Second major New Jersey Tea Party endorsement for Halfacre
12th District Republican congressional candidate Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre announced today that he has received the support of the North New Jersey Tea Party, the second major New Jersey Tea Party in four days to announce its support of Halfacre’s candidacy.
“I am honored to accept the support of the North New Jersey Tea Party,” said Halfacre. “The men and women of the Tea Party movement are part of a new Great Awakening in our country; they are the soldiers who are leading the fight for a return to traditional American values of individual liberty, a strong national defense and limited government. I have spent the better part of a year meeting with the residents of the 12th Congressional District and voicing my support for these principles and will continue to get my message out with the help of people like the members of the North New Jersey Tea Party.
Halfacre accepted the endorsement of the NJ Tea Party (formerly the NJ Tea Party Council) on Friday.
Mark Kalinowski, founder of the North New Jersey Tea Party Group, noted "we asked our members to identify a good candidate within New Jersey's 12th congressional district and several members made favorable comments about Mike Halfacre and his candidacy. Tellingly, none of our over 2,500 members suggested any other candidate for that race. Our group is pleased that Mike understands that individual rights are inalienable and that, as part of this, redistribution of wealth is morally wrong. We enthusiastically support the candidacy of Mike Halfacre."
The North New Jersey Tea Party has the largest Facebook presence of any NJ Tea Party with over 2,500 members.
They can be reached at
California Takes on the Insurance Industry
17 hours ago
Of course no one brought up any other candidate....the filing deadline is two months away! All candidates may not even have filed yet, but they are ignoring that reality.
I really am shocked by these endorsements, and terribly disappointed in the group. Don't they see how they are being exploited? It discounts the Tea Party movement's credibility, sensibilities and independence. Very sad.
And very unfair.
Another group of losers who are self-proclaimed tea party leaders. What a joke. How could they support Halface with this record?
DESCRIBES HIMSELF AS PRO-CHOICE: “Halfacre described himself as ‘pro choice’ on the abortion question ‘with restrictions.’ He thinks parental notification is important and wants ‘restricted’ embryonic research. ‘It's the Libertarian in me,’ he explained of his boiled down pro-choice views.” See:, July 7, 2009
WEAK ON NATIONAL SECURITY: “Regarding Holt's vote against authorizing then-President George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq, Halfacre said, ‘Let's not worry about one vote he may have gotten right. It’s all the votes in a ten-year career that he has gotten wrong.’” See:, July 7, 2009
ADVOCATED FOR HOMOSEXUAL BOY SCOUT LEADERS: Even after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the liberal New Jersey Supreme Court decision requiring that the Boy Scouts accept gay scout leaders “Halfacre said the underlying question remains unanswered: ‘The issue is do public facilities have to support a private club's discriminatory membership practices by allowing the organization to use their facilities?’ ‘The (school boards) announcement is a great step forward for the Boy Scouts, but is a step backward for people who want to put pressure on the Boy Scouts to stop discriminating.’” See: Asbury Park Press, February 21, 2001.
another example of why all the various tea party people need to acknowledge they have much to learn about the ins and outs of government and the electoral process, and need to work within our system, so that the changes and improvements they seek are accomplished through a thorough vetting and informed, thoughtful elective process..
I'm sorry to see this after attending a Tea Party Meeting this evening it is evident that Sipprelle is the better candidate. We need people with experience in a business background who can debate the issues with clarity and not just spew I am for this or that. Knowing the overall cause and effect of the TARP and other historical bills along with the elements facing our state is important. Scott Sipprelle portrays the image of determination and resolve that would make NJ proud to support. I applaud Halfacre for running a small town but the real problem we have is that there are not enough highly experienced and qualified people who have run businesses to return to when their term ends and have an afterlife from Congress.
Since you brought up the abortions issue, Sipprelle was asked today in front of 100 people what's his position on abortion. He said he just wants to reduce their number. "Less" abortions, is in no way a pro life position. Btw, Obama also said he's for a decreasing number of abortions.
yeah, and as usual, that's another blatant lie from this pres... what is foremost in my memory is when he said during the campaign, when asked if it happened to one of his daughters, he said to the effect that: do you think I'd want her to be "stuck with a baby"???.. that says it all for me!
Both Halfacre and Sipperelle are fiscal conservatives but social liberals. This is not an attack on their character merely a statement of fact. If you agree with them or are a fiscal conservative who simply does not care about about "social issues' then you should vote for one of them.
