Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Why Palin will win in a landslide.

By "Ronald Reagan"

"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players:They have their exits and their entrances;"Shakespeare

The vast majority of voters are now paying attention to the Presidential race and it has nothing to do with either the old white man or the young black guy. Up until last Friday, I, along with many I know had settled into a funk about the election because it had become predictable and boring.

Enter Salin Palin. For all her talents and amazing successes, for all her bold reform measures and leadership ability, she will be best know for ... drama.

That's right folks, drama. Americans love it. I love it. But more importantly big business LOVES it. The election of Sarah Palin, mind you I didn't say McCain, guarantees news cycle after news cycle of titillating stories. Can you image how the press will cover the VP-elects birth of daughters bastard child? Oh... I can here the New York Post licking it's chops from here. Can you image that just last week we were all abuzz because John ...what was his name... I don't even remember.. you know the guy who cheated on his sick, with cancer, wife and defended himself with, "At least I waited until I knew she was going to live." That's not drama... that's just crass.

All of that news is now wrapping fish (although I don't think they do that anymore). Sarah Palin, enter stage right... And you can hear all the cable 24 hour news channels that have had to fill their empty news cycles with Bush Bashers and Rush Limbaugh wannabees now get some really juicy stories with great, long, sexy legs.

Mark this day so that you can reference it. Palin will win in a land slide because there is no way the big media guys are going to let 16 years of the "gift that keeps on giving" out of their grasp. This is going to be fun!

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