Twelve hours into the MoreMonmouthMusings poll, "Who would be the best running mate for Rob Clifton this year?," "Someone Else" is leading the poll, followed closely by Holmdel Mayor Serena DiMaso.
For those first time readers who might not know what this poll is about, Rob Clifton is a Monmouth County Freeholder seeking his third term this fall. The Monmouth GOP must select a running mate for Clifton as the other Freeholder seat up this year is currently held by Democrat John D'Amico.
D'Amico is expected to run on a platform that includes changing the name of the county board from "Freeholders" to "Commissioners" and to reopen the Youth Detention Center. Of course, it is entirely possible that he will flip those positions.
Candidates included in the poll are, Thomas Arnone, the Mayor of Neptune City, Joe DiBella, the former Mayor of Howell, Serena DiMaso, the Mayor of Holmdel, Anna Little a former Freeholder and the Mayor of Highlands, Gary Rich, a Spring Lake Councilman who has declared his candidacy, Kim Spatolo, a former Atlantic Highlands Councilwoman, and Tom Wilkens, a former Middletown Committee member.
Who is "Someone Else?"
Please name your someone elses or make a case for a candidate named in the poll in the comments.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
18 hours ago
How many computers does Joe Dibella have? Looks like he voted for himself 9 times already.
Interesting that there are 10 votes for "someone else" ... yet none of these voters have given you another name.
Is Serena considering a run?
I voted for Arnone but I could live with a couple of people on the list.
Christine Hanlon would be best if she would do it, then Wilkens.
It will be interesting to see who will seek the GOP nod ... and who they will give the nod to. Will there be a convention / primary?
Not sure how DiBella would be received. Even though I like him, he has failed to even pick up the GOP nod in the past ... and was not too popular as mayor. Don't know if he is the type of candidate that will excite the party.
As for the rest, all come from very small towns except for Wilkens. If you took the populations of the towns of DiMaso, Little, Spatolo, Arnone, & Rich ... together they combine to be only half of the Middletown's population. Wilkens should be given a serious look.
Also, the BIG questions is who does Clifton & Golden want to run with? Anyone know? Clifton may not want to run with Little (did they get along when they were on the board together?). Don't know what they think of Dibella and DiMaso.
Art Gallagher
Tom Wilkens, the bronze medal winner from the 2000 Sydney Olympics? I'd vote for him.
Not Wilkens, weak & timid but a nice person. Will not pull it out. He'd be better running for Township Committee again, scrap Hall AKA the snake!
Best candidates they could run, any of them could win :::
- Middletown Township Committeewoman Pam Brightbill
- Red Bank Mayor Pasquale Menna (yes a Dem but would probably run as a Rep)
- Former Freeholder Barbara McMorrow (if they could convince her)
- Freeholder John D'Amico (who knows he may flip after voting for Carton)
- Colts Neck Deputy Mayor James Schatzle
- Matawan Councilman Tom Fitzsimmons
- Former Bradley Beach Mayor Steve Shuler (he supports Reps more often than Dems)
- Former Oceanport Mayor Gorden Gemma (he supports Reps more often than Dems)
- Higlands Mayor Anna Little (would be a guaranteed winner)
- Matawan Councilwoman Toni Angelini
- Holmdel Mayor Serena DiMaso
- One of the new Republicans from Freehold Boro
- Hazlet's new GOP Mayor
- Former Red Bank Councilwoman Grace Cangemi
Hanlon's a community organizer. Gee, second thought, that did work for someone else recently.
Tom Hall a snake. I do not live in Middletown but I know Tom.
he has more integrity then any other elected official past or present in Middletown.
halls a piece of scum, I'm a Republican and I certainly didn't vote for Pat Short last year but I wanted to vomit after Hall attacked Pat Short for not reciting the pledge of allegiance.
I didn't vote for Short because I didn't agree with his politics but he is a war hero who has served his country for years and I respect any veteran despite party. Tom Hall hasn't done crap for his country. I liked what he did in office but lost all respect for him when he attacked a veteran. He is a snake in my book.
Don't diminish the service of combat veterans by calling a guy who never saw battle a "war hero." In fact, his pathological lying and disgraceful conduct in office is an affront to the uniform.
Arnone, 1st choice,great guy, real person, not a phony egomaniac- Neptune City's small, but he's well-liked all over the shore, and could cut into the mess of Neptune for us; Wilkens, almost too perfect, and what an adorable wife, too!..(still want Pam Brightbill to go against Mallet next year, being from Middletown,and she'll take her out);DiBella has come a long way with the speaking, but may be too passe';Little still has too many enemies; Serena'd be a solid candidate,has a base with Holmdel, and some name ID; Spatola's good for the young professionals, but is quiet and has no base; Rich,nice,but isn't going anywhere; and,NO to ANY Dem's or recycled Dems!!;and, please, we've had enough of "Hanlon for Everything"!...I think Rob can get along with anyone on his ticket, but we sure should ask him..
here's one : Councilwoman Barbara Ruane, from West Long Branch, young,very attractive, smart, and electable: WLB does a great job holding for the Mayor, Janet Tucci, was asked more than once, but preferred to hold her town and does, let's talk to Barbara..quite sure the chair wants a woman on the county ticket this year, let's get them all to meet folks, and hear what they think, and could bring to the table..BTW, Affiliated Club plans a county candidates' night on March 26th, which happens to be the night before the there, folks!..
