Tommy's still angling for FoxNews. He even used "bloviating".
The point of Tom DeSeno's post at Red Jersey is a good one. There's so much disingenous talk about ethics in this campaign that our real problems are not getting addressed. Could that be because neither side really want to solve the sorry state of our State? Tommy's demand of our politicians, to "stop promising to give me what you already owe me," is like asking a three card monte dealer to play fair.
Our "leaders" don't want to deal with real issues during a campaign. Governor Corzine calls issues like asset monetization, dual office holding, education funding and gay marriage "political footballs" as if that were a bad thing. Is it any wonder voter turnout is so low when campaigns have no substance and the real issues are put off for lame duck sessions when the "leaders" can vote with no consequence.
Tom goes as far to implore U.S. Attorney Chris Christie to give his corruption investigations a rest and focus on terrorism. The way I see it, the Feds are doing a good job on both corruption and terrorism. I say keep the heat on the crooks.
Rather than give the crooks a break, the Feds should make the crooks complete their rehabilitation at a place like this. It will get them closer to The Lord and there will be no place to hide the cash or the wires for that matter.
Will the MAGA Barbarian Invasion Succeed?
21 hours ago
Hey, Art. I use bloviating twice in the last ten days and yet no link?
Actually I used the term, "bloviating sophomore".
Nice to see Tommy reads my posts.
Do you want to be on FoxNews too?
Speaking of Tommy reading posts, I want to go on record as having used the phrase "ethics schmethics" on wednesday in the comment section of this forum. I should have copyrighted it.
Wow CWA-NJ thinks he owns the word "bloviate" and anyone who uses the word must be reading his posts?
Some people just can't stand to be on the outside looking in even for a moment I guess.
About one minute worth of research turned up that "Bloviate" wasn't made popular by Fox or CWA-NJ. It has historical references back to the 1850's and was also used regularly by President Harding.
Then there is the following references. Are all these people copying CWA-NJ?:
"Anyone who has ever spent an idle morning watching the Washington talk shows has probably wondered: how did these people become entitled to earn six-figure salaries bloviating about the week's headlines?"
-- Robert Worth, "Quick! The Index!", New York Times, June 3, 2001
"After five years as president and thirty years as a political figure, this colossal oaf is still unable to discipline his urge to . . . bloviate."
-- R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., American Spectator, December 19, 1997
"We follow him minute by minute through a day in his office -- bloviating amiably with colleagues on the telephone, letting his secretary rewrite his clumsy letters and worrying about the possible hatred of his subordinates."
-- John Brooks, "Fiction of the Managerial Class", New York Times, April 8, 1984
Hey CWA-NJ - next time a simple "nice job" will do, rather than claiming authorship becuase you recognized one word out of 800 that I wrote.
Not sure if you are serious Barry, but my saved work shows I wrote the caption on 9/14.
Google search "schmethics" like I just did and you'll find work much older than both of ours.
Anyway - now I'm heading back up to Panera Bread company to wait for Rastaman.
He knows what I mean. said...
About one minute worth of research turned up that "Bloviate" wasn't made popular by Fox or CWA-NJ. It has historical references back to the 1850's and was also used regularly by President Harding.
Harding! What did you have to bring him up for!? There's a president we can all be proud of. I'm surprised someone isn't blogging under his name!
Harding is to presidents what Bully Barham is to directors.
Relax, Tommy. Please don't send anymore subpeonas out.
Art-I considered Harding, but didin't think anyon would know who he was...besides with Seward and Lincoln around, I wanted to use soemone alive during some of our lives.
Barry Goldwater said...
Art-I considered Harding, but didin't think anyon would know who he was...besides with Seward and Lincoln around, I wanted to use soemone alive during some of our lives.
You made an excellent choice...for the wrong reasons. :-)
Do I promise to leave the house with clothes on???
Baby, I make no promises!!!
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