Unless there is an unexpected surge of readers who think that Diane Gooch would do a better job debating Frank Pallone than Anna Little would, Little is going to win the poll question posted yesterday, "Which candidate would perform best in a debate against Frank Pallone?" One commenter quipped that Gooch herself would probably vote for Little on that question. That poll closes tonight.
The next question designed to help primary voters evaluate the strengths and weakness of the two CD 6 GOP primary contenders is, "Which candidate will best appeal to Independents and Reagan Democrats? A Republican will not win the 6th district without capturing the majority of the Independent vote and a significant portion of the Democratic vote.
To assist readers in making an informed vote in the poll I've posted each candidate's announcement video and linked the biography section of their respective websites.
The poll is posted on the side bar and closes tomorrow night. Thanks for playing.
A World Without Christ?
1 day ago
Its about projecting leadership -- your vision and principles. It cuts across party and independent lines. Republicans in this state lose when they try to appeal to the different groups and factions. I haven't met a democrat or liberal independent who doesn't want the government to stop spending and to cut their taxes.
Anna is the only candidate who can bring the issues down to the individual level to win over Dems and Independents. This comes from her experience as a local elected official which in my opinion is more valuable than Freeholder.
Voters resent wealthy people who go into politics because they are bored and looking for the next thing to do. By no means am I questioning Gooch's qualifications, commitment or work ethic, it's a perception she will have to deal with throughout the campaign.
Voters resent wealthy people who go into politics because they are bored and looking for the next thing to do. By no means am I questioning Gooch's qualifications, commitment or work ethic, it's a perception she will have to deal with throughout the campaign
And it's an issue she'd have to deal with were she to make it into the general. Libs love their limousine liberals but Diane and her husband's issues (credit default swaps; donating to your opponent) would doom her in November.
Anna is the only one who can actually win and that's really all that matters in the end.
Diane Gooch will appeal best to Reagan Democrats.
If it wasn't for Reagan, The Money Store would not have lent her and her husband the money to start a company that employs 1776 people.
1776 was the year of the declaration of founding fathers
a company that employs 1776 people. 1776 was the year of the declaration of founding fathers
I've seen that nonsense here like three times now...is that your best argument?
If it is, Anna's in better shape than I thought.
"I've seen that nonsense here like three times now...is that your best argument?"
1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21
21 is a lucky number
oooh, boy, this is getting scary!..seems to me Diane will need many "21"'s for luck,after Frankie starts drubbing her, her husband, her current lifestyle, residence, etc.. right or wrong,class warfare is used so much because it WORKS, folks, and those unemployed, being foreclosed upon, having to give up a much-deserved fam vacation and eat instead, etc., seem to be in NO mood for another "rich person" to try and rule over them some more.. timing should be right in 2010 for ANYone to dump Frank, but I really believe the 6th is much more likely to let him stay there, if the inexperienced "rich lady"'s his opponent.. he has some 27 or so years of elective career "I'm one of you-all" crap to go on, and to try and get voters past lovely color photos of her mansion on the wrong side of the district, will be monumental, I'm afraid....even off this primary line, if she makes it, Anna really has the best shot, for this Nov...and,wow, what a national headline that'd be!!
fashion suggestion for the "front-runner":dump that gray linen dress, and wear a business suit,from now on, (but not white jeans and a jacket,either), if you want to be taken at least sort of seriously, please!..I realize it might be unfair, but people are just tougher on how a lady politician looks, out on the trail..one does need to try and look the part of "a leader".. I suppose it doesn't matter what one is wearing when writing out checks, but, that's why there are candidate-training sessions: so, word to the wise, (at least until after November), you're a nice looking person, and all, but dress like a serious professional, please!!-and, you don't even need a rack sale at Macy's or Boscov's to accomplish that!!
I have a question for all the political pundits out there.
How many non campaigns in Monmouth county have you seen where there are 70 to 80 people hitting the streets for the candidate?
I watched both speeches on the Youtube link-
Diane Gooch has over 2000 views and Anna has 320-
What can we do Art to get the views up for Anna??
don't worry about views: call the site up and vol. for sign placements on lawns,phoning,knocking, and zeroing in on likely primary voters!!..it can be done, if enough of the effort goes forth!
1. Diane has the resources to win
2. Anna's view's are much too polarized to win in a general election.
"2. Anna's view's are much too polarized to win in a general election."
Tell that to Rand Paul.
I swear to God the Gooch backers on this site have the political intelligence of a drunken Al Gore. No matter how much reality slaps them in the face they insist that money is the only thing that matters.
If every one of you twits just voted the right way, Anna would annihilate Pallone. It doesn't matter, she'll win without you, but your griping and slobbering over a political neophyte who has donated to the enemy is painful to watch.
Diane doesn't stand a chance in the general. That's so ridiculously obvious.
4:52: what YOU said!-yup..
Once you look past the money Gooch has nothing. Anna is grounded and is far more experienced. Unfortunately, neither will come close to Pallone, who has run his course by the way. Pallone 60% or better.
if Anna could squeak by Diane in this particular primary,I'm getting the feeling this district race could actually get some national attention, Scott Brown-style: then, more money will come, and if the RNCC finally puts the district into the "possibly-winnable" column, as with Scott Brown, it suddenly takes off like a rocket....but, there has to be credibility in that candidate, which, unfortunately, Diane does not have, hubby's money, or not, period: she's, honestly, much less qualified than that Martha Coakley in Mass. our dear "popular" Pres. couldn't even save, up in Mass.!..look, it appears that many people are finally looking at throwing long-term bums out this year, once the media grabs on to it, pushes it forward, and folks get an "aha" moment: that their "familiar,local guy" maybe really hasn't represented them and their interests very well all these years,so let's focus and get engaged now, and be a part of a real,needed, force for change!..if the spotlight of reality and accountability goes on Frank, he'll freak, trust me.. he's one of the most damaging, yet do-nothing rep's we've ever had from this county..it's not too much of a stretch to think this could happen.. why NOT here, in 2010?..
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