Saturday, May 27, 2006

Adam Puharic

Dear WHS:

Thanks for your kind comments about Dana, me and the work of Michael’s Feat.

I have not decided whether to enter the race as a candidate for Chairman. I am humbled and flattered that some in our party would consider me worthy to hold this important position. I do not share their enthusiasm for my candidacy, but I do share a commitment to unify, professionalize, and to aggressively and legally raise funds so we are victorious this November and beyond.

If it helps your readers, who might not know me, a bit of my background is below:

In 1997, I did three things right. I married Dana, the love of my life, and the source of everything good that has happened to me. The second right move was to search for a home, and to choose Monmouth County as the place to raise my family. The third right move was to show up at County Republican headquarters and begin stuffing envelopes for our party.

I’ve had the honor to serve as Aberdeen Municipal Chairman, and in that time oversaw the unification of a divided, demoralized, and under-funded organization. I made many hard decisions, and numerous mistakes. One of those mistakes cost me an important friendship. I chose to use my power as Chairman to punish dissent, instead of healing, bringing people together, and fostering debate without resentment. I learned a powerful lesson – one that I hope the future Chairman will use to success: Power is finite. Once you use it, you immediately begin to lose it. But influence is forever. If you harness your influence, you can see the right ideas come to light, whether they are yours or not.

I had the honor of serving as Monmouth County Undersheriff from 2000 to 2004. During that time, I learned how to foster a fair – but uncompromising – relationship with the Press. At the Sheriff’s Office, we welcomed their questions, but they would not set the agenda for our policy.

I also learned under the brilliant campaigning of our great Sheriff Joe Oxley. His strategy transformed a candidate who won by the skin of absentee ballots into a 15,000 vote plurality.

I also formed and funded Michael’s Feat. We’ve raised close to $500,000. I am a leading member of the Monmouth Council Boy Scouts “Way Forward” plan to recoup $1 million in capital debts. We are turning the corner, and I am proud of the way we are communicating with and uniting our Scouting families.

I think very highly of the people who are already candidates for Monmouth County Chair. Ed, Mel, Elias, and Jim are great Republicans. My hope for this coming chairman election is that their supporters will stay positive, and will not break Reagan’s 11th commandment to “never slander a fellow Republican in public

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Civil Suits as Deterrent to Corruption?

The APP reports today that the Tinton Falls Planning Board is suing a NY developer and former Planning Board member to recoup damages from alleged illegal activity on the part of the Planning Board member.

Last January, in The County of Essex v. First Union National Bank, the state Supreme Court ruled that "when a public contract is obtained by bribing a public official, the public entity is entitled to the gross profits obtained by the wrongdoer."

Freeholder Director Bill Barham was quoted as saying that the county would "take a look at whatever we have to look at to make sure the taxpayers' money is handled properly." I would hope so Bill.

Most of the Operation Bid Rig money that we know about is peanuts and probably not worth the cost of litigation. But with looser evidentiary rules in civil cases than criminal cases, could an aggressive attorney find more graft in discovery?

In Marlboro, where Mayor Kleinberg says his town is reserving the right to sue, the gross profits of Anthony Spalliero's developments could be real money if there is any left by the time the Feds are done with him.

On the state level, I hear Govenor Corzine is looking for money to fund his "budget cuts." Would the Govenror sue an ex-con that he once wanted to be partners with?

Its anybody's guess where this will all lead, but its a safe bet that there are crooks moving more of their assests off shore and into their kids' names.

I wouldn't mind seeing a high profile big money case in the headlines. It might scare some from crossing the line.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Candidate Fundraisers

Anna Little's Fundraiser
Andrew Lucas's Fundraiser

And a joint Fundraiser:

Cocktail Reception for Republican Candidates Andrew Lucas, Anna Little and Rosemary Peters, Battleground Country Club, Manalapan (off Millhurst Rd.), 6-8:00 p.m., for more information call 732-462-2277.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Sane Point of View on Pay to Play

My friends Honest Abe and Jim Purcell are beginning to go off on "dirty money" from developers and "Pay to Play" over at Abe's blog. This is an issue where I disagree with Abe and Jim.

