Tom Fitzsimmons, campaign manager for 12th District Republican Congressional candidate Mike Halfacre, today questioned self proclaimed Wall Street insider Scott Sipprelle’s release of a jobs agenda, pointing out that only months ago he was giving money Democrat House members who supported the Pelosi/Reid/Holt tax, borrow and spend agenda which has led to record unemployment.
“I find it interesting that today Scott Sipprelle wants to talk about jobs, when months ago, he was bankrolling Democrats who supported job-killing legislation like cap and trade, government-run healthcare, and a stimulus bill that didn’t stimulate anything,” said Fitzsimmons. “Congress borrowed so much money to pay for all the Democrat spending that they had to raise the federal debt limit, which we know is going to lead to tax increases in the not so distant future. That’s going to kill jobs, not create them, and Mr. Sipprelle was supporting that only months ago. The question still remains: why?”
Fitzsimmons continued “It sounds like when the wind was blowing one way last summer, Mr. Sipprelle was blowing with it, now that the winds are blowing in favor of Republicans, Mr. Sipprelle has changed course.
Sipprelle gave money to five House Democrats in June of 2009 Of the five- Allen Boyd Jr., FL-2; Charles Melancon, LA-3; Heath Shuler, NC-11; Barron Hill, IN-9; Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, SD-1:
- three voted for cap and trade
- three voted for the bloated stimulus package
- four voted to increase national debt limit
- one voted for the healthcare bill and called people who showed up at townhall meetings to oppose Obamacare “political terrorists”
In addition, Sipprelle donated in the past to Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York, and Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Democrat Vice-Presidential candidate and lead sponsor of the Senate cap and trade legislation.
Fitzsimmons concluded, “There are plenty of free market, Reagan Republicans who were fighting against cap and trade and arguing for tax cuts and more targeted, fiscally responsible ways to stimulate the economy. Mr. Sipprelle could’ve given money to any one of them. But he gave money to five Democrats who oppose the very things that Mr. Sipprelle now claims to support. He hasn’t told us why, and until he does, anything he says now has to be viewed with suspicion by Republicans.”
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
18 hours ago
Does halfacre read these before they go out?
Someone should start a Halfacre Countdown Concession Clock. This clown's campaign was doomed from the start.
Just when I thought he was coming around, that Isreal/Holt blurb was a little better, this childish rant comes out. Makes it tough to consider voting for Halfacre in the primary.
Stop the fight! According to the Uniform Boxing Rules this fight should be called a TKO before irreparable damage is done to Mr. Halfacre.
Mike Halfacre's latest salvo seems intent on impressing upon the public that he has no ideas himself. Mike, we get that and we already have that option in Rush Holt.
childish rant
95% of his donations went to Republicans - 5% went to Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Heath Schuler
I was undecided but now am a SS supporter. Getting these nasty attacks from Fitzsimmons, he has been positive and focused on Holt.
Halfacre and Fitzimmons are childish and don't deserve they are below being a Congressmember
Scott Sipprelle Contribution List in 2006
$2,100 to SALI FOR CONGRESS - Republican
Hey Tom,Art & Mike how about showing us how you guys matched Scott's $60,000 to REPUBLICANS .I think we say this is putting your money where your mouth is.And to date he has not had one unkind word for Mike Halfacre.
guess we know what we get when you make that cons. hire..they just can't seem to change up from attack-mode, while being sure their own name tells the message, rather than the guy paying seems to not be playing well, so why can't you re-focus on your damn candidate..?.. not every race is a Karcher!..
Sure are a lot of Anonymous comments so I'll take my chances offering my $0.02 using my real name and all.
A long, long time ago, or in 2006, in a district far, far away, or in CD6, someone with a few decent ideas, a few "out of his mind" ideas, and a few ideas borrowed from the party line, who happened to have a lot of passion for making a small difference in the world, and a lot of free time, set out to run for Congress.
That someone, me, lost in the primary to another Republican, Judge Robert McLeod, from CD6 who, like Mr. Sipprelle, wrote what I described as "lengthy dissertations" about the issues. Accurate, sure. Important for the policy wonks and those seeking a professional look and feel, sure.
But the general election was then lost when Mr. McLeod failed to show strong enthusiasm through the summer and failed make what I would consider a strong and honest effort to reach out to to the casual, independent voters who make or break a general election and who I believe are, and have been dissatisfied with Mr. Pallone for twenty-plus years.
Just as I believe that the majority of voters are dissatisfied with Mr. Pallone, I believe most in CD12 are dissatisfied with Mr. Holt, as they should be. Unfortunately for Mr. Sipprelle, if Mr. McLeod's example can be used, being a policy wonk isn't going to connect him with the voters he needs to win a general election. Sure, he *might* be able ride his own dissertations to a party backing and then ride the party line to a primary victory, but what he, in my humble opinion, seems to be lacking, from what I have seen, is the motivation and drive to attack and fight the way Mr. Halfacre has been going after his opponents, both Holt and Sipprelle.
