State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon told MoreMonmouthMusings that she will not be a candidate for Freeholder this year.
So for the race for the GOP nomination to be Rob Clifton's running mate is shaping up to be a contest between Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich, former Middletown Committeeman Tom Wilkens and Neptune City Mayor Tom Arnone.
Rich and Wilkens have been reaching out to municipal chairs and legislators who comprise the screening committee. Arnone has a supporter making those calls.
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a wise decision, at this juncture..
Wilkens is going to take this one in his sleep.
maybe not..
She was so far ahead in your poll. I think you better investigate.
It appears someone is tampering with the voting process.
Arnone met with the Two rivers group personally.
From what I hear he is the front runner right now
so wilkens serves one term as councilan without distinction and then bows out. nice kid but never got his hands dirty. never made a controversial call. just rode it out.
and because he can swim and because he lives in a big town this makes him "the man" to be a freeholder?
do we no longer care about real experience, someone who has proven they can do the job, can lead, etc? again, he is a nice guy but with all the issues and challenges we have, do we want a strong swimmer or the captain of the swim team?
with so many solid experienced people out there, why do we need to rely on someone just because they won a medal to be our candidate?
Arnone, Lucas, Dibella, Little, Amiano, Mahon,etc. We have a stable of depth and talent. people who have shown they can weather the storm and make the tough calls and not just look handsome up there on the dias.
Adding Gary Rich,Spring Lake would round out the Freeholders. Curley is from Middletown, lets get input from Shore area.
Rich is a strong candidate also. He is a strong Republican, has been around Spring Lake politics a long time and speaks very well. I think he is an excellent choice for nomination.
Gary Rich is another nice guy but unproven. What has he done to deserve to be a Freeholder? Because he comes from the shore? You have got to be kidding. We are ONE County so why do it have to be where someone if someone is from. Why do we not go for a battle tested leader who will get in there and rile things up and get the job done.
Its sad and pathetic that we want medal winners and good ol boys to get in there instead of someone like Anna Little who had the coconuts to shake things up and ask some questions.
You mean to tell me there is not a Mayor of a town with some eal life experience that we can find? Someone that balanced a budget, knows what it means to make tough calls, etc.
We just want to pick someone that won't rock the boat. That sucks.
So lets go for Wilkens and we'll continue the path to being bland and average.
Wake up Republicans and lets think out of the box and elect someone with the coconuts to get the job done. Wilkens is a nice guy but again, if he never won the bronze we'd have never heard of him.
I think John Franco who pitched for Mets lives in Colts Neck - why not just ask him to run if we want the "star athlete appeal" and the hell with being worried about doing the job.
Makes me mad as hell and sick.
answer to 12:33:and, you'll have that with Arnone-all the small shore towns already know and support him, and that can add up to a 4:45: there is a 3-term mayor who has already done all those things that you seek,and his name is Tom Arnone..check today's APP videos: Tom was able to finally get the major town eyesore demolished today: councils over many years were unable to get it done.. the place will finally be more of a little jewel,largely because of his efforts..
Arnone is in a very small town. He ran unopposed in tiny Neptune City. He runs a small lawn mowing business in Neptune City. Dont we expect more for our Freeholders in Monmouth County ? Wilkens would be a strong candidate with good credentials and won his election.
Don't we expect more.
More then already being a successful elected official?
More then having a succesful small business?
Let me suggest one thing.
before anyone writes Arnone off speak to him.
i promise you will come away impressed.
Not saying wilkens is not worthy of consideration but Arnojne is too.
how can you compare a one termer with a 15- year, successful, hands-on,well-loved mayor who gets the grants,successfully negotiates police contracts that save the town money, is the 1st v.p. of the NJ conf. of mayors,redid all his streets, testifies for the right causes in Trenton,got the biggest town eyesore torn down for positive re-development, actually shows up every day, spends the countless hours, and actually DOES the work!( and still has time for his daughter's sports,recreation board,family,and,please,don't diss one who's employed people and made a good living for 27 years at what I thought Republicans respect and support: a small business!!)....this county SO needs an energetic,smart,tough,team-playing, new GOP Freeholder like Tom Arnone, what an asset as our fourth one he will be!!!..
how can you compare a one termer with a 15- year, successful, hands-on,well-loved mayor who gets the grants,successfully negotiates police contracts that save the town money, is the 1st v.p. of the NJ conf. of mayors,redid all his streets, testifies for the right causes in Trenton,got the biggest town eyesore torn down for positive re-development, actually shows up every day, spends the countless hours, and actually DOES the work!( and still has time for his daughter's sports,recreation board,family,and,please,don't diss one who's employed people and made a good living for 27 years at what I thought Republicans respect and support: a small business!!)....this county SO needs an energetic,smart,tough,team-playing, new GOP Freeholder like Tom Arnone, what an asset as our fourth one he will be!!!..
how insulting and short-sighted, 10:46: go ahead, pretend that living in and governing a small town means walls are up around it, and NObody outside of it knows him, after sharing services and meeting with and working with towns,county and statewide !!that's just plain silly and/or, dumb.. here's a bet: how about Tom Arnone being the first GOP candidate in years to carry tough Neptune Twp., right next door,thereby avoiding the sad fate that befell Mr. Curley when Neptune killed us by thousands,just 2 yrs. ago? Arnone's carrying or close to carrying Neptune, our whole GOP line benefits, from Congressional on down!!
I think Rich is the top choice right now. He has the most experience.
beg to is only fair and intelligent to stop being parochial or personal, and compare RESULTS of the three in their times of service.. Arnone's gotten far more done, period!
Boy you people are brutal, these people are willing to give of their time and all I see is us beating up on our own. While the dems move forward we in fight. Anyone willing to run for Monmouth County Republican Party should be supported and not knocked down. When will we learn, have your favorite, didn't your mother tell you if you don't have anything good to say, say nothing, Best of luck to all the good people who wish to serve their community!
Your post indicates "Arnone has a supporter making calls on his behalf". Who would that be? Why wouldn't he be making those calls himself? Curious.
Arnone is actually working the entire county, you know, EARNING a nomination..and, why can't anyone's friends make positive calls in favor of someone they like and admire??..also, as long as it isn't a personal put-down, the POINT is, to compare all facets of a person, especially their service and performance, in order to select the most electable, from among the chioces!.. sheesh!!!
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