My friend Tommy DeSeno has made it to FoxNews!
Tom has a great article about Bruce Springsteen posted on the FoxNews Forum today. Read it here.
Hopefully Tommy will get on the air live soon. Maybe he can start by replacing the 5am repeat showing of the O'Reilly factor with his own show, and have me on as a guest.
From Churchill to Vance...Sounding Off About Tyranny
15 hours ago
You know, when I heard hat reagan wanted to use 'Born in the USA' as his song, I was dumbstruck. Did he ever listen to the words? They are not saying how grea everything was. They are a lament. A cry out to how bad things were going. And now he backs Obama. I;m sorry guys, but if Mcain changes socks as often as he changes his mind, he must have some sweet smellin' feet. It IS time for a change, a change to see if someone else other than the 'my way or the hiway' guys can do something other than break our backs. You have to admit that Bush is just bad. Give something else a shot. If you don;t like it, in 4 years boot him out. But my God, look at the state we're in. And no, I;m not saying Dems are better, or it's all GB;s fault, but come on!! Enough with the backbiting and bitching. I've never seen people go at each other like they do now....
How reckless and superficial. This not a football game where you try a different quarterback and if it doesn't work out, you go back to the other guy. You are talking about putting an individual in the White House who could do untold amounts of damage in four years. Do you really want to give more control to people like Pelosi, Franks and Dodd - the people who are the architects of the bad policy that has lead to our economic woes? Do you want far left radicals appointing Supreme Court justices? While Bush has his faults, he in no way is as bad as the media has portrayed him and they are what is driving the push for Obama - because he reflects their values of Socialism, Hollywood, Farrakhan and the rest of the far left.
I guess you must be right then. I certainly don't want someone who would tap my phones illegally, condone torture, going against the Geneva Convention, or using the Constitution of this great nation as nothing more that toilet paper. You say Bush is nat that bad? Compared to what???
How absurd. Unless you are a terrorist, you have no reason to worry about having your phones tapped. Do you have any idea how many terrorist plots have been broken up through wiretaps? One that comes to mind is blowing up the Brooklyn Bridge. And torture/ Cold rooms, loud music and waterboarding torture? Get real. Do you think you would get info that would save American lives by chatting over milk and cookies? Geneva convention? That only applies to uniformed soldiers fighting under a recognized flag, not these predator drones who cut people's heads off. Don't worry, Al Queda is rooting for Obama right along side you.
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