I am (like the greatest leader we ever had ,R. Reagan) both fiscally conservative and socially conservative. I therefore intend to cast my ballot for Corsi. His overall philosophy is closest to my own.
I may be wrong but it appears as if Halfacre and Sipperelle are trying to avoid discussing the social issues and possibly obfuscating their stand on these issues.
I would have more respect for them if they clearly said "Here is where I stand on these issues"
Now lets talk about the issues I am running on.
I agree with you that less is not definitive enough.
Since you were at the meeting which candidate deserves my vote?
I consider myself to be pro life.
Anon 1045: Let's see... We have a pro-choice Wall St guy with no political experience, who plans to withdraw all troops because the ROI is not justified, and with enough money to buy a seat and even to donate to Democrats. Also, a pro-choice lawyer with some political experience, who plans to keep fighting our enemies and who must raise the money from the grassroots, and who could only afford to donate to Republicans.
I see a few differences:
- national defense; there's only one of the two who was strong on this subject;
- contributions: conservatives are not supposed to donate anything to Democrats; doesn't matter how much they donate to Republicans, that's pretty much a given
- I'm wary of people who pay for their races, because that makes them responsible to no one; it's better to be on the "people"'s payroll, and to have to answer to them when it's time for re-election
- background: hahaha, I'm not extremely fond of either Wall St guys or lawyers, but as a capitalist I'm slightly biased towards Wall St
So, Halfacre gets 3 points, Sippy gets 0.5.
You call this statement below by Halfacre strong on national defense? Also, in relation to experience, I would pick a director of morgan stanley any day over the podunk mayor of a little town with no political competition. Halfacre has $40k in bank, Holt has $600k and Sipprelle putting up $1 million. You do the math as to who can beat Holt.
WEAK ON NATIONAL SECURITY: “Regarding Holt's vote against authorizing then-President George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq, Halfacre said, ‘Let's not worry about one vote he may have gotten right. It’s all the votes in a ten-year career that he has gotten wrong.’” See:, July 7, 2009 (
What?!? He said Holt voted correctly???
That seals my deal on who to vote for. What a RINO Halfacre is. his actions speak louder than his words. Right now he is only telling people what they want to hear, and the naive Tea People drank the Kool-aid hook, line and sinker. I hear he also dissed Palin too. Wonder how the Tea People feel about THAT!
Who is this Chris clown? Some guy is a mayor of a town a few blocks long and that makes him experienced to be a Congressman? Talk about reaching. Also I have lost a lot of respect for the tea party movement. They should not be endorsing candidates for primaries, that type of corrupt backroom dealing is what made the Republican party in NJ a joke. Don't repeat the same mistake. Let's have open primaries with the voters deciding not some party bosses
You'd be surprised at how many conservatives are unhappy with the decision to go to war in Iraq. That's what Halfacre was talking about. And I think all of us think that once we got in there, we can't just cut and run before we finish the job. Even Obama is thinking twice about that. But Sippy said it outright that the war is not profitable and he'd just surrender and pull out.
And btw, it's getting boring to see here all over again the same postings copied from the emails that Sippy's minions in Monmouth Co are circulating. Try to be more original next time.
So somehow living in a mansion in Princeton makes you more qualified for Congress than being a Mayor?
And before you talk about open primaries and backroom deals, you should speak to the establishment power brokers who received nice checks from Sipprelle and sent their people to support him at the tea party gathering yesterday - some of them who didn't even know what tea party means before.
Ask my anonymous Sippyfan friend here, since he's been sending talking points emails over the past few days. Sippy is applying in this district the vote-buying tactics that Pelosi and Reid are using in Congress.
Also, let's not make it personal, this is just about primary candidates.
It's OK to be an advocate for Halfacre but you have to STOP THE LYING. It demeans you, it demeans Halfacre and it demeans the process that people are going through to choose a candidate.
I was at the tea party meeting last night and thought it was a great event. It was well attended and the candidates had done their homework but so had the audience. The questions were good and wide ranging.
