Saturday, August 30, 2008

The trough-swillers can't be happy

While the Democrats have nominated a pair of lefties who rail against oil company profits and promise to solve all of the country's problems by taxing the rich and increasing the poor and middle class's dependency on government handouts, the Republicans are poised to nominate a pair of reformers who have made careers out of taking the profit out of politics.

Trough-swillers on both sides of the isle can't be happy with the prospect of a McCain-Palin administration with standard bearers who are serious about taking the pork, corruption and wasteful spending out of government.

As the first six years of the Bush administration proved, and as the Whitman administration proved in New Jersey, Republicans spend like Democrats when they have unfettered power.

The nominations of John McCain and Sarah Palin could be the beginning of a reformation of the party and the country more powerful than the Reagan revolution or the Contract with Amercia.

Yesterday while she was introducing herself to the country, Governor Palin said, "The people of America expect us to seek public office and to serve for the right reasons. And the right reason is to challenge the status quo and to serve the common good."

You go girl! That's what we're talk'n about!


ESedler said...

Seriously, I really love the anti-corruption reformer angle of our ticket.

All those business as usual pork-barrell spenders like Murtha and Stevens (who won't even win re-election) must have pissed themselves when they heard about this ticket.

And I think the greatest thing you have a ticket that has a wide appeal. Conservatives wary of McCain are now on board because Palin is a strong conservative, but yet she's still a maverick who's taken on her own party so independents and soft D's will like that. And those people already like John McCain who has disagreed with his own base a few times, and disagreed with the unpopular president on a number of very large issues - spending, how to manage the Iraq War, climate change, torture, etc.

What a great suprising pick Mrs. Palin is. Sure it's a risk, but would a safe pick fired up our side as much as this and taken the air out of Obama's historic campaign? I don't think so.

Now history will be made either way. It's a great time to be an American and a political science nut..haha.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Art, look again. Palin imposed a windfall profits tax on big oil in Alaska.

As to her qualifications, forget for a moment Obama's and look to the VP picks in 2004: Edwards, a first term Senator who had never before held elective office and Cheney, former member of the House, Secretary of Defense and White House Chief of Staff. No comparison, right? Except history has shown us that Cheney has been the most influential VP in history. Will Sarah Palin have that kind of influence with John McCain?

Say what you will about Obama's qualifications for the job, but he got the nomination through the votes of the electorate, who deemed him qualified. Palin's nomination is the vote of one person, McCain, in his first major personnel decision made a scant two month's before he faces the electorate seeking a job he's wanted almost his whole adult life. It makes one wonder about his judgment. Is it the "Hail Mary" pass, a major gamble, or a wise policy choice, made after careful deliberation (albeit after only one meeting with her)? can John McCain seriously say she is the best person (regardless of gender) to lead the free world in the event of his untimely demise?

Unfortunately, it's very difficult to sift through the spinmeisters on either side to determine if this was really a wise choice. Republicans instantly hailed her, repeating an obvious list of talking points. Democrats instantly questioned her qualifications and said Republicans lost their ability to question Obama's "inexperience", again running through an obvious list of talking points.

The really sad thing is that, because of our own childishness, narcissism, and intellectual laziness, we get the choices for president that we have, i.e., the evil of two lessers. What true statesman (or woman) would put themselves through the irrelevant scrutiny that an American presidential campaign has become? Really, does whether a candidate wears boxers or briefs (or panties or a thong for that matter) have anything to do with governing?
The rest of the world is laughing at us as we continue a downward slide...

Anonymous said...


we are about to have a general election, either way it turns out we will have either a female for v.p., or an african american as much for the downslide of the USA

we are about to nominate a woman of character-faced with the birth of a child with down syndrome she chose much for the downslide of the USA

we are about to elect a man who when faced with early release from the hell hole of the Hanoi Hilton...chose to stay with his brothere in much for the downslide of the USA

the world banking and commodities industries conduct over 85% of their business and exchanges...using the US much for the downslide of the USA

people, everyday, flock to our borders both legaly, and illegaly to come to the downsliding much for your theory

we have Al Qaeda and their allies on the run in Iraq, and hiding in much for the downslide of the USA

and say what you want about President Bush, but we haven't been hit since 9-11 on his watch! much for the downslide of the USA

Thank God for the USA...still the beacon and defender of liberty to the rest of the world!

Art Gallagher said...

Welcome back Michael.