Over the objections of citizens calling for a flat budget, the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders approved a $305 million tax levy, a 2.6% increase, in a bi-partisan 4-1 vote, according to the Asbury Park Press.
Republican Freeholder John Curley was the lone vote against the increase. He said, "our residents have cut back on spending and so should we. We are taxing the people of this county to death, and it is unacceptable," according to the APP.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
9 hours ago
Thanks John. That's why I supported you.
People keep talking about all of the "services" the County provides and how great monmouth County is. Listen folks, we all know the politicians buy votes by providing free services to special interest groups on our tax dollars then hire their friends to work in those departments. FYI folks government can not do anything cost effective. We need less government and less services. The only reason the tax rates were low is during the boom the County got lots of money. They blew it all and added layers of government waste. Now when the rubber hits the road they can not deal with the tough calls.
Me too. Go Johnny go!
Bi-partisan vote to increase taxes.(seems more like a partisan Democrat vote)
Simply amazing! Signed, Disgusted in Monmouth County.
how much did the taxpayer's friend cut from the bloated public works budget???.. he's so much hot air it's embarassing..
Curley is all talk. If he were serious about cutting costs, he would support plans to privatize the county jail. Instead, Curley has called for yet another "blue ribbon commission" to "study" the issue. Curley is a cheerleader for the status quo.
Privatizing the county jail? Do you mean the juvenile detention center? I hadn't heard of proposals to privatize the jail, only the juvenile detention center. Also they were talking about closing the juvenile detention center, which usually houses less than 10 kids at a time yet employs about 40 workers, and sending the kids to Middlesex instead. Then they talked about not closing the juvenile detention center & privatizing it. Don't think that would be the most cost-effective measure. The county would still own it & be responsible for repairs, maintenance, etc. & the building is old & needs a lot of work done to it. The Middlesex facility is new & state-of-the-art. I liked the proposal that involved paying Middlesex County a fee to house our juvenile offenders. Overall, that would be cheaper. Costs in NJ are out of control & we are going to have to learn to "share services" if we ever want to put a stop to that.
clarifying: yes, the Rep-controlled Board this year voted to close the Youth Detention Center, and there's an agreement to send the few kids we get to Middlesex..word is, that old bldg. may become a warehouse.. understand, D'Amico is trying, successfully, to keep people from remembering that the Dem majority last year, voted to keep the YDC open, but to lay off over 100 guards and other emp's., trust that many WON'T forget!.. and, THIS year, he brought up "privatizing" the jail, because it's a much bigger "fish"..so, now, we've agreed to have a committee "study" this, when we have the only 5-star jail system in the country,we make money taking in others' prisoners, and many other officers will lose their jobs,and the place will be a lot less safe, if it's privatized.. there are some horror stories out there about places where there've been more riots, gangs, etc., but it remains to be seen what will be presented and discussed, on this county jail issue..perhaps it's because the Dems have a weak Sheriff candidate this year,they wouldn't want to trust it to somebody inexperienced?..fortunately, we've had Oxley, Guadagno, and now Shaun Golden, doing great jobs there..
Privatize the jail? This coming from a Democrat? Democrats never want to privatize any government operation. So why does D'Amico propose this now instead of last year? Remember last year he wanted to keep the Youth Detention Center open. More "flippity floppity"! Perhaps he knows his re-election is highly improbable. He knows better. . . he's a former Superior Court Judge & former Chairman of the State's Parole Board. He is a well-educated man who knows that there are some functions that government must perform & run . . .like the county jail. Privitazation will bring more complications in the form of lawsuits from inmates. Can't you just see it coming? Whatever private company gets the contract, the first thing it will do, since they're in business to make a profit, is to cut the payroll -- i.e. -- guards & their salaries -- and so the lawsuits for physical abuse, harassment, you name it, will follow & will ultimately cost the county more. D'Amico & for that matter all the Freeholders know that the real problem is the salaries that are paid to the guards & supervisors at the jail. They are not only the highest paid of any county in NJ but also in the nation! That's the real problem! Yes, you need qualified people but at what price . . . how much is that job worth considering that it does not require much education? Let's face it -- the people that go into that job do so because overall it's a good gig. They're not going to go to the private sector where you have to work much harder. They knew what they were doing when they were younger. We all make a choice after high school. Some choose to continue education & go into a profession, some to trade school, others to the military, and others, well, we all remember them . . . they were lazy in high school & nothing about that ever changed except that they are clever enough to get these jobs that no one else sought. They're not stupid . . . they know that if they put in their time, they get a nice pension, can retire young & then start another government job & try for a 2nd pension. C'mon, c'mon people -- when are you going to wake up? These slobs are all around us! Look at what these school superintendents make! Or how about the Executive Director of the NJEA who earns $500,000.00 plus as verified last week in the papers. Enough said! And this isn't sour grapes! I earn a very good living -- a lot of people would be envious of me . . . but I earned my money the old-fashioned way (as that commercial used to say) -- I worked my butt off, it wasn't at the taxpayer's expense! I expect NOTHING from government & I expect government officials to use my tax dollars wisely . . . I pay enough!
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