Senator Ellen Karcher filed an ethics complaint today against her opponent, Assemblywoman Jennfier Beck. Karcher apparently has the goods on Beck with using her legislative stationary for political purposes.
Beck admitted to, that she passed out the letter Karcher has a problem with at an event at Seabrook Village, a senior living community in Tinton Falls. Beck called the complaint frivolous.
The complaint may be frivolous, but printing letter on legislative rather than campaign stationary was reckless, especially with ethics being the focus of the campaign in the 12th.
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There's nothing wrong with the letter. Beck clearly makes note of legislation she has pending, and the reference to the website is a permissible suggestion of further reading of source material. Source material is allowed to be of her own authorship.
The Dems file ethics complaints as a hobby.
In the 11th they have a woman who files one against Republicans during each election, and she withdraws them after the election. I'm surprised we haven't heard from her yet this year.
These kinds of complaints are for no other reason than to create a headline.
They should make such complaints confidential unless there is an adverse ruling to hinder fraudulent filings like this one.
Beck should pack it in now. She maay be a slick lobbyist but it sure seems they got the goods on her. Shame and stupidity. Not a good way to be entering the end of this race. Score double for Karcher. She is one bright lady, and doesn't take the crap others try to get away with. Karcher is cruizing to victory. And Beck's stupidity will become the stuff of legends.
C'mon Tom, you know it was a stupid thing to do. She talks about ethics with every other sentence and then goes and puts out what is basically a campaign letter on legislative letterhead. There are other questions too,such as, did her taxpayer paid staff copy the letter on gov't equipment.
She can't have it both ways...either its a violation, or its not. It can't be ok because its ONLY stationery. You either do the right thing, or you don't, and clearly, while this is small stuff, it was not the right thing to do.
Oh no, not the Joint Committee on Ethics...those guys really mean business. Gimme a Break, Ellen, I mean "Anonymous".
The fact of the matter is that Karcher can not keep up on any actual ISSUES, so she resorts to stupid tactics like this.
Notice how she has not actually taken a position on the Earle housing issue, she just attacks the one candidate who actually represents the people in the district.
Hey Ellen, instead of trying to figure out how to grandfather more of your democratic criminals, why don't you catch up on the issues that are important to your constituents.
Hey..look how stupid Karcher and the Democratic State COmmittee is now, sending out a campaign letter with a reply card to her legislative office. Ethics schmethics, right Senator Karcher?
"She talks about ethics with every other sentence and then goes and puts out what is basically a campaign letter (replying to her legislative office) There are other questions too,such as, did her taxpayer paid staff (open the mail)...She can't have it both ways...either its a violation, or its not...You either do the right thing, or you don't, and clearly, while this is small stuff, it was not the right thing to do."
I assume the same theory applies to Karcher?
And you believe that Beck's compaint is legitimate? Foolish of you Barry. Its just a tad transparent, don't you think? I wouldn't believe Beck if she told me the sky was blue today. She's lied in the past, and will lie again. She's the worst kind of that will do anything to attain power, and not for the right reasons.
Jen's complaint is probably accurate. Ellen's proably is too.
I am sure that both complaints are accurate, which does not mean they are not frivolous. Either way, they are a waste of taxpayer time and expense. Ellen fired the first frivolous shot, however, and for that she is both petty and hypocritical.
" that will do anything to attain power, and not for the right reasons."
More and more of your quotes seem to apply to both candidates.
Barry Goldwater said...
" that will do anything to attain power, and not for the right reasons."
More and more of your quotes seem to apply to both candidates.
I'm finding more and more people who are voting against a Senate candidate in the 12th, rather than for their candidate. Sad, but true.
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