Tom Fitzsimmons, campaign manager for 12th District Republican congressional candidate Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre, asked today whether Wall Street insider Scott Sipprelle considered the attendees asking Rush Holt pointed questions at his townhall meeting in Marlboro Monday night “political terrorists”.
“Last June, Scott Sipprelle inexplicably gave $2,500 to five House Democrats. One of the five, Baron Hill of Indiana, twice referred to the people who showed up at townhall meetings all over the United States to protest the government takeover of healthcare as “political terrorists”. (link: Considering Mr. Sipprelle’s support of Congressman Hill, I think it’s fair to ask if he agrees with Mr. Baron that the people who take time out of their day to meet with their Congressional representative and express their opinions are “terrorists”.
Baron also voted for the controversial healthcare bill.
Fitzsimmons noted that last summer, while Mr. Sipprelle was supporting Democrats and Congressman Hill was insulting constituents, Halfacre hosted his own townhall meeting in Middletown.
“In August, when Rush Holt held his townhall meeting in a 240 seat venue, Mayor Halfacre held a “Townhall for All” right outside Holt’s meeting for all the people who couldn’t get in,” said Fitzsimmons. “There were nearly 400 people there and Mike allowed everyone to speak, regardless of their point of view. That’s what a true representative would do, and that’s why Mayor Halfacre will be a great representative of the 12th District when he’s elected in November”
Make Alberta America
21 hours ago
OK that is just stupid. Does anyone really believe that B/C you gave money to someone you endorse every statement they maake?
Come on Tom you are a smart guy. You csn do better then thst
Well, I guess that ends any question as to whether Halfacre was going to focus on issues or just run on meaningless nonsense. This is why Americans hate politicians and the party machines, they are idiots out of touch with the issues and the people. Nobody cares about this garbage but party hacks. Unfortunately for us taxpayers the party hacks are running everything and laughing all the way to the bank
Well, pretty much yes, you don't give money to someone with whom you disagree on multiple issues. Hill voted for ObamaCare, which was the main issue last summer (when the contribution was made). Maybe Sipprelle could clarify which of Hill's positions he supported.
What a bunch of nonsense and ridiculously misleading headline.
I wonder what all you guys will say when Scott wins the primary and goes to Congress? Evident in that hes even with the moremonmouthmusings blog poll, the people voting in the poll are Half-cracker's staff and consultants LOL and Scott is still winning! LOLOL Chris Fotache of jerseywebdesign maybe you should clarify that you are a paid webmaster of half-cracker's staff before you start blogging on his behalf. Just a bunch of paid goons while Scott has the real supporters.
Yo Anon 4:53, at least I'm not cowardly hiding ever day behind anonymous status. Why don't you come out, tell us who you are, who you're working for, to whose campaigns have you contributed?
Chris Fotache gave $2,000 to Halfacre's doomed campaign.
You're confusing me now. What's that supposed to mean? He's paying me or am I paying him?
"Just a bunch of paid goons while Scott has the real supporters."
That reminds me, isnt today supposed to be the day that Sipprelle releases his list of Monmouth County supporters, led by Joe Kyrillos?
Must be a night announcement.
Hey Tom,look at Arties poll. Sipprelle has not even begun to campaign here in Monmouth and he is already ahead of Mike.Tom,this race isn't about Mike being a bad guy,he a good guy and we all know it.Its about who can strengthen the top of the ticket so Monmouth Republicans win.With $50,000 in Mike's account compared to Rush's almost $600,000 Mike will not be able to win this fight.This is not Mike's time!He's a young guy with great talents,but this is not his race.
I was at the Holt Town hall yesterday. Siprelle was there too talking to the attendees about their concerns after the meeting. Didn't see Halfacre in attendance. Hmmm...
and, ends the day of the screening committee in Monmouth, or on Primary day, PLEASE????
and, this utter nonsense ends the day of the screening committee in Monmouth, or on Primary day, PLEASE????
memo to operatives: no real people CARE!!
Halfacre passed up an opportunity to claim the crowds who came out to bash Holt as a crowd of his supporters? Wow. Something's in the wind ....
Sipprelle is attacking Holt and Halfacre is attacking Sipprelle. Hmmm..
I guess the larger issue, though, is whether Halfacre is out to lunch or he thinks the voters are stupid. Over 10 years Sipprelle's political donations to Republicans and Republican groups outweigh his donations to Democrats almost 20 to 1. And, of the 5 donations to Democrats in 2009 that Halfacre is yapping about, 4 out of the 5 (80%) voted AGAINST Healthcare. In politics, 80% is a bullseye, an A+.
To be fair, Halfacre does share something in common with the congressmen who are wrecking our country with debt and deficit spending. He can't do math.
“Last June, Scott Sipprelle inexplicably gave $2,500 to five House Democrats."