I'm concerned that as a party we are over reacting to past scandals and that we are letting the Asbury Park Press set our fund raising policies. When the APP starts making as much an issue of Labor Union contributions as they have with vendor and developer contributions, they will have more credibility with me.

Rather than re-invent the wheeling, I give you the words of another friend, former Freeholder candidate Tom DeSeno, as originally published in his Justified Right column in the TriCity News on February 15, 2006. (Note to Tom and Dan: Please don't sue me for copyright infringement. Consider this a plug to increase your readership among the surburbanites. Then again, if you do sue me, maybe the APP will cover us and we'll all get more readers. Hmmmm.)

PAY TO PLAY: A phony scare like the Jersey Devil.
An open challenge to debate Heather Taylor

By Tommy DeSeno. Originally published in the TriCity News. February 15,2006

Who cannot open an honest mind / no friend will he be of mine. Euripides

Like the only boy honest enough in the Kingdom to yell, "The Emperor has no clothes," I stand now to yell: "The pay-to-play problem is a fake media illusion to scare people, just like the Jersey Devil."

Before we get into it, let's clarify some law: Each of us has a 1st amendment right of "free speech" to endorse a candidate for office. The right to donate money to a candidate has been held as "free speech." By law if I want to stand on a street corner and yell, "Vote for George," since I have a 1st Amendment right to do so, a town will need a "compelling" state interest to stop my speech. Well by the very same laws, a town will need to show a "compelling" state interest to stop me from writing a check to George.

Here is the usual media dupe on pay-to-play: An engineer likes a candidate for City Council and donates $2,600.00 to him. Candidate wins. The next month that same engineer is hired by the city as an engineer.

Now here is the media "assumption:" All people in the world being corrupt, criminal, base, vile, awful and bad, the engineer over-bills the City to get his $2,600.00 back and the city raises taxes to cover it, so the taxpayers lose money.

"Oh what a terrible scandal!" yelled the mainstream media. "Let's write a billion words on it and convince New Jerseyeans that every local politician (also known as their friends and neighbors) is corrupt and every professional in the world is a hell-bound sinner!" So the media assault began, and it never stopped.

Here's the real deal: The assumption above isn't true. Professionals, despite contributing to campaigns, don't over-bill their government clients. If you poll lawyers with government contracts, most charge about 50% less per hour to the government than they do to their private clients.

The media response is: "Who gives a damn about the truth. We have the greatest "scare" story since War of the Worlds. Let's keep writing it!"

There is a group running amok in New Jersey pressuring every town and county to pass their version of Pay to Play laws (and many towns are caving in faster than a trailer park in a tornado). The group is called Center for Civic Responsibility and it is connected to the national group called Commie Cause. I mean Common Cause. Sorry. Scampering about the state for them, Jersey Devil in tow, is Heather Taylor.

When the Asbury Park Press writes about this group, they refer to them as "the good government group." OK AP Press, a lesson in journalism: Objectivity does not allow for value judgments when describing a partisan group, so when you... Oh forget it. Look who I'm talking to.

So Heather skips from town to town with her cookie-cutter pay-to-pay laws and says, "We insist you pass this law." Then she winks. Do you know what the wink means? "If you don"t pass it, the Asbury Park Press will grind you into sausage meat." Fearing for the good reputations of their families because there is no way to fight the AP Press, towns dutifully pass Heather's laws.

Here is my proof that Heather's group and the Asbury Park Press are over-stuffed like 10 pounds of manure in a 5 pound bag. Consider the firm Schoor DePalma, a group of engineers hired by government all over New Jersey. So as to remove themselves from this silliness, they announced they will no longer give any campaign contributions. You know what they didn't announce? That they were lowering their fees! You see, despite formerly being large campaign contributors, they weren't over-billing government to get the money back, and government wasn't raising taxes to pay them back. There was no "hidden tax." Schoor De Palma was hired then, and now, because they are great engineers.

That is also proof of my main assertion: Even if every town in New Jersey passes Heather's pay to play law, not one town will have their budget reduced by even a penny. She is selling a phony, made-up, non-existent scandal and a "feel-good" law to fix it.

