CD 12 candidate Scott Sipprelle is exhibiting a disturbing reluctance to answer tough questions and engage with his opponents. As we are about to enter the county convention/screening season where “the line” will be awarded for the June primary, Sipprelle is playing it safe. He is avoiding unscripted appearances and has performed poorly in the few Q & A’s that he has allowed.
Matt Rooney of Save Jersey and I invited Sipprelle and his prime opponent Mike Halfacre to participate in a debate shortly after Sipprelle entered the race in January. Both candidates agreed. At my behest we held off scheduling the debate when I heard that another candidate or two would enter the race. Last week we offered the candidates, including David Corsi, a choice of two dates. All accepted. Sipprelle, through his campaign consultant Chris Russell, canceled within 24 hours of accepting, citing a scheduling conflict. Sipprelle declined to reschedule until after the convention/screening season.
Sipprelle also declined a one on one interview with me. Last year Chris Christie and Steve Lonegan both used interviews on this blog and Save Jersey during the primary season to get their message out.
It is not just the blogs that Sipprelle is avoiding. Werner Graf, a Hopewell Valley Republican who ran for Assembly last year, attempted to put a debate together with the participation of the League of Women Voters. Sipprelle is unavailable for the entire month of March. Halfacre and Corsi were willing to adjust their schedules to participate in March.
Sipprelle employed the same delaying then canceling tactics with the Tea Party groups, who threw their support to Halfacre in part out of their frustration with getting Sipprelle to talk to them.
Sipprelle is clearly employing a “running out the clock” strategy for the convention/screening season. He’s avoiding potential gaffes or embarrassing moments, counting on the fact that his money will win him the party lines and the built in edge that comes with those ballot positions in a primary.
Maybe this will prove to be a winning strategy and an example of Sipprelle’s political prowess. Maybe not. Sipprelle’s money is huge advantage. But is it enough? Do Republicans really know who the guy is and how he will perform on the campaign trail? Is he quick on his feet and personable? Are his positions his own or those of a consultant? Can he take a rhetorical punch? If he is afraid to be grilled by Matt Rooney, Art Gallagher, or the League of Women Voters, how will he handle Rush Holt?
It seems to me that Sipprelle could “knock out” Halfacre with a respectable showing in a debate or even a tough interview. Yet a confident Halfacre is still standing and seems to be holding most of his support.
If Halfacre had Sipprelle’s money would Sipprelle even be in this race? If I were part of the Halfacre camp, which I am not, I would be looking to raise enough money before the conventions start to knock Sipprelle out. Because it seems to me that all Sipprelle has going for him is money. Money is important, but it is not going to be enough to beat Rush Holt.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
11 hours ago
Can't wait to hear the excuses start piling up from the Sipprelle kool-aid drinkers.
All those poor,naive Tea Party people were befuddled by Halfacre's Art has fallen for it too.
How is it that these peasants cannot recognize the greatness of Scott Sipprelle? He's wealthy and he's going to spend money in the race...what other questions does he really need to answer?
Didn't Halfass already claim to have the nomination when interviewed at the CPAC convention? Mike clearly doesn't think the voters matter, so more probably your spewing your usual crap Art and it's Halfass who doesn't want to debate.
This explains very well the tea party endorsements. Sipprelle canceled one important meeting 48 hours in advance, after having been scheduled a month before, and said that he's busy for the next 2 months. So his people shouldn't start attacking the tea parties that they don't see Sipprelle's awesomeness, as long as he really doesn't want their support.
Halfacre's road to congress will be as long a Anna Little's. Hope they enjoy the tea baggers while they last.
Has he turned down the Asbury Park Press, or other recognized newspapers? Now THAT would be a story. (Sorry, Art....and Matt.)
The League of Women Voters aren't at all fair moderators from what I've witnessed. Is there another reputable group who could moderate?
So I don't find this to be a story yet at all.
Has he turned down the Asbury Park Press, or other recognized newspapers? Now THAT would be a story. (Sorry, Art....and Matt.)
No offense taken, at least not by me (Matt's been a little sensitive lately with the Twitter guy thing and all)
When has the APP ever gotten involved in a pre-convention contest? I don't even recall them giving congressional primaries indepth coverage.
Not to pump us up, but for the audience that will vote in conventions and screenings, this blog and Save Jersey are better read than the APP and the other newspapers that cover the district. That is why the campaigns send us their press releases.
Is there another reputable group who could moderate?
Name one. I'll go back to blogging anonymously if Sipprelle shows up.
I was undecided until I saw Mike's reported arrogance so clearly in bloom in that CPAC interview, but i still think I can be objective. Art, let's be honest. Regular readers know that both you and Matt are pretty clearly biased in favor of Mike. So assuming Siprelle really has avoided interacting with you, isn't that a good thing to do? Better to take his message, unfiltered, directly to the voters as he's doing (I've seen him once already). That's my thought anyway...
Regular readers know that both you and Matt are pretty clearly biased in favor of Mike.
So assuming Siprelle really has avoided interacting with you, isn't that a good thing to do?
Is it? I'm willing to be won over. Heck, I want to be won over. Sipprelle is untested. Nominating him without a test is very risky, because we can win this year.
