Princeton, January 20, 2010 – Hailing Scott Brown’s historic win in Massachusetts yesterday as “a resounding victory for ordinary Americans and a wake-up call for a woefully out-of-touch Congress,” businessman Scott Sipprelle (R-Princeton) challenged incumbent Rush Holt to publicly withdraw his support for the disastrous healthcare reform package favored by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and to work towards reform that actually lowers costs and improves choices for consumers, while not adding to the country’s already massive deficit.
Sipprelle also blasted Holt for falsely characterizing the legislative process leading up to this point as “one of the most open and deliberative processes in recent memory” and for his misleading claims about the current bill not adding to the nation’s already massive deficit. (Source:
“Congressman Holt has lost his way,” said Sipprelle. “The shady back-room dealing that has characterized the construction of this bill is simply shameful; and the fictional accounting used to support a claim of deficit neutrality has been roundly refuted by Medicare’s own Chief Actuary.”
“After more than a decade inside the beltway, Rush Holt has become a creature of Washington who routinely puts his loyalty to Nancy Pelosi ahead of his sworn duty to serve the constituents he represents,” added Sipprelle. “I congratulate Senator-elect Brown and the people of Massachusetts on their shared victory tonight, and look forward to adding another ‘Scott’ to Congress this November.”
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Wow. Nice to hear what he has to say. I must say I like what I've read. It shows that this guy has experience taking someone in power down in an efficient, unemotional way. It's refreshing. He is very effective.
I don't think Halfacre can do this.
He just started his campaign and seems to be much more on top of the issues than Halfacre.
I wish Scott Sipprelle the best of luck. He is clearly the best candidate that the GOP has to run against Rush Holt.
You guys are smoking crack. If you have been following this race at all, you know Mayor Mike has been after Holt on this stuff for months. This blog has posted the press releases.
Sipprele should stop posting comments on this blog and plagiarizing press releases from last fall and come up with his own positions.
Good point anon 1:09.
I mean, Scott Brown won the election and Sippy-cup put out a press release about it. Clearly he is all over it and Halfacre is hopelessly out of step.
Come on already. We need to support this guy, its our real chance to get rid of Holt!!!
Hopefully Halfacre will not let his insatiable ego eat up our big chance to unseat Holt.
Sipprelle is the man right now. Face it.
The goal is to WIN in November.
Be a man and suck it up, Mike ....if you really care about the GOP more than yourself. Stop hurting our party with your snide comments.
This press release is great. It shows quick political reflexes and it's got substance to it. It puts heat on Holt and exposes him as just another crony of Nancy Pelosi. A lot of CD-12 voters can relate. Isn't this what we want?
I just heard that Holt put out a fundraising appeal in response. He knows we aren't gonna be a cakewalk this time. Let's get together and take these professional politicians out to the woodshed.
Holt's a dolt, so, get with it and bash him for the next ten long and aggravating months, please!!-NJ can make history against the odds again if we grow up, man up, and show up!
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