All Heather and the Jersey Devil Press are accomplishing is to take away campaign dollars. The problem is, not all money is bad. Much off it is good. People have busy lives, so the only way they get to know who candidates are and what they stand for is advertising, which costs money. Without ads, the electorate will be uninformed. By the way, did the Asbury Park Press offer to lower their advertising rates to political campaigns to help the electorate stay informed? Of course not; they're no Schoor De Palma.

Now take me for example. My firm has an appointment in non-partisan Asbury Park. Heather's group demanded Asbury pass a pay to play law that says not only can't I give money in Asbury, but I can't give to the County Republican Party, which by the way spends exactly $0.00 each year in Asbury Park. So as a Monmouth County resident, I can't buy a $45.00 ticket to a Monmouth fundraiser to buy flyers that let people know about our candidates. Under these same laws though, Camden County boys George Norcross and Joe Roberts donated $1 million dollars in Monmouth last year to lie about our people. Heather and the Asbury Park Press call that "good government." Good Grief. By the way, The AP Press is "coincidentally" run by 2 Camden men. Double Good Grief.

Right now the good people in Tinton Falls are acting to remove the very unconstitutional ban on Contributions to County Parties from their pay-to-pay law. Applause! They should also get rid of the "large firm loophole" that allows big firms to donate but not small firms (what big firms made donations to Heather's group to ensure that was in there?).

So today I challenge Heather to debate me on these subjects, and I'll do it in front of the editorial board of the Asbury Park Press so she can feel at home. Any time.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Time to Get your Check Book Out

You are cordially invited to attend a

"Little" Buffet party honoring

Freeholder Anna Little

Monday June 19, 2006 - 6 P.M. to 9 P.M.

Print out your invitation here

Now is the time to support our candidates. Our success in November depends on it!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


News and political junkies from all over New Jersey are jonesing
and wasting countless work hours in their panic over the fact that neither Honest Abe or Wally Edge has posted since last weekend. The last activity on Abe's blog was Sunday evening, yet his hit counter has registered 2000 hits.

Speculation on the whereabouts of the bloggers ranges from them searching for Jon Corzine's property tax relief to John Bennett's fingers.

Fred Neimann and Dan Gallic are not available to comment.

Terence Wall denies he has a tape of Abe and Wally having lunch at the Metropolitan Cafe.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Chairman's race Update

UPDATE May 18, 2006

Jim Giannell, Chairman of the Two Rivers group and Red Bank GOP Chair is running for County GOP Chair.

Jim is the owner of New Markets Realty, Red Bank, and a member of the Monmouth County Transportation Board. For the last two years Jim has been the unofficial whip of the Monmouth GOP County Committee. He orchestrated the selections of Lillian Burry, Anna Little and Andrew Lucas as Freeholder Candidates.

Jim is a grass roots champion. Don't bet against him. He probably already has his votes counted and committed. If he is as smart as I think he is, he all ready has the support of the majority of the municipal chairs, the majority of the elected officials and the other rumored candidates.

Politicsnj has an article updating our Chairman's race posted today.

Of note, former Senator John O. Bennett is not running. He said, "I would rather slit my wrists and cut off all my fingers than run for County Chair." Bennett sarcastically endorses Asbury Park Press publisher Skip Hidlay for the post.

Former NJ GOP Executive Director and DiBella campaign manager Brian Nelson mulling a run. I think its safe to say that Brian will not be a candidate if Middletown GOP chair, Peter Carton, is a candidate. Peter is a partner in the law firm that Nelson works for.

Nelson has other problems. Holmdel Committeeman Terence Wall reports that he has filed a ELEC complaint against Nelson and Tom Blakely of Jamestown Associates for the distribution of the anonymous attacks against Wall in last March's Freeholder candidate race.

Jim Giannell is set to announce his intentions tomorrow. No word yet on what Peter Carton intends to do.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Winning Team, a Team of Winners

"Giannell and Carton both said Friday they will consider running for chairman following Oxley's announcement." ---Asbury Park Press 05/13/06

Peter Carton and Jim Giannell. A 3 piece suit and a running suit. Establishment and grass roots. Both well respected throughout the party. A peferct team to lead and heal our party. A team to unite us and lead us to victory.