Further, I'd like to think that as a Republican, all of the things Mr. Supprelle has outlined are essentially "gimmies". If he claimed to be a Republican and didn't stand for most of those policies, I'd suggest he wasn't such a great Republican. Lengthy documents, that put me to sleep, aside, it seems that Mr. Halfacre has been preaching the same principles - again, it just makes sense that Republicans seem to share similar platforms, being able to write them doesn't equal an ability to get that message out to voters, which is what is needed to win, and seems to be something Mr. Halfacre is making a real effort to do, or at least he puts on a good show to make me think he's making such an effort, I could be confused by good marketing.
So just as I beat up Mr. McLeod for being a "traffic court judge", which in fairness he was, I see nothing wrong with Mr. Halfacre latching on to Sipprelle's Democratic donations and Wall St. ties to take shots at him. Just as being a "traffic court judge" isn't necessarily a bad thing, being a Wall St. guy isn't necessarily bad and for that matter, I'll even go out on a limb and suggest that in some cases, the Ds are sometimes a better option that the RINOs who run as Rs meaning some of those donations *MIGHT* not have been so bad anyhow. But what should be noted is that for the average, common folk out there, telling them they are voting for a "traffic court judge" will invoke some of that municipal court room anger any of us that have been to such a court have just as calling someone a "wall st. guy" or a "socialist" in today's world invokes a certain level of "I'm not voting for one of those guys".
In any case, my point is simply that maybe, just maybe, it's time for the Republican base to look beyond who can put together a longer outline of positions, and start looking at who is willing to go door to door, city to city and fight for every possible vote.
Ironic, I type such a wordy and lengthy comment where I suggest a lengthy and wordy platform isn't the way to connect with voters and win an election, or that I offer any input being that I was a third place loser in a race of three.
Mr. Hogan, very passionate...but there is something you ought to realize: you are not Halfacre.
You seem to be a gentleman. You seem to care about the good of the party as a whole rather than just your own ego-driven pursuits.
Perhaps you should consider another run, but don't compare yourself to someone who simply has not exhibited the hubris or gravitas to be our national representative.
Halfacre is demonstrating a very good lesson on how to lose votes. These press releases are just childish.
Sipperelle is letting what is essentially a non issue become an issue.
I would suggest he give a cogent explanation of why he made those donations (most likely business considerations) and then point out how he gave much more to conservative organizations and republicans and then refuse to discuss it any further other then yo refer to his previous staement.
In fact if I where him I would make a statement that one of the reasons I was running is because I am against a corrupt system where business people need to donate to congreeman they disagree with in order to be heard by that congressman and that I when elected will be accessible to all my constituents regardless of their political donations.
Of course our candidates should be able to figure this stuff out.
I think Sipperelle is a genius ignoring this rant. Letting Halfacre keep stamping his feet that he wants an answer is the best thing for the Sip campaign. As to the poster who could not even win a primary, why would anyone take advise from such a person on campaign tactics?
These Halfacre releases are so revealing. They are all about Fitzsimmons. There are NO ideas and not a single quote attributed to Halfacre in the last one.
The implication is that Halfacre is either not in control of his own campaign or his manager realizes it's a lost cause and is just raising his own profile for the next paying job. Either way, it looks like a rat getting off the ship.
I support Halfacre, but he makes it hard by hiding behind Fitzsimmons, who seems to be a half-wit
"There are NO ideas and not a single quote attributed to Halfacre in the last one."
Maybe that's because Halfacre's quotes are unprintable.
The man has never had to run in a primary. He's from Fair Haven, after all. Any primary challenger is either non-existent or demonized by him and his cronies as basically unAmerican and the devil incarnate. He doesn't understand democracy as set forth by our founding fathers, nor does he want to. This is a man not ready, and perhaps even unfit, for higher office.
I didn’t realize that the founding fathers spoke about democracy in terms of primary’s. In fact, last time I checked the founding fathers put in place this thing called an electoral college because they didn’t trust the public to make decisions about who should run for office.
Don’t forget that before 1910 there were 0 count them 0 primary elections.
So Anon 2:03 before you go putting words in the founding fathers mouths remember they were elitist and did not trust people like you to choose candidates for public office and in your case, that is probably a smart move for the founding fathers.
I don't think that person was saying anything about the founding fathers and primaries, but was addressing the founding fathers and democracy. Washington hated party politics and many of the founding fathers hated this kinds of meaningless BS and preferred debating the issues. I think the poll for CD12 from a Monmouth county blogs says it all. Halfacres actions put him behind even in his home county. I wonder if he was leading before the idiotic posts of his started?
So Art's ultra-scientific poll means the battle is over? Let's have another poll with the winner of that poll and Holt, and settle the general election as well, so we can get rid of all the politics that you don't like (although you keep reading and commenting on political blogs).
How many public jobs has Mike Halfacre held in recent years? 10? 12? This pension-padding bureaucrat has been feeding at the taxpayer's trough most of his adult life. He knows nothing about creating private sector jobs.
