Ernesto Cullari of the triCityNews has a compelling column this week about Barack Obama's record of supporting infanticide, the killing of live birth babies who survived their abortions, because Obama doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a baby should they make a mistake like his mother did.
triCityNews has a web site but the paper is not published online because publisher Dan Jacobson wants you to visit the establishments where the paper is available. I recommend you do that this week, if only to read Cullari's column.
Cullari writes of Gianna Jessen. Gianna has "the gift of Cerebral Palsy" as she calls it. She is a public speaker who has testified before Congress. She is a marathon runner, songwriter and recording artist.
She is an abortion survivor.
Meet Gianna Jessen.
Hacktivism and the Possibility of WW III
1 day ago
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Monsters and Heroines
written by Ernesto Cullari
published in the TriCity News @
"To a superior race of being the pretensions of mankind to extraordinary sanctity and virtue must seem...ridiculous." William Hazlitt
CAUTION: This article contains material of a graphic nature.
If Democrat Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama accomplished his high-minded legislative goals, Gianna Jessen would have been manually asphyxiated at birth. Both Obama's rhetoric and short legislative resume exposes the indisputable and quieted fact that he has on three occasions supported infanticide.
Gianna Jessen is an amazing and vibrant young woman. Creative and spirited, Gianna has fulfilled many of her dreams in life. She is a public speaker that has appeared before Congress. She is a traveler. She is a songwriter and recording artist. You would never guess this, because of her unbound energy and determination, but Gianna has Cerebral Palsy.
Gianna is a marathon runner. Although, as a child in foster care she was told that she would never walk. Now an adult, Gianna is a humble overachiever that has defied all odds.
Gianna Jessen is what many people might call a "survivor", but not for the reasons that I mentioned. In the third trimester of her pregnancy, Gianna's 17 year old mother went to a federally funded Planned Parenthood clinic where her uterus was injected with a saline solution that burned Gianna alive in utero. Miraculously, the abortionist was not present when she was violently expelled from her mother's womb; otherwise she would have (legally) been suffocated or left to die by the attending clinician.
These helpless babies have been known to survive ten hours after being aborted.
Gianna was born a premature and frail child weighing just 2 lbs. The neurological damage to Gianna's tiny and delicate body was extensive and led to her lifelong diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.
Obama recently stated, “Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old.....I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby." To Obama, Gianna was a mistake that should never have seen the light of day.
His disregard for the sanctity of life is a matter of public record: Not once, not twice, but three times Obama voted against various versions of a law entitled, the (BAIPA) Born Alive Infant Protection Act, that would protect infants like Gianna born alive after surviving an abortion. He was the only Illinois legislator to oppose the law that would protect these children, when it was voted on at the state level.
In a world of monsters like Obama and his supporters it is comforting to know that there are heroines tirelessly defending the defenseless.
In 1999 Jill Stanek was a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois when she discovered that babies that survived abortions were being ruthlessly discarded alive in a soiled utility room. One evening Jill witnessed another nurse take a child that was born alive to the utility room for disposal. Jill held the boy in her arms for forty-five minutes until his little heart stopped beating.
Jill became an outspoken critic of this atrocity. Twice she spoke before a U.S House committee to explain the importance of the BAIPA, which President Bush signed in 2003.
She recalls meeting with then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama when she also testified before the Illinois Senate. Despite her testimony that detailed the horrific nature in which these children were discarded she states that Obama "was unmoved, and actually opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act."
Obama claims that he opposed the BAIPA because it would weaken abortion rights. Yet the versions that he opposed on the State and Federal level have explicit wording that protects a woman's right to choose.
Daniel Albott writing for the American Spectator reports that Obama stated in a speech before the Illinois legislature that he could not accept the premise that a baby that emerges from its mother's womb is automatically a person deserving of prostections assigned to human beings under the Constitution.
Again Obama confirmed his moral inability to distinguish that a child born alive is a person, this past Saturday when he met with pastor Rick Warren. In a televised event that featured both John McCain and Obama, Barack said the following: "Well, I think that whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."
Indeed it is above your pay grade Obama. Whether one is pro-life or pro-choice it is undeniable that a baby, like Gianna Jessen, that enters this world alive is a person. It is a person deserving of the same promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that you and your family seem to be enjoying so much lately.
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