One day into the new Freeholder poll and participation has surpassed that of last week's seven day poll.
Christine Hanlon is kicking butt with 31%. The Toms, Arnone and Wilkens, are neck and neck for #2 with 21% each.
I'm surprised Grace Cangemi has only 16%. The commenters touting her were so passionate in the "Someone Else" threads. They better get busy. There are definitely campaigns being waged.
Joe DiBella has faded and Barbara Ruane's passionate friend needs to get on the phone.
CD 6 Congressional candidate Anna Little picked up one vote for Freeholder since this morning.
The CD 6 poll is interesting. Mary Pat Angelini has surged to the top with 60% of the vote. Yesterday PolitickerNJ reported that Diane Gooch was preparing to announce and that Angelini would not run. Little's entry into the race may have changed the dynamics. Little has 23% of the vote, Gooch only 10% and Bill Barham 6%.
Biden Wanted to Save Assad
12 hours ago
Running Gooch is a mistake. Angelini is the candidate.
Angelini also voted to limit my Second Amendment rights. Screw her.
One Gun A Month Bill Passed in New Jersey
Bottom Line: You donate $$$ you get the party line.
Stop complaining about rich people. We pay your welfare and unemployment. We donate to your silly charities. We pay your share of taxes. We pay for your health care. We pay for your government milk and cheese. Let us run for office and have a little fun. Being rich is boring. Give us a break.
Looks like James is mad because someone tried to take away his doobies.
Is that Sharpe James? I didn't think they had Internet access in jail.
Pot smoking AND gun toting? Good thing the gun bill passed!
Anyone with a history of being tied to past corruption and arrogance, if they care about the party, should get out of the way.
Anyone of these have a godfather that was indicted?
Ahhh it starts already.
The innuendo the veiled threats.
Listen up punk if you have something to say negative about one of the candidates just come out and say it. I don't care if you want to stay anonymous. just lay your cards on the table.
Most of us know who you are talking about and quite frankly they would not get my vote
However none of us no matter who we support should tolerate this type of politics.
If you want to make an allegation make it loud and clear and show your evidence.
Quite frankly I don't believe in holding people responsible for the sins of their parents or for that matter God Parents children or spouses. I only hold people responsible for their own actions.
Art, granted these polls are fun but they do not have a lot of practical value. Its pretty easy to vote for your candidate more then once. I know.
Art, granted these polls are fun but they do not have a lot of practical value. Its pretty easy to vote for your candidate more then once. I know.
There is no practical value to these polls at all. They are purely for entertainment purposes and to generate interest in the real race.
Only Adam Puharic believes in the veracity on online polls.
As an Ocean Township resident and President of the OTGOP Club, I take a small measure of pride in the fact that the two leaders in Art's very unscientific poll are from our town despite some sniping comments and/or flat out insults.
And, no, I did not vote more than once.
I think there are cases to be made for and against all of the listed names in Art's poll, which is why Art started it in the first place.
I think those cases can be made without personal attacks or name calling.
But if you can't rise above such pettiness, in the words of Art Gallagher: Good For You.
I think Gooch and angelini should both primary. A race between 3 women would be interesting.
we seem to all agree a woman can take Pallone down this year..tough to beat the bucks..
One candidate is getting a lot of attention...
Anna Little is the only candidate with a reasonable chance.
Tom Wilkens: Olympic Bronze medal winner in swimming. World Class swimmer. Graduated from CBA and Stanford University with degree in Political Science. Former Councilman in Middletown. Anyone have any more background on Tom ? Seems like he has a pretty impressive so far. Would love to know more about him ?
"Joe DiBella has faded"??? Gotta wonder why?...haha...have you seen the incriminating tapes and e-mail posted as a 'sticky' on ya gotta be a fool to vote for him.
You gotta love the democrats in Howell. They post a tape of a lunatic reporter who is berating DiBella him over the phone about a trumped up story inwhich the reporter was personally involved and received confidential information illegally. Just politics. They are just mad because DiBella beat the snot out of the democrats in Howell for years and the reporter in question had to be removed from covering Howell because she was found to be in conflict. Good try Morlino. Maybe you should muzzle yourself next time. Maybe better yet you'll be D'Amico's running mate so we can be assured a victory in November!
repeat: would be happy with either of the "Toms" with Clifton, this year..
I thought Art had "written off" Barham weeks ago. There have been recent APP discussions of Barham voting to give taxpayer funds to his business partner while a freeholder, without any explanation or denial. That would knock him out before he finds some excuse to withdrawal his name.
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