Well, it seems the financial house of the Monmouth County Democrats is not exactly in order either.
The Asbury Park Press reports that the Dems have not filed their 2005 year end reports that were due on January 17, and worse, that they did not report over $90K in inkind donations to the Freeholder campaign of Barbara J. McMorrow and Rebecca Aaronson, last years opponents of Bill Barham and Lillian Burry. This begs the question, "What else hasn't been reported?" Spending in municipal races perhaps?
In the same article, the APP also reports that our esteemed chairman, Frederick P., filed a complaint with ELEC yesterday. Chances are that Fred gave the APP this story, effectively deflecting the heat he's been taking this week and throwing the Dems off their game. This begs the question, "When did Fred know?" Did he discover this while doing the research for his OP ED piece and Chairman's letter defending his fund raising practices, or has he been sitting on this to use as an October surprise?
I think its probably the former. Either way, its too bad. It would have been a great October surprise.
Speaking of unfiled reports, has Lenny Izerillo, Anna Little's opponent this fall, filed his reports for his 2003 Assembly race against Joe Azzonlia? Come on Old Hickory, stop planning on re-naming buildings and get your house in order!
Is it Scudiery or Scudery? Oh Fred.
Elephants_not_donkeys said:
"Refreshing, isn't it?"
Oh yes, it really takes the sting off of being called a terrorist.
Update on Inzerillo's ELEC report. I just checked ELEC and found that there is still nothing there.
Remember the 11-day pre-election report shows that the oompa-loompaesque James Devine, Inzerillo's treasurer, closed out the Election Fund of Flynn, Inzerillo and Perry on October 13, 2003 (nearly a month before the election) by writing out a check in the amount of $2,473.47 to the Election Fund of Inzerillo and Perry; it's that fund which never had an ELEC report.
On the Inzerillo thread the former treasurer responded thus:
James J. Devine addressed...
"You really should tell me when you are going to mention me
I don't have anything to say about Lenny Inzerillo, but the joint campaign account for which I was treasurer closed out without raising much money.
The lack of any report could be due to the fact that none was required, because you don't need to file anything except a notice if you spend less than a certain amount on your campaign."
Okay, there's no notice, no ELEC report, nothing to explain where the $2,473.47 that was deposited in the EFO Inzerillo & Perry went after that! Nothing!
Maybe Devine was not the treasurer on that account like he was on the original Flynn, Inzerillo & Perry account, but someone was.
Maybe Lenny Inzerillo should look into this if he really wants to be a freeholder. If not him, definitely the APP.
Thanks Abe.
I'm just sending off an email to the APP reporter who wrote today's story about the Dems, linking your blog and mine.
Abe's news is particulary galling given Lenny's language in his press release this week making hay about our problems:
“What the Republicans are doing is nothing short of money laundering,” Inzerillo said. “At best, they are breaking the spirit of the law, at worst they are flagrantly breaking the law, period.”
“The only way to really know what the Republicans are doing is for a complete and thorough investigation by the appropriate state authorities,” Inzerillo said. “I respectfully request that the Attorney General’s office begin such an investigation.”
Read the entire press release here:
You read correctly JSM.
John Bennett is a DiBella supporter.
One might wonder what our political landscape, locally and statewide, would look like today if John had headed Bill Dowd's call to give up his Senate seat when John's scandal was all over the APP.
One might wonder what our political landscape, locally and statewide, would look like today if John had headed Bill Dowd's call to give up his Senate seat
What and give up all those cushy political appointments. Sheeesh you guys ask a lot of a poor guy just trying to get stinking filthy rich on public service.
Message to Bennet. Please retire to Florida. Either that or become a Dem.
Teddy Roosevelt said...
"What and give up all those cushy political appointments. Sheeesh you guys ask a lot of a poor guy just trying to get stinking filthy rich on public service."
Other than Marlboro, what municipal appointments has John lost? Seems to me he's still doing pretty well.
WHS said
"Other than Marlboro, what municipal appointments has John lost? Seems to me he's still doing pretty well."
That's the sad part. The party got screwed and he still feeds at the trough
Tom DeLay's action for the good of his party are an interesting contrast to those of Govenor Bennett
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