Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where's the hope?

A great review of Obama's ordination speech by Mac Johnson at Human Events.

"Hope was also in short supply for the working man and/or woman as packaged in Obama’s rhetoric. Apparently, Americans are all hard-working, but unemployed single parent union members who lack health insurance that will cover them for the global-warming-induced diseases they all got after their jobs were outsourced by the Big Drug/Oil companies that think business-as-usual in Washington is just fine. Also, many Americans seem to be hapless helpless veterans that need taking care of when they return, like that senile militaristic imbecile, John McCain. (But of course we thank him for his service to our country, which he doesn’t understand)."


ambrosiajr said...

And such an un-biased review too.

I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from the ultra right wing wacko movement.

Art Gallagher said...

Come on now Rick, where is your open mind?

Anonymous said...

I thought the hurricane blowing was named it's the wind bag Gallagher ! Make your discourse intelligent or blow out to sea !!!