Why I think Mike Huckabee is best for New Jersey
I did what everyone should do: Reflected on my values and convictions, researched our candidates, reviewed our national issues, and went with the candidate that best complimented my values, and this is why I support Mike Huckabee and think he’s best for our country, and for New Jersey
As a conservative, I believes in smaller Government, lower taxes, lower spending, and focus on values and education. Gov. Huckabee fits the bill.
Here’s some issues:
Education and the Arts:
Governor Huckabee undertook initiatives to encourage arts in education. He passed legislation to provide music and art for all Arkansas children in grades one through six and created a two-year initiative which promoted the benefits of arts education to all fifty states.
Immigration: Has always supported the $3 Billion for Border security, Opposes Amnesty, Opposes Driver’s Licenses to illegals, and supports cutting funds to sanctuary cities
Sanctity of Life: Has always supported , and supports a constitutional amendment protecting the right to life.
Marriage: Always supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Supports and has a comprehensive plan for Energy Independence
Huge in NJ – Governor Huckabee’s FAIR TAX makes sense, and contrary to what many people think, he didn’t make this up – Economists from MIT created this and it works. Knowing I can come home with ALL MY PAY CHECK will allow me to put more back into the economy – that’s growth.
National Security, Healthcare, Secure America plan – they’re all there for you to see.
Bill Garcia
Manalapan, NJ 07726
Bill's message is the first I have received since offering to make this space available to Presidential campaigns and supporters. I've heard from others that messages are coming. Thanks Bill, for breaking the ice.
Will the MAGA Barbarian Invasion Succeed?
21 hours ago
Mike Huckabee will bring us back to the America where we all belong!
Right on point, Bill
Great job Bill!
GO MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Huckabee opposes vouchers (so much for school choice and local control on education).
Mike Huckabee said the constitution is a "living, breathing" document (so much for conservative judges).
Mike Huckabee will not do anything to end the excessive and wasteful earmark spending in Washington. Mike Huckabee raised taxes as governor and his fair tax is not workable (so much for that claimed fiscal conservatism).
Mike Huckabee has no foreign policy experience and does not understand the enemy we face as indicated by his comments after Bhutto's assasination (so much for national defense conservative). He wants to close Guantanamo and bring the terrorists onto American soil so they can have access to our court systems. (so much for national security and understanding the constitution).
Mike Huckabee supported sanctuary cities as governor (so much for protecting our soverignty). Mike Huckabee favors a "pathway to citizenship" for illegals (so much for no amnesty). Mike Huckabee will not do anything to change chain migration from anchor babies, gave tuition breaks to illegals as governor and would not come out against employers of illegals as governor (again ruining our sovereignty).
Mike Huckabee supports liberal environmental Kyoto-like gas emission standards that would be stiffling to businesses and harmful to the American economy (so much for conservative pro-business and economic growth policies).
Mike Huckabee engages in populist rhetoric that claims the weathy are bad for making money and should redistribute their wealth to the middle class and everyone else (so much for capitalism).
And these are just for starters.
For anyone to call Huckabee other than a pro-life Democrat is a recreation of history and his positions. If you want a pro-life Democrat then vote for Huckabee. If you want a Republican don't vote for Huckabee. If you want a conservative the name Huckabee should send you running in the opposite direction.
Their is no one left in the field who is solidly both a social and conservativative Republican.
unfortunately we are now in the position of having to compromise.
Part of that compromise should include electability in the equation.
Huckabee is probably the candidate the Democrats would love to have us pick.
As a liberal to moderate Republican, I disagree with Huckabee on a lot of issues, but I appreciate that he hasn't had to redefine himself or differ with the opinion that he held only a few years ago like the rest of the candidates.
Romney is an empty suit with deep pockets. He can't run on his record because he's busy running against what he used to beleive in.
McCain and Giuliani aren't red meat Republicans, but yet they have tried to prove that they are.
Everyone loking for a "true conservative" is out of luck this year. To pander too much to the base that supported George W. Bush, is to guarantee a loss in November. You can't run on the record or philosophy of an unsuccessful president.
Watch the eventual nominee get whiplash after the nomination is won as he pulls out of that hard right and drives to the center. And God help him if the President decides to stump for him!
I agree everything you said in your message about why you support him, on the "tangible" side like taxes, illegal immigration etc, and more, on the "spiritual/moral value" side: Mike seems to be a man that values the things I value most, like faith, family and freedom, is the only one amongst the candidates of the moment who shows some moral values, and has the guts to speak openly about "delicate" things like the marriage betwen a woman and a man, like God says in the Bible. I am not a fanatic religious, but I can't help to notice the moral decline the world is in nowadays, more and more! We people kick God out of everything and then we complain why He allows thing like the famous by now Tsunami stories etc!
Well, anyway, people who can, please go vote for Mike! I would vote for him right way, except that for the time being I am "just" a resident (though completely legal!!! but still a resident, not a citizen - a European married with a great American citizen and our love for each other is growing more and more, after these 5 years!!:))
May God bless America!
while I can find something I dislike with all the candidates, Mike Huckabee demonstrated that he's been practical and thoughtful about every decision he's made. And mostly conservative. Watch this Thursday's FLA debate to see for yourself (MSNBC at 9pm?). Go Mike!
It is time for a change within the Republican Party. From what I have seen so far, the only candidate trustworthy to lead us into future is Mike. Bill well defined his conervative credentials. However, the most important is Mike's appeal to average working American, who shares his values of honest hard work.
I agree with all of Bill's comments and would add that I'm supporting Mike Huckabee because his voice in the campaign has been one of civility. Romney loves to attack, attack and attack.
Mike Huckabee has been more interested in sharing what he believes as opposed to tearing his opponents down.
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