I would go into a debate or an interview with the intention of knocking him out, tripping him up and embarassing him. If he could handle it, I would endorse him and suggest that Halfacre run for something else.
As tough as I would be, I would be cake compared to what he'll face in the fall with the DNC and the mainstream media against him.
Nominating Halfacre without a good fund raising showing on his part is very risky too. He needs to step it up. I written that and told him so.
Yes, Mike and I are friends, that is no secret to regular and long time readers. He used to write here regularly.
Yet, I've been as sceptical of his campaign since Sipprelle got in the race as I have of Scott's. They both need to show me. I've made that pretty clear out front and I've given both sides free reign in the comments.
Halfacre's camp has been convinced that Rooney is for Sipprelle.
Matt is probably more objective than I am. I admit to having to work at it.
But really, the Mercer County League of Women voters is going to be biased towards Halfacre? I don't think so.
How about we let Joe Oxley moderate the debate?
That aside, I agree that Halfacre has major fundraising issues and...let's face it....the best message is no message if it can't be heard. But he has huge problems other than that. For one, he is arrogant and resorts to sarcasm when under tough questioning. No one likes a smartass, Art. He simply loses his cool. In addition, there are many females who harbor a terrific resentment to this man for some reason...and that is problematic. The Dems will eat him alive in short order....and it won't be pretty.
Sipprelle the Silent is playing it smart, if not coy. Gotta hand it to the guy....he's got the fundraising solved, no political baggage, and a hero's reputation in taking down the unethical at Morgan Stanley. If his worst crime is donating a comparable few bucks to a few Dems, how are the Dems gonna use that against him in the general? He's likable, smart, and owes no one any political favors. I see a winner for sure...and Holt's worst Sipprelle.
This discussion is important.Why.Should not the county committee,duly elected representatives of the party ,be the ones who wrestle with the issues placed in this blog.No,we have the intelligentsia think for the workers.How can we ask folks to work for this party,then tell them they are irrelevant at convention time?All the candidates are credible.Let the ones who do the day to day work make the choice.
flip a coin
Dissed our last republican congressman. Just lost my vote
I'm not in CD12 but I'll offer my $0.02, again, as if they are worth anything at all.
From what I understand, Halfacre can surely be considered a "seasoned politician", take that a positive or negative depending on your philosophy. Sipprelle seems to fall into the "wealthy Wall St. businessman who wants to try his luck in politics", again take that as positive or negative depending on your philosophy.
So *IF* you agree with that distinction, then why, or really how, would a guy like Sipprelle engage in a debate with a guy like Halfacre? Surely Halfacre has mastered the soundbite, the catch-phrase, the buzz words, etc and he should "sound" better in a debate, or even "read" better in a response. This is exactly what Pallone and Holt have done over the years - master the sound-bite and talking points, and if anyone who wasn't just another seasoned politician tried to debate them, Pallone and/or Holt would just hit them with the typical sound-bites and then berate them for being unable to respond with sound-bites of their own, they would latch on to a pause in a statement and harp on it or pick apart some insignificant clip of speech or statement as an example of how terrible the other guy is.
Again, I think it could be a positive or a negative that a candidate can speak in sound-bites, but I think the expectation is that Sipprelle would gaffe in a debate while Halfacre would hit all of the right keys. In the humble opinion of this averagenoone, a gaffe doesn't indicate incompetence or a lack of knowledge on the issues, or an inability to accurately represent the people, it just means that you haven't mastered speaking in sound-bites, which again, I think, can be viewed as a positive or a negative.
..., all just my $0.02, adjust for inflation and send me a bill if needed.
Art is right that Sipprelle should be prepared to face the DNC machine if he gets the nomination. His main strength in the primaries (Wall St past, savvy investments) will become his main liability. You all know how the left is demonizing Wall St and anybody who'd make money in the financial industry. The average voter is easily influenced by the media and all polls show a big distrust in Wall St, and a resentment to anybody who makes too much money.
I love it when reports get huffy when politicians don't agree to let them control the process. Seeing webmasters now getting the same attitude is entertaining as well. In the end politicians answer to the people, not the media or those who want to pretend they are entitled to demand debates. Kudos for Sipp refusing to let self appointed pundits decide the process.
Obviously few here know Sipprelle's story. If they did, they know that it will be very hard to label him on the wall street thing as he took on wall street for its bad behavior. People need to do their homework. I met Sipprelle at lincoln day and he is not an arrogant wall streeter at all as has been protrayed by the halfacre camp. Sipprelle is very down to earth, I could even believe he has all the money and resume he has. Wonder how he made it on wall street seemingly having such a level head.
Pity the poor bitter bloggers, so deeply under the covers with Halfacre that Sipprelle won't submit to their twisted and biased reporting. That is why you guys are bloggers and not journalists.
James you are right in what you say but the truth of the matter is very few people see debates and they have no impact on the outcomes of elections.Three things win elections.
Face time with voters, Media and ideas.
This is an excellent discussion. Thank you all.