Art, thanks for the biggest laugh in a while: the "Kyrillos-es" poll was a stitch!! wonder Joe's a waiting for a good job.. that'd be cool as heck,Pallone'd weep for years!..
Pamela NOT-SO Brightbill, heck no.
Wiltkins no. Hall is a snake, I also believe. Anna Little, yes.
gosh, 8:10, hope you don't live in Middletown! for Brightbill,who does not have to be a genius, she's the best to take out Mallet, who HAS to go next year..
Christine Hanlon if she wants to do it.
If not Arnone is probably good, although a woman like Brightbill or Ruane would be good choices as well.
I vote for ray ogreedy
maybe he can take out the ex mayor who got away?
I like Grace Cangemi. She is a classy lady. She's also smart.
Joe DiBella should stop pretending to be the Mayor of Howell on his web site. Thankfully, he hasn't been the mayor for some time now.
"Mayor" DiBella?
I don,t judge people on the past but the present.
Great that Short served his country but that does not excuse him from critcism because he will not recite the pledge today. Its his right to do so but its also our right to tell him he is wrong.
I do not see anything wrong with what Hall did.
Ouite frankly from what I have read about Short in the papaer he sounds like a bit of a nut job.
Relax Jim, DiBella's website doesn't seem to have been updated since 2008.
FYI anyone other then the same insider party stooges on the list.
How would Little and Wilkens be "insider party stooges"?
they aren't, people need to say who they mean when they call people names like little children..sometimes,it's just because it isn't THEM, or their "horse"...
where do some people think potential nominees COME from?.. out of a hat?.. they need to be a party MEMBER, a declared voter, hopefully with a solid resume and likeable qualities that will inspire voters to push a button FOR THEM..they have to be out there, in their community,doing good works, hopefully having WON at least another local election or two,to go on a higher level, with some guts, principles,smarts, good governing ideas, who can become known to other party members,raise some money, form and convey an intelligent message, to obtain the line, to run against the other SIDE, the very taxing and over-regulating,D's!.. it's called the American, two-party system, and despite all efforts to the contrary, it's the structure, however flawed, the Founders gave us, to try and represent ourSELVES in all the gov't. structure and levels, and to defend us, and spend our money!!.. you HAVE to be sell-able and likeable for people to get on your team, for heaven's sake.. how else to be able to RUN? need your party first, to get to represent everybody ELSE, later!..why disparage those who try and do the right thing to get out there, and get known?
I couldn't have said it better myself--I completely agree with each and every point you made here!! Amen Anonymous! We the people of our given communities want someone who will represent our ideals, and that we can feel good about voting for. It's nice to feel "inspired" for a change!!
ouch! about 2 to 1 AGAINST dibella running for freeholder. looks like dibella didn't like the writing on the wall and had art remove the poll to spare him any further embarrassment. truth hurts, eh Joe?
When is the nomination final ?
Im not sure that small town councilman or popularity have anything to do with being the right choice. The size doesnt matter or population either. I think experience and formal education do matter. Rob Clifton has a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in administration. Top notch credentials. Others like Oxley have law degrees. Much like the private sector, cant the citizens of Monmouth County expect their officials/freeholders to have high educational requirements or just a basic HS diploma ? Maybe thats how NJ got into this mess in the first place ? Poularity and a "nice guy" means zero when managing a budget and making business decisions.
there are likely tons of smart business folks who could probably do a swell job managing the public's bucks, but, they still have to be "electable," in order to get there!.. and that means a blend of good credentials: local, community, work, education, PLUS some likeable qualities and personality people can relate to, and want to vote for....
I couldnt agree with you more 9:40pm, its a combination of things. speaking skills, honestly, volunteering, work exp.,Formal education, and of course personality. Unfortunately people just look at Freeholder candidates briefly and dont choose the best people always. NJ is almost bankrupt as a state. How do you think we are doing so far electing people ?
NJ is almost bankrupt as a state. How do you think we are doing so far electing people ?
Pretty good as far as the Monmouth County Freeholder Board is concerned.
Pretty good ? Larrison had a stronghold on the Freeholders for a long time. It was understood that he played outside the lines. He was caught once but do you think lies and bribes were a part of his life from day one ? what about the other 100 times ? Dont be naive.
We are doing good ? 50 politicians have been arrested in Monmouth County in past decade.
yeah, and over half were Dems, too, and the majority of the last bunch are Dems, and unfortunately there's no "character test" or "bribe-avoidence test" for those who run: either they do the right things, or they'll eventually get caught and pay some price.. imperfect system, imperfect human lease we have the ability in America to start anew with a new bunch, and keep going..
fyi, GOP Advisory Comm. is March 27.. Affiliated Club County Candidates' night is March 26.. filing deadline for the June 8 Primary is April 12..
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