Middlesex County has a total of 32 provisional ballots from both the Democratic and Republican primaries. Most of those ballots are from New Brunswick where their was a problem on Tuesday that caused the count to stop. It is very likely that the New Brunswick provisional ballots will be Democratic and have not impact on the CD-6 Republican votes.
Monmouth County has 25 provisional ballots. Two are likely to be thrown out because there is no party declaration included.
There is one provisional vote each in Union and Somerset counties.
Thus, the maximum possible provisional ballots is 59 district wide.
Even if all the provisional ballots count and all of them are for Gooch, Anna Little wins by virtue of her 76 vote lead from the machines and the absentees.
Middlesex is reviewing their provisional ballots tomorrow and certifying their results.
Monmouth is reviewing their provisional ballots and certifying the results on Monday.
It is time for Diane Gooch to concede the nomination and to call for a unity press conference.
Shock, Rattle, and Awe
22 hours ago
I urge everyone to cantact State Senator Jor Kyrillos and urge him to convince his friend Diane Gooch to concede. For the good of the party! Joe needs to step up for the sake of party unity.
His contact info is.
Email: senkyrillos@njleg.org
Phone: 732-671-320
Fax: 732-706-9140
One Arin Park Building
1715 Highway 35
Suite 303
Middletown, NJ 07748
Why Bob? According to reports, Gooch may have just taken the lead???
Though I have not verified them, they seem credible.
Why Bob? According to reports, Gooch may have just taken the lead???
Though I have not verified them, they seem credible.
The reports on other sites that Gooch took the lead are inaccurate and have been either taken down or retracted
super!..thanks Art, and good job keeping us informed, and, to answer the other blogger, glad you're your own boss and can work on this at will!!
I have to be fair and honest about my feelings on this, by looking at it "from the other side." If the situation was reversed, I would be VERY UPSET if Anna conceded with the count being so close and I would lose my faith in her optimism and determination. And I would really be disappointed in you, Mr. Gallagher, if you made a post asking Anna to concede in the same situation. After all the work by so many people, they would be owed the "closer look" and a recount. Just because it is not "our" candidate I still think we should be honest and consistent.
Reality check said...
I have to be fair and honest about my feelings on this, by looking at it "from the other side." If the situation was reversed, I would be VERY UPSET if Anna conceded with the count being so close and I would lose my faith in her optimism and determination. And I would really be disappointed in you, Mr. Gallagher, if you made a post asking Anna to concede in the same situation. After all the work by so many people, they would be owed the "closer look" and a recount. Just because it is not "our" candidate I still think we should be honest and consistent.
If there were a way mathematical way that Diane could win, I would not have called for a concession.
Its time that we come together as one side against Frank Pallone- Pelosi
We are dealing with electronic machines.
It is not like the old days where human error could change the vote.
If Gooch does not have enough absentee and provisional ballotts to take the lead which she does not and can not get then the race is OVER.
All this manuvering hurts the partyu to no legitimate end.
All of this coming together goes both ways. If we were faced with what Gooch is, we would all want to re-count and Art would be leading the charge. There are so many stories floating around about things in all of the counties...this is bigger than Monmouth, and I want to win it fair and square, so I say RECOUNT!
Let me say this: To get a win by being off the county line is a HUGE statement by the PEOPLE!! To say that contesting is the right thing to do is bull! She should concede!! Anna and the Tea Parties just performed an amazing feat and to think there should be a re-count is obsurd!! The people have spoken...they want Anna. The GOP should be listening.
Mrs. Gooch CANNOT win ALL the provisional ballots. I know this because my wife cast a provisional ballot (for Mrs. Little).
We are registered Republicans and voted in the Presidential Primary without incident. However, when my wife went to vote in District 16, her name was showing as a registered Democrat! She had to do some paperwork etc. and a call to the board of elections resulted in their admitting that an "error" had occurred. Anyone else have a problem?
You bet!!
Changed my party affiliation to unaffiliated years ago because of an attempt at intimidation by a republican party faithful now serving prominently in this county. When I went to the polls ,I found it had never been taken care of.
This won't affect Anna because I do not live in her district (but if I did, I would support her, because I know her and respect her !}.
Requested new forms from the board of elections and will deliver in person to assure no further mistakes are made as the only party I ever will support is a party with candidates of Anna Little,John Curley and Tony Avallone's caliber. Not interested in the same ole,same ole bullshit from the self serving party animals that run otherwise in many parts of Monmouth County !!
Also not interested in the robo calls from the republican BS manufacturers in the fall either.
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