Hey Mon
Dear Chris -
It is a shame you do not understand the diff between people who come to blogs to debate issues and the political bottom feeders who are in politics for graft, favors, kickbacks and to feed at the public trough, and just come here to advance their corrupt agenda. Nobody said the poll was scientific but that is even more reason one would have expected the home town boy to win. Shame you flunkies don't understand 90% of Americans make an honest living in the private sector (excluding NJ where it is probably closer to 50%)
The number of Halfacre's pension-padding jobs would be interesting to know....but it's interesting that of the very few communities' NOT adopting "Pay-To-Play" ordinances, Fair Haven is one of well as Little Silver and Rumson. Isn't Halfacre the municipal prosecutor for both those towns? What a coincidence. I believe he used to be the municipal prosecutor for Fair Haven as well ... in addition to being their school board's attorney.
Who is the conservative in this race? Halfacre accused the Boy Scouts of discrimination for not allowing gay scout leaders in their ranks even after the U.S. Supreme Court said that it was up to the Boy Scouts, as a private organization, to make its own determinations regarding its membership.
"Halfacre said the underlying question remains unanswered: 'The issue is do public facilities have to support a private club's discriminatory membership practices by allowing the organization to use their facilities?'
'The (school boards) announcement is a great step forward for the Boy Scouts, but is a step backward for people who want to put pressure on the Boy Scouts to stop discriminating.'"
- Asbury Park Press, 2/21/01
So....was Halfacre saying that the school board kicking the Boy Scouts out was GOOD for the Boy Scouts?? Huh?? What kind of half-brained thinking is THAT??
Thanks for digging up some more info on this issue, btw.
sadly, 12:32, we are the best at that "skill"!.. money's still on you guys to get it all together for the purpose of the actual WIN when it counts, November!!!
Ok the issue on the Boy Scouts is as follows.
1. Schools can prohibit anyone from using there facilities for non-discriminatory reasons that do not violate that parties constitutional rights.They also can decide to prohibit use of their facilities by ALL outside organizations. The School is a governmental entity and therefore must follow these rules.
2. the Supreme court has said that the Boys Scouts have the CONSTITUTIONAL right to determine who can be a member in their organization.
3. Telling the BSA you can not use their facilities because of their stand on Homosexuality is therfore unconstitutional. There is no ambiquity. The Board reached the political result they wanted based on an incorrect legal opinion.
If the BSA had challenged this they would have won.
Lawyer: the result was decided by a judge, based on the lawyers' deposition. Maybe BSA didn't have an equally smart lawyer to articulate the legality of their plight. :-)
Bottom line: Halfacre successfully ousted the
Boy Scouts from the schools and was proud of it.
That is the critical issue. He threw the Cub Scouts out in the street ... for a paycheck. A pension-padding paycheck.
Ahhhh...another day, another lie from the Sipprelle campaign. Guess we can add this to 1)I'm a Monmouth County elected official, 2)Kyrillos is supporting Sipprelle, 3)My boss made me give money to Chuck Schumer (three years after you left Morgan? Really?)
There's a small problem with the "Halfacre threw the Boy Scouts out in the street" BS...the board never did that. They acted on advice of their lawyer-Halfacre- to wait until there was a legal ruling in Florida on a similar policy and when the Florida court ruled against the policy, Halfacre recommended they drop the policy which they did. End of story. Nobody thrown out in the street.
It was a nice story while it lasted tho.
"There's a small problem with the "Halfacre threw the Boy Scouts out in the street" BS...the board never did that."
Sorry, you haven't done your homework. Someone posted direct Halfacre quotes from the 2001 Asbury Park Press story on this blog proving otherwise. The Boy Scouts were ousted. Revisionist history does not sell well to good solid Republicans who want to beat Holt; we have enough of that in D.C. right now. Halfacre wants to rewrite and spin his past, but it is what it is. Let the truth be told.
Sorry, you havent done YOUR homework (not that you wanted to know the truth anyway).
FAIR HAVEN - The Board of Education voted last night to adopt a policy that will allow the Boy Scouts to continue meeting in the schools while setting guidelines for opening the buildings to outside organizations.
The policy, which passed 5 to 2, gives the superintendent the authority to approve or deny all written requests for using schools facilities.
It does not include a clause considered last fall that would have prevented the Scouts, which does not allow gay leaders, and other groups from meeting in the schools unless the organizations signed a document stating they don't discriminate.
However, after a Florida district court ruled in March against a similar policy enacted by the Broward County school district, the board here reconsidered the proposal. Board attorney Michael Halfacre advised officials that a New Jersey court would come to a similar decision if the Scouts challenged the policy.
Tsk, tsk, tsk...busted in ANOTHER lie. How many is that now?
Rather than resort to name-calling, let's stick with the facts. What is at issue here is what Halfacre SAID, which is undeniable in quotes, and what he DID.
Halfacre did not agree with the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States as evidenced by his quotes. The Cub Scouts were ousted, and a hundred people or so were at the meeting where this came down. Stop the revisionist history to try to make these facts go away.
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