Get together for lunch or a round of golf gentlemen. Work it out. Who will be Chair? Who will be Vice Chair? Who will be responsible for what will be the easy part, given your different but complimentary talents.

This team can give us a party that is clean, well respected, well funded, well informed on all levels, and united.

Work it out gentlemen. Present us by laws and your team. Please.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Oxley out of Chairman's race

The APP and The Courier are reporting that Sheriff Joe Oxley will not be running for Monmouth County GOP Chair.

This is very disappointing news. Joe has the prestige, respect, integrity and leadership ability we need to right our ship.

Say it ain't so Joe

Monday, May 08, 2006

Fred's Out!

UPDATE. May 12, 2006

Fred goes out with a whimper.

The APP reports that Fred confirmed we will not seek another term as Chairman because:

"Fairness in campaign financing doesn't exist,'' Niemann said. "Until there is fairness so both political parties can communicate their message equally,it won't be competitive. It will be about who raises the more money.''

"If fund raising is going to become all consuming in order to be competitive I chose not to run for re-election,''

What ever you say, Fred.

UPDATE. May 11,2006

The APP confirms that Fred is out!

Monmouth GOP $4G'S in the RED. PACs have $100G's. Rent not paid. Gallic paid $7,500.00. Fred's gas paid for.

Multiple anonymous sources are reporting that Fred Neimann will not stand for re-election as county chairman at the June 13th convention.

Ed Stominski and Mel Hall are beginning to make the rounds to Republican Clubs throughout the county seeking support for their candidacy as chairman.

Other possible candidates are John Eckdahl of Rumson and Sheriff Joe Oxley. Eckdahl reportedly won't run if Oxley does.

We need to make this choice very carefully. We need a Chairman who can heal the rifts in our party. One who can recruit qualified candidates for office at all levels, yet encourage an open and competitive process in candidate selection. We need a chairman who can run a clean and transparent fund raising operation and keep the rank and file informed. We need a chairman who is serving the party and the people of Monmouth County and not using the position for his or her own personal gain.

Thank you Fred for not running.

Thank you to the candidates who are running. Each candidate mentioned so far brings a lot to the table. I hope that when the new Chair is selected that those candidates not chosen rally behind the new Chair and continue to serve the party.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Jim, you can do better. A lot better

In his word from the Publisher column this week, Courier publisher, frequent blog participant, and one of the inspirations of this blog, Jim Purcell dedicates a full page to smearing Freeholder Rob Clifton.

Readers who have frequented this blog since January, or who have read through the archives know that this blogger's relationship with Purcell started antagonistically...he even challenged me to a boxing match, which I agreed to only if we could do it naked out at Sandy Hook, in the spirit of air bathing and the ancient Olympics. Since that time, Jim and I have developed a good relationship based on mutual respect and admiration. In my opinion, our intellectual sparring has made a difference in the quality and fairness of The Courier's reporting and he has been a major contributor to this his participation here and by the reporting of the blog in his newspaper.

Jim and I share a commitment to good government. We both despise corruption, influence peddling and waste. Had he written this weeks column before I got to know that about him, this blog post would be written very differently.

With that being said, Jim's column this week is garbage. Yellow journalism. Not fit for the National Enquirer or Mr. Whipple's inventory. He rehashes an old story published last July with no new facts and spews innuendo and suspicion on Rob Clifton because a campaign contributor of Rob's is suspected by an Asbury Park Press reporter of being an unnamed developer in former West Long Branch Councilman Joseph DeLisa's Operation Bid Rig indictment.

There are several big differences between Joe DeLisa and Rob Clifton. Amongst them are:

1) Rob returned the campaign contributions, where as DeLisa kept the campaign contributions and bribes.

2) DeLisa has been indicted.

3)The project DeLisa was allegedly bribed for has been built. The project that Purcell smears Clifton over has not been built.

Jim has been kinder to Republicans and former Republicans who have been indicted. He's even talked about "innocent until proven guilty" in the cases of at least 3 indicted in Operation Bid Rig.

Evidently, Jim Purcell has reverted to his very subjective journalistic and editorial standards that have more to do with who he likes and dislikes than they have to do with real news and the facts.

Jim, you can do better. A lot better.