Isn't it interesting that some here insist that voters detest pulling the lever for someone with money, simply because they have it? I don't believe the voting public is that shallow at all. Reagan had money, and fame, and folks loved him. Although he lost for a variety of other reasons, Doug Forrester also had money ... and you didn't hear his primary opponents demonizing him for his wealth. Christie Whitman, Tom Kean, Steve Forbes .... all from wealthy families....and Tom Kean Sr. was just voted the most popular NJ Governor of all time in a recent poll. So the whole 'wealth as a curse' mantra just doesn't wash. Furthermore, everyone should read more about how Sipprelle got that wealth... and how he risked it all to fight for what he knew was ethical and right against the Morgan Stanley 'machine'.
Jealousy and envy are what are at play here on this matter. I don't blame Sipprelle one bit for not debating anyone at this stage of the game. The voters can read and listen an discern for themselves ...and they can also smell dirty political maneuvers by savvy politicians.
"Can't wait to hear the excuses start piling up from the Sipprelle kool-aid drinkers."
Man are they piling up!
Lets see if we can keep track of them all:
1)The League of Women Voters are biased.
2)Art is biased
3)Matt from Save Jersey is biased
4)By avoiding tough questions, Scott Sipprelle is not helping Halfacre paint him as Rush Holt lite and reinforcing the sterotype of himself as an arrogant rich guy-no, he's actually being smart!
5)Mike Halfacre is arrogant because he didnt have the courtesy to mention Sipprelle in an interview at CPAC.
6) "Avoiding the filter of the media", now includes avoiding REPUBLICAN BLOGGERS WHO ARE PREDISPOSED TO AGREE WITH YOU.
7)Sipprelle started out talking about his money, and his primary appeal is his money...yet anyone not inclined to vote for him because it seems like thats pretty much all he has going for him is jealous.
8) It's not Sipprelle's fault he can't debate Halfacre right now, he just got in the race (over a month ago)and doesnt know the issues well enough yet.
Add this to the excuses to why Sipprelle hasnt been able to peel away chunks of Halfacre's support among elected officials and municipal chairmen, and the excuses for Halfacre's Tea Party endorsements and pretty soon it sounds like that scene in the Blues Brothers- "Honest... I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD. "
Hey sipp's koolaid is better then whatever you must be drinking. Remember if Sipp doesn't get the nod he is still rich and carefree. If you party hacks don't get the nod you may be out of work and may have to (lord forbid) work for a living and stop being a parasite on the butt of the taxpayer. "I'm just saying"
Just compare their work experience, and knowledge and how it would relate to being a Congressman. Sipprelle has impressive business & economic experience and I would rather his experience working for me in Washington versus Mike Halfacre's experience as a Mayor of town of 6,000. Sorry, but Mike doesn’t have enough experience, I am not knocking him, but I'm being realistic. It's not about the money, it's about who can bring the MOST knowledge, fresh reasoning & experience with him to make the biggest difference in Congress for the people. Sipprelle can.
Man oh Man this is getting old. I can't wait for peimary day.
C'mon Art. It's clear that you are shilling for Halfacre in this election. You are not an unbiased observer who simply wants to inform the public. Why should Sipprelle give you the time of day when it is clear that your intent is to try to derail his campaign and help out your buddy Halfacre?
Listen, the truth is most people supported Halfacre initially because there was no one else in the race. Now he has competition. As republicans we dont need to tear down Sipprelle to build up Halfacre.
I heard Sipprelle wasnt reallly a republican and was a rich snot.So I did a little research. Turns out these were lies.
he is from a middle class family, went to local college interned for rep assembly when young. also dad is a municipal chair. (guess that rino claim likely not true)
so he made it big, is that something to bash, or what we as repub hold as an american right.
instead of tearing down our candidates and giving holt ammuntion for general election. lets get all of our facts together.
many elected officials who openly supported halfacre wish they could change their tune now.
"many elected officials who openly supported halfacre wish they could change their tune now."
How do you know this? That's quite an assertion.
"many elected officials who openly supported halfacre wish they could change their tune now."
How do you know this? That's quite an assertion.
Not only is it quite an assertion, it is an insult the "many elected officials" who openly support halfacre.
Can you really insult an elected official? I mean really, most of them are total clowns that do not keep 95% of their campaign promises.
The Sipprelle fans are funny. First, he dismisses tea party groups and they whine that the tea parties didn't endorse him. Then he dismisses Art, and his people start bashing Art.
Dear Confused: Nobody is dissing Art or the so called "leaders" of the tea party groups. All anyone says is self appointed people who want to demand debates and give there blessing to candidates should not be upset when a candidate doesn't care to seek their approval. The fact that many of us are impressed by Sipprelle's rejection of the party machine and pundits should not be a surprise to anyone but the lackeys of the party machines.
So now Sipprelle is rejecting the party machine? Just asking... Because a few posts ago, he was a county committeeman and one of his parents was municipal chairman.
go, CD 12 folks.. whoever gets this nod, it's interesting to see such passion for both the major candidates this early: or are we all just too damn bogged down in "Obamaism" and the ridiculous weather?..where's the passion in CD6?..or, are they all too bogged down in "Palloneville" and the ridiculous weather, to care??
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