Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini told MoreMonmouthMusing that she will not be a candidate for the GOP nomination to challenge Frank Pallone in New Jersey's 6th congressional district.
"Timing is everything in politics, and this is not my time." said Angelini. "This is a crucial time in Washington and in New Jersey. I'm focused on doing the best job I can in the state legislature and supporting Governor Christie."
Angelini said she had spoken about the race to Two River Times publisher Diane Gooch but had not yet spoken to Highlands Mayor Anna Little. She said she thought that Gooch would be an excellent candidate.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
22 hours ago
I don't buy it.
Too bad Gooch and Angelini would have split their vote leaving Anna the winner.
How can anyone say that Dianne Gooch would be a good candidate for that district. She would have been a great candidate for the district she lives in but will get nowhere in the 12th district.
art your ego must feel better now since she told 'moremonmouthmusings'
you have a bigger ego than most of the politicians you write about. anyway hope you feel better now that angelini told YOU first that shes not running.
"Angelini said she had spoken about the race to Two River Times publisher Diane Gooch but had not yet spoken to Highlands Mayor Anna Little. She said she thought that Gooch would be an excellent candidate."
Sounds like a back room deal...she spoke to Gooch, dropped out of the race, and then indorsed her. Oh yeah...needs more digging here.
And to Anon6:42....WTF? He gives you a place to post and you ridicule? Maybe you should stop hiding and tell Art to his face, using your own name, what you think of him. Coward.
Thanks Art...I just had to.
I should start proofing my posts...that should read "endorsed", not "indorsed". Geesh.
Read this article about her husband
Among other things notice the rference to "credit derivatives"
Then tell me that this women should be our candidate in the 6th district.
I am not attacking her for how her husband made his fortune but I am pointing out thtat you can bet your ass that Pallone will.
sure Rick.
This is Joe Caliendo posting.
It doesn't make sense. She has such a big lead in your poll. Something is not right.
$$$$$talks, once again!.. that's it..
I voted for Mary Pat on the poll, but I'm not the only one who knew it wasn't ever a real consideration. Gooch or no Gooch, I don't think she was going to run.
She has to run every 2 years as it is, and let's see what a different district looks like. She should still definately be on the top of lists for higher office though.
All you people who like Angelini so much tell us What has she championed as an assemblywomen. and what has she voted on that makes her so great.
I had high hopes for her when I first heard her speak.
I have been very disappointed. She has turned out to be a liberal republican.
We need real change. I'm supporting Pastor Shannon Wright for the seat. RightinJersey Blogger Chris Fotache is also supporting her. Coming from Plainfield, being African-American, a pastor, she can beat Mr. I've been in Washington for over 20 years Frank Pallone.
Notice that a total of approx 275 people voted in the "poll"
It's a poll of MoreMonmouthMusings readers- not a cross sample of actual voters.
don't u think if it mattered anyone of the theoretical candidates could have drummed up a bunch of votes.
Gooch is a smart business women, if she does run, she has my vote and many more people I now feel the same.
We need more than just Politicians in the mix!
Why would anyone waste their time speaking with Anna Little?
Agree anon 11:33
If you can get a copy of Prevention First Fall 2009 Newsletter, on page 9 under Donors you will see a donation for $10,000(largest) from Diane & Micky Gooch. If you go on line & bring up the financials for Prevention First you will see Angelini takes a salary of over $90,000.
No wonder Angelini thinks Gooch would make a better candidate. Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Sounds like she is up to no good Anon 10:15. You should be a private eye. That's why she posts ALL of prevention first's financial reports for everyone to hide stuff. I donate to prevention first too. I'd like to see her get a raise. If Angelini's salary was what most men in her field make,it would be doubled. Maybe YOU should set all women's salaries? Maybe she should just get back in the kitchen and make us some pie.
Anon 9:19 you should talk to Anna Little because she is going to be the republican nominee for the 6th congressional district and she is going to beat Pallone.
Hey anon 1:19, Nice call, I am a P.I.
I do suggest you read the AP Press today, page A7 "STUDY:"
I think your donation would be better placed elsewhere.
why kick the cat who's out??.. we got a real job to do in 6.. pray for the longevity of Lautenberg,for a little while, Frankie P's dying for that seat:but, would it not be prime to see Pallone v. Kyrillos for US Senate soon, too??..( us oldsters recall Joe losing Congress to Frank way-back-when!!)- a rematch made in political heaven... sign me up for that one!, winning these here,with numbers like Christie/Guadagno, Monmouth'd be real hot stuff, nationally!!!..
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