful internet hoaxes, its not becoming of you. Or at the very least, please verify them before you do.

ambrosiajr said...

And this also from a different website called

Summary of the eRumor:
This is a forwarded email with an attached photograph that says President Obama did not salute while attending the November 11, 2009 Veterans Day memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
Other versions of this email suggest that the photo was taken during the Fort Hood Memorial Service after the attack on the US Army Base in November 2009.

The Truth:
The photo in question is from a privately owned web site dedicated to our Nation's fallen buried at Arlington and was taken during the Memorial Day service at Arlington on May 25, 2009, not Veterans Day. Click here for web site. Webmaster Michael Robert Patterson told that the photo was taken as the president was entering the ceremony stage at Arlington. Traditionally, the President walks in to the tune of "Hail to the Chief" as military personnel salute their Commander in Chief. The civilian on the stage with his hand over his heart is Arlington's superintendent of 19 years, John Metzler Jr. Patterson told that Metzler has always made it a tradition to salute the President in this manner at Arlington events.

Below is a side by side comparison of two photographs from different angles showing the President entering the stage area to the tune of "Hail to the Chief" and the photo on the right shows him standing reverently as the tune finishes.

If you posted this as a joke, it only gives right wing radicals like STS fuel for the fire...regardless of the truth.

Art Gallagher said...


Thanks for researching this. I received the photo with an email saying it was taken at a Fort Hood memorial. I was suspicious and did not print the content of the email. I did feel though, and still do, that the image is worthy of publication and discussion.

As far as the explanation that the others on stage were saluting the President as he entered the ceremony to "Hail to the Chief", that doesn't hold water. No one in the photo is looking at the President. I don't ever remember seeing a civiliation putting their hand over their heart to salute a President. A flag or a fallen soldier yes, put not a President.

As far as I'm concerned the source and meaning of the photo remains a mystery, like so much else about the President.

ambrosiajr said...

Art, if you go to the first link, the video is there showing how he came in, how he stood, and the band playing hail to the chief. Its all there. Its about 7 minutes into the video. If you go even further, you will here speak about the sacrifices of our men and woman in uniform. He speaks after the General's and Admiral's give their speeches. Give it a listen.

Anonymous said...

look at my president???

he's your president too you piece of anti-American garbage. Learn to have some respect for the Commander in Chief of our brave men and women overseas

You are correct he is unfortunately my president. You lumped in the brave men and women overseas with a picture of the President not saluting. I can guarantee I am more American than both you and him put together. I cant wait for 2012 so both of you can go away

Anonymous said...

he's a total waste and embarassment, and ps: we are FAR less safe under this apologist than we were with the cowboy!.look,49 of the last 130 terror attacks or near attacks since 9/11 have occurred in the 1st long year, while this clown doesn't salute, doesn't pick a church, doesn't stick up for our troops, our seniors, our vets, on and on!!.. you can't mask the facts: he just sucks, so far!.. you blew it, even Biden and the Clintons, God forgive me, would be better than this disaster, period!!

Anonymous said...

The president was being saluted, you idiots. The picture was taken when the president walked onto the stage when Hail to the Chief was playing. The then stood in his "crotch salute" waiting for the song to end.

This email is going out b/c idiots who act like sheep assume it's true and don't bother to check the veracity of the email before sending it out. A simple check of the Internet would show that this is a silly hoax. DUH!