Self-proclaimed Wall Street insider was donating to House Dems only months ago
Tom Fitzsimmons, campaign manager for 12th District Republican Congressional candidate Mike Halfacre, today questioned why self-proclaimed Wall Street insider Scott Sipprelle was making donations to five Congressional Democrats just seven months ago, in June of 2009.
“Last June was the height of the battle for Congressional Republicans,” said Fitzsimmons. “The Democrats had rammed through the stimulus, cap and trade was being debated, government-run health care was on the table- and in the middle of all that, Scott Sipprelle made donations to not one, not two, but five separate Democrats.”
Fitzsimmons continued “It begs the question: why? Why, in the heat of the battle against the unprecedented Pelosi/Reid/Obama agenda of government expansion, would he give money to the enemy if he opposes that agenda? And more importantly, why should voters in a Republican primary support a Wall Street insider who, seven months ago, was hedging his bets by donating to Democrats? Scott Sipprelle has a lot of explaining to do.”
Fitzsimmons pointed out that of the five- Allen Boyd Jr., FL-2; Charles Melancon, LA-3; Heath Shuler, NC-11; Barron Hill, IN-9; Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, SD-1:
- three voted for cap and trade
- three voted for the bloated stimulus package
- four voted to increase national debt limit
- one voted for the healthcare bill and called people who showed up at townhall meetings to oppose Obamacare “political terrorists”
Fitzsimmons also noted that Sipprelle made the donations after Governor Chris Christie had emerged as the winner of the Republican gubernatorial primary.
“At the time we had an historic opportunity to elect a Republican Governor in New Jersey, one who needed to raise money to defeat the Corzine attack machine, and Scott Sipprelle gives more money to Democrats in Congress than he does to Chris Christie. I think that speaks volumes about what kind of “Republican” Scott Sipprelle really is.”
Fitzsimmons concluded by saying “Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts on Tuesday showed once again that voters want someone with the courage of their convictions to go to Washington and oppose the Pelosi/Reid/Obama agenda. Mike Halfacre will go to Washington and oppose that agenda at every turn; Scott Sipprelle was supporting it just seven months ago. The choice for District 12 voters, in June and in November, is now clear.
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
14 hours ago
Halfacre = Desperate for attention
Halfacre threw the Boys Scouts of America out of the public schools in his hometown as the School Board attorney ... and was heard to say he was hopeful the notoriety would bring business to his practice.
And he calls himself a Republican? He thinks he represents 'grassroots'? No way.
Hmmm didn't Chris Smith vote for Cap and Trade? Sounds like most of them voted against obama care. This kind of nonsense is what makes most Republicans avoid the Monmouth County Crew. If Halfacre keeps this up he will not be under consideration by me come the primary. Stop being a baby and debate the issues.
(Yawn) ....
Start practicing that concession speech, Halfacre.
Wow, a bunch of anonymous people commenting here. At least have the guts to post your name along with your opinions. That is unless you are working with the other side?
Halfacre is a true conservative with the right principles and values. He will not take bribe's or let himself be forced into voting for bills that are not in line with conservative values. He is the right candidate for this seat, and will work for the people, just like Scott Brown!
What and get attacked by you rapid political flunkies? No thanks, the truth hurts whether it is backed by a name or anonymous and were are all sick of politicians who spew meaningless crap like Halfacre's. Hopefully he'll stop the BS and debate the issues
Halfacre is pro-choice.
I think there are too good points raised in this release and these comments.
1. Why should we support someone who donated money to Democratic congressman?
2. Why should we support someone who gave (incorrect) legal advise to a School Board that they had to throw the cub scouts out of the schools because they discriminated against gays and who is adamantly pro abortion.
I think both of these guys need to answer some tough questions?
oh, how exhausting it is already, from hearing the same, trite "battle of the press releases and paid consultants," yet again!!..hey, boys: play nice,or people will soon tune out fast, as "same-old, same-old!"..look,it's ridiculously early, and they both can be replaced by someone who gets in/on their truck/car/Harley, and actually starts talking with and listening TO, real,live, breathing voters!!
And where is Sipprelle on the issues? true to form, his website has nothing but a donate button. When it is all about the money, you'll get nothing.
Obviously the anonymous are afraid to stand up for what's right,and have the guts to take some heat in the process. This is not the true conservative way, and it makes me wonder if you are people working w Siprelle.
Mike Halfacre is clear on all the issues, and is all over the district for meet and greets where you can ask him any question you like. He is Pro-Life, and anyone that says different have not spoken to him or looked into where he stands on abortion.
Ok lets get one thing straight.
I have spoken to Halfacre.
He is not pro life in less he underwent a conversion in the last few years. In fact he has a disdain for Socially conservative Republicans and their views. If he has changed he needs to let us know about it. He blogged under the nom de guerre of Goldwater and anyone who read that blog knows what I say is true.
That does not mean I will not support him in the primary. It depends on where Sipperelle stands on the issues.
Anyway lets not make shit up. OK Bakke
Halfacre flunkies have no respect for the truth...Simply pathetic.
In a Q and A with the press following his statement, Halfacre described himself as "pro choice" on the abortion question "with restrictions."
save us from RINO'S!!
Halface had no problem taking campaign contributions from that Wall Street insider, Michael Gooch. Gooch has given away a fortune over the years to various Democrats seeking elected office. Will Halfacre and his flunkies denounce the hand that feeds them? Will the Halfacre campaign return the campaign contributions that Gooch made to the Halfacre campaign? I doubt it. Halfacre is a hypocrite. I am going to enjoy watching him concede defeat.
McEnery is supporting the Holtish light, Ivy league elitist.
Many NJ Republicans will support him because he said he would dump 1 million to fund the campaign.
Remember Unanue! Got enough money, buy the Republican line. Are you a grass roots candidate? Pound sand!
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