A Quinnipiac poll released this morning indicates that former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie has widen his lead over Governor Corzine to 46-37. A February 4th poll had Christie leading the Governor 44-38.
Christie leads Steve Lonegan in the race for the GOP gubernatorial nomination by 40-19 with 32% undecided. Corzine beats Lonegan 41-37, even though 77% of the respondents don't know enough about Lonegan to form an opinion about him.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
6 hours ago
Impressive early numbers. Rasmussen has the race at 15. Clearly we are a long way from November. However, with only two Statehouse races in the Nation these numbers will attract lots of attention
Corzine's budget was a disaster. These polls were taken before his budget message. Taxpayers and voters are not happy.
It almost defies explanation as to how the Democrats can put out a budget that will directly hurt the middle class. Corzine's poll numbers have to have him behind by 20 points after this disaster. They must really think the people of New Jersey are either A - incredibly stupid, B - Democrat no matter what, or C-under the spell of the lightweight in the White House. I believe that the answer will be D - sick of the socialists in Trenton and finally willing to throw them out.
It will get even wider after today. Sources tell me at least one subpoena has been issued to the treasurer of the Union County Democratic organization. It was over a year ago that other subpoenas were issued to the Union County Dem. Chair and disgraced ex-assemblyman Neil Cohen, relating to the Union County Improvement Authority as well as Camelot Title (which has since closed its door or at least switched ownership), which, among others, Joe Cryan had a stake it. Whether today's subpoena is related to that investigation .... we'll have to wait and see when it becomes public knowledge.
This will help Monmouth County as well as it should deter the Union County democrat influence that appears to be muscleing its way into Monmouth County. You don't want that.
This was the best Corzine could do to keep his constituents happy (unions ,teachers) but giving the appearance of everybody sharing the pain ...I think it worked ,look for a pop in his #'s
it's too soon, it's scary.. $50 million in spending by Bozo from now, we'll all still be fighting for our lives: after last night's "freeholder fiasco" meeting, you can bet Union/Hudson/Passaic are already here..Flippy even blamed our county economic downturn ( hello, less ratables, less new business, zip real estate transactions,etc.), on Pres. Bush!!.. the Kool-Aiders are alive and well,unfortunately,and killing us right now: has to be fixed, whomever's at the top.. inform yourselves: come to the bi-weekly circus, please, and see them in action..good people with 25-35 years of good,non-partisan service, ARE BEING HUNTED DOWN AND DUMPED DAILY: THEY HAVE NO HEART, BRAIN OR MERCY: JUST THEIR RADICAL AGENDAS,CRONIES,and "CHANGES"!.. (MAY WE EVER STOP HEARING THAT WORD!!)..
Way too soon, 9 points is nice, but nothing in March. We are used to seeing good numbers until the fall.
Corzine will pump craploads of money into ads and it will be a much tighter race near the end. His approval ratings (more like disapproval) are the only good news in these polls.
Rasmussen is a bit of an outlier as well I would think, maybe not, but we need to operate this race as if we are behind.
One more note to whoever said his numbers will see a boost, I doubt it. Especially not with unions, they are furious with his wage freeze and furlough plan, even more furious that he is threatening layoffs. His base has moved on to pandering to seniors and maybe some low-income voters who think they are getting spared by this budget.
This budget is more of the same from Corzine and crew.
Have you noticed that not one Government Department is being cut? This is the definition of balancing the budget on the backs of middle-class families in New Jersey, and don't tell me middle class families don't make more than $75,000 a year, two working parents make that kind of money, and they are being hit hard by Corzine yet again. NOT ONE Government Department is being cut, NOT ONE political patronage hire is being told to find a new job they are actually qualified for.
You get the point, this budget doesn't make the tough choices, it makes the simple choices of tax tax tax, only this time we are in a recession.
to anonymous 2:35, you are closer to the mark than you might think. In 2004, all of the money for Michelle Roth's election campaign (she lost that campaign but won the next year) was funnelled through Union County by CME and Lesniak. Michelle Roth then went on to take control of Manalapan and is now going to be the democratic party candidate for Assembly in the 12th District (which is in Monmouth, and two towns in Mercer) in a bid by Union County and Middlesex County to control another piece of Monmouth County. Who is the township attorney in Manalapan this year? Lesniak's office.
when you start piecing it all together, we all seem to be adding to the same puzzle: the creeps are here, and when they spin the "NJ wheel" to find where they don't control that's vulnerable, it's been landing on Monmouth for 4 years now, and they're effectively chipping away on our good quality of life the Repub's built, day-by-day : this is a good venue to keep sharing our horror stories, to get more info and confidence,to go out and wake more people up, forget labels, it's proof-positive that Dem's just can't/won't give the real working taxpayers a break, and still keep their gimme-gimme constituency: we MUST take back our county and state, OR DO A MASS EXODUS OUTA HERE; who'll pay for all your nonsense when we go, Bozo/Cryan??
anon 1239 ... Isn't attorney Dan McCarthy still on Manalapan's payroll, despite losing that first amendment suit against datruthsquad? If he is, Manalaplan is not alone ... Linden's council just awarded him another 3 year contract. To do what, we don't even know and neither does most of our council members. Sadly, they do what they are told. We have three politically connected attorneys serving as municipal counsel, even though anything other than routine matters are farmed out to other lawyers.
You need a pair of eyes in the back of your head to keep up with their schemes and even then, it's not enough.
May God protect you from the evil forces of Union County because it seems that it might take a divine intervention to stop them.
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