Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Jackpot is $16 billion dollars

The Star Ledger reports that Governor Corzine will speak to the New Jersey League of Municipalities today about his plan to reduce the State's debt by half, $16 billion dollars.

Corzine will not lay out details of is "asset monetization" or ""fiscal restructuring" plan during this speach.

Tonight at 8 p.m., Corzine will field questions for an hour on a live call-in show airing on public television and streaming at Questions for the governor can be submitted at

Be sure to submit questions. Here are the questions I submitted:

1) Is seems to me that your plan is more a debt transfer than a debt reduction. You are transfering the debt from the taxpayers to the tollpayers. Is that right?

2) What is the average interest rate on the current debt, and what is the projected rate on the projected debt? Will there be a savings?

3) What do you project the State's debt to be in 2010? More than $16 billion or less than $16 billion?

1 comment:

Teddy Roosevelt said...

Sounds like the Guv. should enter my contest at
Monmouth Bull Moose