Michael Illions' defection from the Republican party has caused a blip throughout the GOP and the blogosphere.
Illions announced that his intention is to defeat "RINOs" in general elections rather than primaries, thereby confirming that he has more disdain for moderates than he does for liberals. It also demonstrates that Michael can't count.
No one appears to be worried. Sam Thompson is relieved that he doesn't have to bang the blogger. The biggest concern I've heard is what will happen to the CWA buff elephant. Will Illions keep using the GOP mascot? Does the Conservative party have a mascot?
What should the CWA mascot be? It is too bad that the Democrats use the donkey, because instead of using a buff elephant, Michael could be represented by a tight donkey.
Make your mascot suggestions in the comments.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
6 hours ago
Well the Demcrats have already taken the ASS.
How about a Camel, They are Dumb and Nasty.
A turkey would work.
I would suggest a Gorilla but they are vegetarians and everybody knows what conservatives think about vegetarians.
Good riddance! Not because they are conservatives, I,m a conservative. Because they are terminally nasty. Thats there attitude NASTY.
Then you have the other Blog that has Dino the religion hater who gets nasty too. BAH. A pox on them all.
Their is a reason that Art is the DEAN of NJ political bloggers.
That's a huge victory for you Art. Now you only have to get rid of Rooney, and you can rule the Republican blogosphere alone! :-)
That's a huge victory for you Art. Now you only have to get rid of Rooney, and you can rule the Republican blogosphere alone! :-)
Wouldn't that be something.
"Sam Thompson is relieved that he doesn't have to bang the blogger."
I remember the genesis of that interesting word choice. Hysterical, Art.
How's about a burro?
Aren't they unable to reproduce?
lol bang good stroll down memory lane.
A Slug
now, stop, kids, we need all the help and efforts we can muster,wherever we're at, to take over from these Libs in Nov... I say, stay with the trusty elephant, and the American eagle, the best of those, and keep our eyes on victory.. carping and criticizng, nitpicking and hating keeps the Marxists in-charge, and ther goes the whole damn rest of the country..
I'm a conservative. I like Mike. I think the party has abandoned it's principles in many ways - I am most certainly disenchanted with the Monmouth County Republican Party as I see it slither backwards and act like the ghost of Harry Larrison is running the show. BUT....with the recent success of underdog candidates like Christie and Brown, now is hardly the time to abandon ship. Michael is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Tea party folks and conservatives are looking for someone to rally behind in the party. Silly to quit when you actually have a chance. Too bad the Mets logo is protected - it would be perfect
The symbol of the New York State Conservative Party (a patronage based organization that cross endorses Dems and reps, based upon who will give them more jobs) uses the torch as their logo. I do not know if is the same for the essentially nonexistent New Jersey conservative Party but my suggestion would be a bee. They may sting you once but then they fall to the ground, die and never bother you again.
Seriously though, any conservative who is sincere about their positions on the issues, underestands that in our two party system, third parties have a dismal record and no longevity.
This is something that Tea Party protesters who, have finally found a sense of civic responsibility, must realize and if the do, they will try to change things from the inside, not the outside. That means they will try to influence the G.O.P. by running for municipal committmen and electing municipal chairmen as well as county and state chairs.
Otherwise, they are simply insuring the elections of Democrats who are not open to their message and counterproductive to their goals.
"How's about a burro?
Aren't they unable to reproduce?"
No a burro is like a Donkey.
A mule is a cross between a donkey and a horse and Mules can not reproduce.
Well, then thar you go....a mule.
It's pokey, but used extensively by the powers-that-be, and can never lead the pack or increase its numbers by itself.
How long before there are no Republicans left in the Republican party. Gotta love all the RINOs here dancing with joy.
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