Friday, November 16, 2007

Wilson: Corzine busted and scared out of his pants

NJ GOP Chairman Tom Wilson issued the following statements today:

Corzine Legal Filings Suggest New Search Revealed More Communications

TRENTON, NJ – Republican State Committee Chairman Tom Wilson today issued the following statement concerning today’s filing by the Attorney General in the
OPRA case filed by Wilson seeking copies of all communications discussing
government business between Governor Jon Corzine and CWA President Carla Katz:

“It appears from the certification of William Brown that additional
communications between Jon Corzine and Carla Katz were discovered as a result of the more thorough and comprehensive search ordered by Judge Innes.

When we sought a more comprehensive search and an accounting of that search, the Governor’s position was that we were wasting everyone’s time and that he’d
already turned over everything relevant. In October, Corzine was emphatic that
all the additional search would do was confirm that position. Had that been the
case, I would have expected his filing to plainly and clearly state that no
additional documents were discovered. But it doesn’t say that anywhere which
suggests that they found more and provided more to the court.

If this is the case, then Jon Corzine has been caught red handed. If that is the case, then we have a Governor who will do anything, including violate a court order, to
keep secret his backchannel negotiations with Carla Katz. If he’s willing to go
to those lengths, there must be something in those emails that is so damaging
that it scares the pants off of Jon Corzine.”


“No Comment” Is What People Say When No Response Is Better Than The Truth

TRENTON, NJ – Republican State Committee Chairman Tom Wilson today issued the following statement in response the the “no comment” response to reporter inquiries about whether or not he found and turned over additional communications to Judge Paul Innes:
“No comment is what people say when no answer is better than the truthful
answer. In this case, the Governor’s no comment is a confirmation that he found
and delivered additional communications between he and Carla Katz discussing
state business. If the additional search they were ordered to perform had
revealed nothing more, there would be absolutely no reason whatsoever not to
just say so. Jon Corzine has been caught trying to defy a court order. There is
clearly something in those emails that Jon Corzine fears becoming public.”

1 comment:

the inside airbather said...

I'm not scared out ofmy pants. You can't be scared out of something yr not wearing.

