Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rasmussen: 49% Favor Deepwater Drilling, 60% Favor Offshore Drilling in Shallower Waters

From Rasmussen Reports:

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans favor continued deepwater drilling despite the oil rig disaster that caused the ongoing environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 31% oppose such drilling, and 20% more are not sure about it.

By comparison, 60% of voters nationwide support offshore oil drilling, performed in shallower waters closer to shore. This is down from 72% in March just after President Obama lifted the longtime ban on offshore drilling and prior to the eruption of the Gulf oil leak. But 22% now oppose this kind of drilling, too. Another 18% are undecided.

Read the article here.

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