(Tinton Falls) January 9, 2009 – Tinton Falls Councilman Michael Skudera today announced that he will run for Mayor in the Borough’s upcoming May non-partisan election. Running with Skudera is Nancyanne Fama and Scott Larkin for the Borough Council seats being vacated by Councilman Paul Ford and Michael Skudera.

Skudera’s ticket has garnered early endorsements from respected Borough leaders including Councilman Paul Ford and former Councilwoman Kim Barrett who both ran with Mayor Peter Maclearie in 2005. Also endorsing the Skudera-Fama-Larkin ticket is Peter Karavites, the Tinton Falls Board of Education President.
Michael Skudera was elected to the Tinton Falls Borough Council in 2005. He has previously served as Council President and is currently the Deputy Council President. Skudera was elected on the campaign message of “Tinton Falls – Taxpayers First” and won his council seat in a hotly contested election. Michael lives in central Tinton Falls with his wife Nadia and their daughter. He works as a software consultant & project manager for Fortune 500 companies. During his tenure on the Council, Michael has worked to improve open government, fought against no-bid contracts, worked to expand the working relationship between the Borough Council and the Board of Education, and fought to provide more services for less tax dollars.
Nancyanne Fama is the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources for Food Circus Super Markets, Inc., one of New Jersey’s Top 100 Employers. Formerly, she worked for the New York City Mayor’s Office of Operations as Productivity Manager, and later at the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs as the Director of Management and Policy Analysis. Nancyanne lives in northern Tinton Falls with her husband Joe and their three children. Most recently, Ms. Fama worked on a committee organized to stop the influx of students into the Tinton Falls school system from the civilianization of the Earle Naval Base without affording the school district appropriate compensation and was also at the forefront of successful opposition to the installation of a cell tower on the grounds of the Atchison School in Tinton Falls.

Scott Larkin is the Assistant Principal of Monmouth Regional High School in Tinton Falls and also serves as Director of Student Activities. Mr. Larkin also serves on the Project Graduation Committee, which provides a drug and alcohol free graduation experience for Monmouth Regional students and also acts as a liaison between the High School and the Tinton Falls Police Department. Prior to that he taught advanced placement classes on government and politics at Ocean Township High School. Scott Larkin lives in southern Tinton Falls and is a lifelong resident of Monmouth County. He is married to his wife Marlene and has one daughter.
This team is going to clean MacClearie's clock.
Let's hope so!!!
I strongly supported Pete Maclearie for Mayor and before that Brendan Tobin for council. I consider that two biggest political mistakes I have ever made. They both promised open and honest Government and in my opinion they have failed to keep those promises.
I intend to vote for Michael Skudera and his team.
Are these the guys that have my house called at 9 pm asking who I would support for mayor? I was sickened by the tone of the questioner, and felt dirty when I hung up the phone.
Who paid for this study?
Dear Anonymous being at the time that these calls were going on, ony one team (Skudera's team) had announced they were running for mayor so who do you think was paying for that survey phone call?
I can't believe how much the truth is stretched in their bios. They'll make excellent politicians if residents are stupid enough to believe them and don't bother getting the facts.
Match up the candidates. Skudera's team has done nothing for the Borough. If you are an intelligent constituent you'll find that the other ticket has done more in 4 years than the previous administration did in 16.
You'll probably also find out that the same person (Mike Laughey) is writing the anonymous blobs as well as spinning his own tales. He has NEVER won an election because he continuously backs the wrong candidates. He backed the Mayor and Tobin in their victories, but did nothing to help. His dirty tactic politicking represents what is inherently wrong with politics in the Country. Just an angry man. Hopefully they'll stop with the "push polling' phone calls. Mr. Maclearie has done an excellent job, one of only 7 municpalities in the STATE that did not increase taxes this year. Given the financial crisis, that speaks volumes!
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