Friday, January 15, 2010

Sipprelle Gives $250k to Campaign, Will Match First $1 Million in Donations

Princeton, January 15, 2010 – 12th District Congressional candidate Scott Sipprelle (R-Princeton) announced today that he opened his congressional campaign account by personally contributing $250,000 in seed money to the effort, while outlining an aggressive fundraising plan that includes a personal pledge to match at least the first $1,000,000 in donations he receives from citizens who share his frustration with Nancy Pelosi, Rush Holt and the failed politicians in Washington, DC.

“I am not in this campaign simply to compete and put up a good fight, I am in it to win in November and send Rush Holt back to private life,” said Sipprelle. “I believe so strongly in my core message of economic renewal and fiscal responsibility, and in my ability to carry that message to every corner of this district, that I am announcing today my plan to match at least the first $1,000,000 in donations received from supporters who agree with me that the time has come to make American work again.”

Sipprelle said a real opportunity to knock off Rush Holt exists this year, but it will take a strong candidate, a compelling message and significant resources to make it happen.

“A message that cannot be heard is a message that will fail,” said Sipprelle. “The stakes are too high to go mute on the critical issues affecting our communities and our nation. I look forward to holding Rush Holt accountable for his failures in Congress and forcing him to engage in a contest of ideas that he cannot and will not win.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like it or not, money talks, and whining walks..