Wow. Here's another headline for you, and a freebie for the Sipprelle folks (though it doesn't seem they stoop to this level of politics):
"This January (that's right, less than a month ago), Mike Halfacre inexplicably appointed COAH-loving Democrats to his Land Use boards."
Think that might amount to a gross effect of a little more than $2500.
Fair and balanced, folks.
Sipprelle is Rush Holt's dream opponent. Rush Holt is in deep trouble. Almost anyone can beat him this years. ALMOST anyone. What would Holt have to do to beat someone? Well,he'd have to have a fellow Princeton guy grab the Republican nomination, a guy who is an INVESTMENT BANKER. Name the number one profession guaranteed to turn people's stomachs these days -- investment banker. Wait until he gets the nomination and watch Rush Holt bring out all the dirty laundry about Sipprelle's ugly little business. Holt will steal yet another victory. The Republicans who are notorious for protecting Democrats are supporting Sipprelle. It's no accident. Who are they going to put up against Holt if Sipprelle drops out, Andrew Lucas?
Such desperation. As soon as cold hard facts about Halfacre's track record are entered into the discussion, someone posts conjecture about Sipprelle's chances against Holt in a thinly veiled attempt to get off the subject as quickly as possible.
The goal, dear GOP, is to WIN IN NOVEMBER. Fact is, that takes lots of money against the Democratic machine. One candidate has it, one does not. One feeds at the political trough, one does not. One is taking the high road, and one is not.
"Halfacre passed up an opportunity to claim the crowds who came out to bash Holt as a crowd of his supporters? Wow. Something's in the wind ...."
Wow, that is really bad for Halfacre. He must be really scared of Sipp...wait, whats that you say? Halfacre had a council meeting that night, that's why he wasnt there? And he had staff handing out materials before the event, including buttons that were worn by the woman why grabbed the microphone from Holt and the guy who was on Fox and Friends this morning?
Well that explains everything.
But now he's got to worry about the devastating revelations that he appointed COAH loving Democrats to some board. That will doom his candidacy for sure.
Political reality suggests to this citizen that when there are no significant policy differences between candidates then support must be given to the one that can produce sufficient financial resources that can be successfully deployed against an entrenched foe possessing a congressional seat and a formidable campaign treasure trove.
Pragmatic conservatives must unite behind Mr. Scott Sipprelle because he is the only candidate that currently possesses deployable resources, about 250K, as opposed to Mayor Michael Halfacre, who has only conjured up 60K so far, and will need much more, especially if he survives a campaign primary. Supporting Mr. Sipprelle could also free up valuable Republican Party resources for other worthy candidates in the state, otherwise they would inevitably have to inject plenty of resources into Mayor Halfacre's campaign against Rush Holt.
In reference to Mr. Sipprelle's support for Blue Dog Democrats, it seems that some conservatives have forgotten about all those conservative Democrats that supported Ronald Reagan. The very least we can do is support other conservatives, no matter the party tag. Most of the Democrats that Mr. Sipprelle supported seem more conservative than the Republican Senators from Maine.
Political reality suggests to this citizen that when there are no significant policy differences between candidates then support must be given to the one that can produce sufficient financial resources to be successfully deployed against an entrenched foe possessing a seat in congress and a formidable campaign treasure trove. Pragmatic conservatives must unite behind Mr. Scott Sipprelle because he is the only candidate that currently possesses deployable resources, about 250K, as opposed to Mayor Michael Halfacre, who has only conjured up 60K so far, and will need much more, especially if he survives a campaign primary. Supporting Mr. Sipprelle could also free up valuable resources of the Republican Party for other worthy candidates in the state, otherwise they would inevitably have to infuse resources into Mayor Halfacre's campaign for the 12th Congressional District against Rush Holt.
In reference to Mr. Sipprelle's support for Blue Dog Democrats, it seems that some conservatives have forgotten about all those conservative Democrats that supported Ronald Reagan. The very least we can do is support other conservatives, no matter the party tag. Most of the Democrats that were supported by Mr. Sipprelle were more conservative than the Republican Senators from Maine.
Thank you, Anonymous 1/27 10:42pm, for explaining to us all that Halfacre has one set of rules for any Republican that opposes him, but another set of rules for himself. Empowered Democrats who favor COAH in Fair Haven must adore him for appointing them. It's a win/win for the Dems if he gets the nomination.
The cocky arrogance of the reply is no surprise either....Mike.
Aratus, you have my vote.
Pragmatism must rule.
We need to free up money for candidates to go against others. Pallone has....what....$4mil? We need to help the most viable candidate right now, Ms. Angelini. It's all about net gain. Sipprelle's wealth and willingness to part with it for his cause is helping others in their anticipated races. We must band together for the good of the whole. Sorry, Mike.
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