"Diane Gooch For Congress Attracts Over 1000 People to Facebook and YouTube"
Red Bank, NJ: The wave of grass roots support for Monmouth County Republican Vice Chair and local businesswoman Diane Gooch continues to build for her campaign to unseat Frank Pallone. Over 1000 people are now supporting Gooch on her Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/DianeGooch4Congress) which displays hundreds of campaign photos, keeps the electorate up to date on Gooch's whereabouts and chronicles the numerous endorsements Gooch has received throughout the 6th District.
Meanwhile, on Monday, Gooch released her first television commercial, playing on cable news networks throughout the 6th Congressional District. In just a couple days, it too has reached the 1000 mark, with over 1000 YouTube visitors viewing the 30 second spot. (http://www.youtube.com/goochforcongress) Gooch's message of being ready to represent the people, their interests and their families with less spending and lower taxes is clearly resonating as voters realize that Gooch is THE alternative to Frank Pallone.
The 6th district covers portions of Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset and Union counties.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
19 hours ago
PLEASE, what a crock of bull. Gooch is using the money again. She has placed it as an ad on Politicker NJ and has a facebook ad. Since she has placed the add you may notice that Politicker has stopped covering the Anna Little Campaign. Coincidence?? I think not. Hmmm... It went like this... Hey, If we pay $xxxx.xx for an add will you stop covering... ohh I mean exclusively cover my campaign.
There was an article AND A PICTURE OF LITTLE up all day yesterday on politicsNJ. Conspiracy theories bore me but keep it up because every time you talk like this Gooch gets another vote.
Good question.
Is it possible to buy grass roots
or are you just getting Astro turf?
The yuppies are just "being cool" accessing the websites with WIFI. Don't read too much into the numbers of internet hits.
Check out Alexa on the relative traffic ranks of Diane and Anna's websites:
Diane: 8,935,482
Anna: 6,842,924
Neither have enough traffic for details but that's a significant gap and I doubt Anna spent a boatload of money on hers like you can tell Diane did by just looking at her site.
Anyone with their ear to the ground in Monmouth County knows Anna could easily run away with this primary.
thanks, yes, who knows what it means as far as REGISTERED R's, that day, showing up to actually punch a button for somebody!!
shhhhhhh-don't let that cat out of the bag,yet!!-too soon, and my recycling bucket's already too full with shiny, pretty fliers.. am sure they'll work ouside of Monmouth, but here?.. not so much!..
Monmouth County isn't the only place that will be counting votes on June 8th and no one outside of the Bayshore area knows who Little is. Gooch has done a great job of reaching out to the entire district.
if it's going so swimmingly district-wide, why did Diane bother to campaign where Anna's "only" known??
Monmouth County isn't the only place that will be counting votes on June 8th and no one outside of the Bayshore area knows who Little is. Gooch has done a great job of reaching out to the entire district.
Are you insane? From what I've seen and heard there isn't a single Gooch sign anywhere in Middlesex County and yet a ragtag bunch of tea partiers have papered almost all 10 towns in the 6th District.
I swear to God, some of the Gooch zombies in the comments here live like liberals: in an alternate reality completely void of fact.
that's ok, let them, there are currently more Anna signs in Monmouth, though the hired hands are putting some Gooch signs in front of them on a few highways..is good to have a real contest!
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