Governor Chris Christie has nominated Shaun Golden to fill Kim Guadagno's term as Monmouth County sheriff.
Golden has been serving as acting sheriff since Guadagno resigned to become New Jersey's first Lieutenant Governor.
Golden's appointment is subject to the consent of the NJ Senate. The term expires at the end of the year.
Golden is expected to be the GOP candidate for sheriff in the November general election.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
19 hours ago
Uninspired selection. He needs a lot of work both as a candidate and Sheriff. To date, hasn't show much leadership.
We hear from another politician who did not get His own personal toady appointed
Former Sheriff Kim Guadagno is an extremely sharp individual. If she appointed him as the Acting Sheriff, it was because she knew that Golden would be very capable as her replacement.
The Shaun Golden that I heard speaking last week sounded just fine. He spoke with authority and he definitely sounded as if he had a good handle on the Sheriff's Office. More importantly, he WANTS the job, and he is willing to WORK to keep the job.
I will be proud to work hard for him and for the rest of the Republican ticket so that we all win in November. We have to take back our great country and we must continue to support Governor Christie who is doing a great job cleaning up Trenton.
we need to pull together now and work hard for the Rep. winning ticket of: Golden,Clifton,and Arnone,2010!!
Arnone would be a drag on that ticket.
Wilkens is a much better compliment to that team.
if you don't think a real guy,an experienced and hardworking, successful official, who by the way will get us VOTES in usually- D towns, and also by the way has a familiar, Italian name in at least 1/3 of this county, (like a Bennett or a Smith, etc.), and you think that constitutes a "drain" on our ticket, I hope you aren't anybody's chair or manager!- and oh yeah, if you also forgot to LOOK at how many great victories have been won by good candidates who happened to poll well and happened to be Italians,for the Mon. Cty. GOP, you sure haven't checked some 25 years of actual, past winning RESULTS!!! I only hope both Shaun and Rob will poll as well as Tom Arnone will, mark my words!!
I back Arnone but I had hoped we were past picking candidates by their etnic background.
If that is what people of Italian ancestry are doing then I feel sorry for them.
If he was that strong a candidate don't you think he would have been confirmed by now. It has been a couple of months and from what I understand there wer some other names in the hat. The republicans should be worried as they have held the sheriffs position for quite some time now and the Democrats are licking their chops because this is possibly their best chance ever at winning this position.
not worried at all.. we have a good "bench", several qualified people for any office.. he is confirmed now by Gov., is doing fine and does well at the mtgs., he'll be ok.. we all need to get behind the 3 now and work to win..
It will be won by Golden, Clifton and Janice Venable.
The Republicans should have run a women.
wow, promise we'll be rid of Flippy??.. don't tell him ,he'll cry..
it's time we show we can win three again..this is a test: it is a test of the emergency GOP- can- run- three- qualified- guys, in one year, since bid-rig and win, system!!!
Serena vs. Mallet next year would be good...
well, after seeing who the democrats are going to run for sheriff the republicans don't have to worry
8:41,are you kidding?..people have voted ethnicities since time immemorial..there are white-majority districts, Hispanic-majority districts, black majority districts, and others,it's often based on where people's simply a fact that people often vote for who looks like them, thinks like them, lives in their neighborhood, etc..and then, there's the famous "political correctness" run amok: how many loons voted for Nobama, because they thought "it's time for a black", any black, President??( how many are honest enough to be sorry, now?)..the point I was making is, in THIS county, time and results have SHOWN, that when you run folks with Italian and Irish last names especially, there is often party- crossover, and many Republicans in those ethnic groups, have WON elections at all just stating FACT.. of course, we in a perfect world, would like to THINK it's only a person's experience and qualifications that gets them in, but, sorry, it will always be human nature for MANY to vote for folks they relate to, are comfortable with, and think are like THEM.. that's all!..
have you heard golden do some public speaking? eww...he's avg. at best.
he did much better at Affiliated's candidates' night: gotta love the incumbency shot in the arm: helps our ticket, I believe he'll be fine..his apparent opponent sounds like another lawyer looking for work, who can't make judge..good news for our ticket, for sure..
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