The atmosphere at the swearing in ceremony at the War Memorial in Trenton was one of both overwhelming enthusiasm for the opportunity before us and tremendous anxiety for the tasks ahead. One got the sense observing Trenton insiders that there was anxiety about the kind of governor Christie promises to be. He said nothing to relieve that anxiety. Quite the contrary. While he graciously reach outed to the legislative leadership and he did not use the words "turn Trenton upside down," he made it perfectly clear that he intends to do just that. His message to those who want to protect the status quo:
For the choice before each of us now is clear: either to work together to move our State forward, or to get out of the way of those who will.
When Christie was introduced, he was welcomed with a boisterous standing ovation that must have lasted three minutes, repeated by another after he was sworn in. He took a deep breath and let it out in an expression of relief and accomplishment as he stood next to his wife, Mary Pat, after taking the oath.
Sitting behind the governor, facing the audience, during his inaugural address was the entire legislature, former governors, supreme court justices, members of the cabinet and other dignitaries. From the balcony, for some reason I was reminded of the experience of attending the theatrical production of Equus. Certainly not because of the content of the play, but because watching the reaction of other spectators and cast members is was a compelling element to the experience of the production. Observing the reactions of those on the stage, behind the governor, was very much like that today.
Even with his back to them, Christie was captivating. Click on the picture for a clearer view. Hit back space to come back.

Captivation was not the only reaction. I wish I could remember what Christie was saying when I snapped this. Maybe Senator Rice or Senator Sweeney remembers:

Even some of the Republicans look worried. Good.

Governor Christie put it all on the line today. He said he was going to do what he said he was going to do. He said he would make a difference. He said he would return New Jersey to greatness. He said he would succeed.
We the people need to both back him up and hold him to it. Not that I think holding him to it is necessary. I don't. But from the looks on some of those faces, he is going to need our help.
As for me, I will heed the message I have heard over and over again from our citizens as I have traveled around the State in the last 11 weeks—simply put, they have told me to do what I said I would do. So let there be no doubt in this hall, or in any corner of this State: I will treat that promise to the people of our State just as solemnly as I will treat my oath of office. I will do exactly what I said I would do over the last year, no matter the obstacle or trial.
And to all of you, I ask you to build this better future with me. I ask for your help.
1 comment:
they missed the point by not doing an Inaugural parade, was a nice day to make more people who weren't able to get a freebie-in,to feel a part of it!..
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