Halfacre presented with energy and enthusiasm but your guy is clearly a lawyer who has decided on politics as a career path. Sipprelle said, and I thought much of the audience agreed (which you'll admit if you are honest), that professional politicians ARE THE PROBLEM. Sipprelle said he wanted to use his financial experience, of which he has much and Halfacre has little, to help solve the county's financial problems. Sipprelle said he would serve no more than three terms and then return to private life. The contrast between someone who wants to serve as an experienced citizen/legislator and someone who wants to have a public paycheck and pension for the rest of his life could not have been more stark.
Sipprelle was also vastly more knowledgeable than Halfacre on the other topics folks asked about. Sipprelle had substance and your guy,Halfacre had mostly soundbites.
Your scurrilous lie that Sipprelle said "the war is not profitable so he'd pull out" is a COMPLETE FALSEHOOD. I emphasize it to show other readers how misleading and unreliable most of your blog posts are.
Clearly, you know your candidate, Halfacre came off second best last night so THE LIES are your way of compensating. In the short term you may think that helps, but I think it does the people of the district and your candidate a real disservice in the long run.
Just curious....who was the municipal prosecutor for Little Silver who gave the former Fair Haven fire chief in this story a "baby DWI" in 2002? What is a "baby DWI", anyway?
Anonymous are SO RIGHT! Professional politicians ARE the problem, regardless of party. And we know Halfacre ran and was elected to his school board, but left before his term was up and then was named as their attorney. Then he got himself also elected to his borough council, but quit before his term was up there only to be appointed as their municipal prosecutor. Every political position he has had is only a stepping stone to the next, and he always quits the elected non-paying ones to move on .....probably because he couldn't get re-elected. When faced with a tough decision last year, he FLIPPED A COIN! I'll take a self-funding, selfless businessman with a proven track record of success in business and self-imposed term limitations to a coin-flipping political opportunist any day.
"Your scurrilous lie that Sipprelle said "the war is not profitable so he'd pull out" is a COMPLETE FALSEHOOD."
I didn't put the quotation marks around it. He said he would pull out the troops because it costs one million dollar/soldier (he didn't specify over what period) and the total cost adds too much to the deficit. I have a recording of this, I'll post a link once it's on YouTube.
I really love it when people who tell me I lie about something would point out to evidence to the contrary.
Please don't engage this Chris guy, he obviously has an agenda. Good point by all the folks that career politicians are the last thing we need more of. Most of the anti Sipp stuff I see here is typical party machine trying to stop the outsider from upsetting the power broker system they have set up for themselves.
You can't be that thick can you? The quotation marks refer to your post five blogs up.
Glad to see that you retain some sense of shame by retracting your initial statement. Maybe there is some hope for you.
Scurrilous I tell ya!
Wow, we now have actual Sipprelles posting here. Sweet.
Whooa boy. You'd better sit down lad. You've spun so much you're getting dizzy....
Sippy's getting snippy. Now he/ his people are lying. Looking at his resume, it appears Halfacre gave up a PAID job as school board attorney to be Mayor, for which he is paid....nothing. It isn't clear to me how someone is a "professional politician" when he has never received a dime for any elected position.
But then again, this is a guy selling himself as a Wall Street reformer, while calling himself a Wall Street Insider while flogging his book. A guy calling himself a Republican while supporting Democrats. A guy from an exclusive background of boarding schools and hedge funds saying he is middle class.
"Looking at his resume, it appears Halfacre gave up a PAID job as school board attorney to be Mayor, for which he is paid....nothing. It isn't clear to me how someone is a "professional politician" when he has never received a dime for any elected position."
Looking at the law, Halfacre HAD to give up that school board attorney position if he became Mayor; he had no choice. But he had no trouble serving as BOTH Fair Haven's prosecutor and school board attorney simultaneously for years. As to his implied sacrifice in taking no stipend to be Mayor, savvy voters are a little smarter than to believe that. Ever hear the term "rainmaking"? I wonder how much 'business' Halfacre took on in both his law firm and in obtaining other paid political positions like prosecutor in other towns by some of the appointments he made to please his "old boys' network" using his mayoral authority. And all to get to this point .... where he THINKS he is qualified to run for a seat that pays over $100k (and would really enhance that pension), while he couldn't even get a mandate running against a piano-playing unfunded Independent in the only contested race he ever had. The guy has never run against a funded Democrat, and quits every office he has ever had before his term is up.
To provide some clarity for you, THAT'S a professional politician. Not favorable to win a seat in CD-12.
The spin stops here.
peace, love joy, hope,..and change!..
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