Friday, June 04, 2010

Tell Them You Read It On MoreMonmouthMusings

Should Diane Gooch prevail in the GOP CD-6 primary on Tuesday, the real winners might be the law firm of Menna Supko & Nelson, LLC

We saw today how highly motivated Brian Nelson is for Gooch to win. But did you know that Nelson's partner, Democratic Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, was briefly Frank Pallone's law partner?

Huh! Diane Gooch as been all over FoxNews approving the message that Frank Pallone never held a private sector job. Menna should send a cease and desist letter to his partner.

Our friends at RedBankGreen have the skinny deep within this profile they wrote about Menna during his 2006 Red Bank mayoral campaign against John Curley.

Back in Red Bank, Menna formed a new firm with Frank Pallone and two other partners, but Pallone left after just two weeks to run for Congress

Menna and Pallone are said to remain very close friends.

Who gets to use the office for phone banks in the general election, should Gooch be the GOP nominee?


Anonymous said...

and don't forget the other one on the letterhead, the state committewoman and would-be sheriff, Mrs. Hanlon..

Anonymous said...

Diane donates to Frank...Brian's partner is BFF with Frank...Brian lies through his teeth on this blog about non-existent polls...Brian lies through his teeth about Anna's ads coming down...

This entire fraud of a Gooch campaign ought to be ashamed of themselves.

It's gonna be extra special now when Anna whomps their ass on Tuesday.

What a cast.. said...

gotta love NJ: it could be known as the "most incestuous" campaign,ever!-ugh!..

Unknown said...

What's the firm's position on gay rights?

Anonymous said...

Allegedly, someone named Brian worked with Pallone 23 years ago for a total of 2 weeks and suddenly that person is Pallone's BFF. It's official, you guys have gone crazy.

My favorite blog here, though, is the post that mocks a restored Cadillac because a candidate's husband may have bought it after it was restored. You guys are supposedly the Tea Party people, but in that post, you are mocking free market economics. I'll explain:

It's the law of supply and demand. Someone with the knowledge and ability to restore a car finds one in need of restoration and makes an economic decision to buy it and restore it because he knows the supply is low but the demand is high. Congrats to the mechanic for buying the car, restoring it and selling it at a profit. And congrats to the purchaser for providing an income for the mechanic.

Funny thing is, the tea party movement started as an economic movement and the left have tried their damnedest to paint the movement as right wing extremists who can't comprehend economics and care only about social issues. You guys have played right into their hands. If Anna Little somehow manages to eke out a very unlikely victory on Tuesday, the only person partying harder than Anna will be Frank Pallone.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2;17

We arer also giving her a small taste of what Pallone will do to her in the unlikely event she wins on Tuesday.

Unknown said...

Pat Menna has supported the Republicans in Middletown just as Brian Nelson has ardently supported Democratic Councilman Steven Fulop in Jersey City where they probably want a contract if Fulop becomes mayor. They aren't interested in building their respective parties, they are interested in where they can make money in different towns, they go by contracts, not by ideology or policy. I've told Pat this several times that there is an uneasiness among several Democrats towards his steadfast support for Republicans and against the Democratic Party in Middletown.

Playing both sides will catch up to you sooner than later. Brian Nelson has an invested interest in making sure that Republicans don't win in certain towns where Menna/Supko/Nelson are the legal representation just as Pat Menna has an invested interest that Democrats don't win in towns where their firm was appointed by Republicans, i.e. Middletown, Matawan, Tinton Falls.

Both parties should have dialogue and mutual respect on differing issues of policy but playing both sides at the expense of taxpayers and their own party is immoral and reprehensible.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vin did you ever come to think the Middletown Democrats are a joke? How have they done the past few years? Hard to blame Pat Menna for that.

Unknown said...

Vin, so they are all harlots and carpetbaggers then? You nailed them, pleasure to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

I like Gooch even more now.

You have to be able to arrive at a "meeting of the minds" with Democrats, love them or hate them. It's not one-way.
Obama is one-way and look where it got us.

Go Gooch and the law firm(who ever they are)

Anonymous said...

"You have to be able to arrive at a "meeting of the minds" with Democrats, love them or hate them. It's not one-way."

It's beliefs like this that have gotten us where we are today.

No, you cannot meet democrats half way. We've met democrats half way for 80 years and we're completely screwed. How people don't get this after 8 decades of "meeting of the minds" is literally beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Nelson is a tool.

I wonder why Art is censoring comments to protect Nelson and Oxley?

Art Gallagher said...

I wonder why Art is censoring comments to protect Nelson and Oxley?

Brian told me he didn't make the comments. He said he would have communicated with me directly rather than post a comment. That is consistent with my relationship with him, and I could not verify who the commenter was via IP address.

That is why the comments were removed.