Thursday, August 28, 2008

Musings on the DNC

"Right side of History." What does that phrase mean?

Last night President Clinton said that being on "the right side of history" makes up for Barack Obama's youth and inexperience, just as it did for Clinton's in 1992.

If my study of race over the last 6 weeks has taught me anything, it has taught me that our human history is both glorious and horrendous. There is a right side and a wrong side of history.

If Roe v Wade had been decided in 1960, Barack Obama would have been aborted. That is a more plausible a story than the one that Obama used to tell about his parents meeting in Selma, Alabama while marching for Black voting rights three years after Barack was born.

Now Obama supports late term and live birth abortions because he doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a baby like his mother was should they make a mistake.

Was Barack on the right side of history by being born before 1973? Is he on the right side of history now supporting late term and live birth abortions?


Cory Booker is more qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama is.


Where were all the Black prime time speakers of at the DNC? Where was Jesse Jackson--junior or senior? If Jackson, Sr. hadn't said he wanted to cut that half-breed nigger's nuts off, Jackson might have passed the torch to Obama and Jim Purcell and I might still be friends.


When Obama loses, liberals will blame it on his race, which is bullshit.


Joe Biden is a nice idiot.


A southern white woman, the owner of a "Women and Minority Owned Business" who leases several trucks from my company, called me a nigger the other day while she was thanking me for solving a major problem for her. It wasn't hateful.


I was in Delaware yesterday signing school bus leases. I asked my customer (who happens to be black and didn't call me the N-word) "What do you think of Biden?" "I think he will put our little state on the map until November 4." was his reply.


What bothers me most about Barack Obama is not his inexperience or his support of live birth abortions. It is not his socialist economic policies or naive foreign policy ideas. I could care less about the color of his skin. What bothers me most about Barack Obama is that cocky head and shoulder bob he does when he's speaking without a teleprompter.


Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson Jr. spoke on the first night.

At least Joe is a "nice idiot" as opposed to Bush who's just a plain idiot.

We've been on the wrong side of history for 8 long, horrendous years now.

The Dick Cheney has been out of the country...has anyone noticed? He slithered out from under his rock during the night.

Who you wouldn't vote for Cory Booker either. Not because of his skin color, just because you seem to be a "nice idiot" too. (you knew that was coming)

Art Gallagher said...

Who you wouldn't vote for Cory Booker either.

If the Republicans were foolish enough to nominate someone as weak as Obama against Booker, I would.

just because you seem to be a "nice idiot" too.

That makes two of us. :-) (you knew that was coming back at you)

Anonymous said...

As a tranplanted NJ Republican, now in SC, I have watched with interest the coronation of Obaba. And what is his claim to fame? Not hope. Not change. It is class warfare. According to him, the problems of the country are caused by the rich and the profitable corporations of America. So, like Hitler who blamed the Jews, Obama is blaming the rich. Only thing is, the rich can take their money and go elsewhere, and companies can invest and manufacture overseas. When we are only left with the poor, who will support all of his socialistic programs? It is so much easier for those at the bottom to blame others, instead of looking within themselves. We don't have failing schools. We have failing children and failing families. We have created an underclass of people by giving them everything without having them accept responsibility for their own fortunes. I can speak from experience. I was a single mom, with limited child support and no government subsidies. Today my daughters are 1. an attorney; 2. a Ph.D.; 3. just got her Masters. How did they get there. I taught them to be responsible and to get an education. I'm sick and tired of hearing those that have less complain. Get off your butt and change your own life. Work 1, 2 or 3 jobs. This country does not promise wealth, it promises opportunity. When you start reaching in my pocket beyond a reasonable measure, I will empty them into a non-taxable account. And millions more, like me, who have scrimped and saved so that we could retire some day, will do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I think the first line in your diatribe is very telling...with the way you bastardized OBAMA's name. I am glad that someone like you has moved out of state into the confines of the deep south. I'm sure you will have many good years there with your confederate flag and your misplaced anger.
Good luck to you.

Art Gallagher said...


That's no way to talk to a lady.

Where do you get off assuming she flys the confederate flag?

You sound angry, what makes you think she is?

"Someone like you" What does that mean? What is wrong with a single mother who raised 3 successful children? We should bring her back and have her teach parenting classes in Newark and Camden.

More and more of those successful people will be leaving Jersey soon, leaving you and I with a larger burden to carry Rick.

The name thing could easily have been a typo. Obama's name was spelled correctly the second time it was used in that post. If it isn't a typo, I have no idea what Obaba means. Is that some kind of degrogatory slur that I have never heard of?

Anonymous said...

Art, the confederate flag flew over the SC statehouse has recently as 2000. They then moved it to the back of the statehouse over protests from nearly everyone.

I also find it hard to believe that this working mother can't find the right keys on the keyboard.

I also find it a little odd that you had nothing to say about this so - called hard working single mother compare Obama to Hitler.

What's up with that?

Anonymous said...


Rick is fired up. He's in convention mode. Give it a couple of weeks.

As far as moving to South Carolina, I'm with Rick. I'm not sure I want to live in a state where telling voters a lie like McCain has black children works like it did for George W. in 2000.


Art Gallagher said...

I also find it a little odd that you had nothing to say about this so - called hard working single mother compare Obama to Hitler.

There has been so much comparison of both Obama and McCain to Hilter that I'm getting numb to it.

Her point about class war fare is a good one though

ESedler said...

I'm more pro-McCain than anti-Obama...simply because I've liked McCain for years.

But seriously, this is my problem with Obama:

Who the hell planned this thing tonight and what drugs were they on?

A greek temple?! Fireworks?! Life-sized air force one blowup thing?! What the hell are they thinking?

I thought it was a joke mocking McCain's "The One" ads...

Anonymous said...

Even I have been saying its a little over the top.

But that's not a bad point could be sarcasm...very expensive sarcasm.