Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Liberal Idea that Tom DeSeno Might Like

The Memphis Flyer's Tim Sampson invited Tom DeSeno and Ann Coulter to Tennessee to eat each other.

I would write a song parody, but I can't decide on the theme to Deliverance or Bolero.

15 comments: said...

That's hysterical!

I've already sent Ann down there to beat the guy up.

Unknown said...

Awesome article!!
We might all like Art and other conservative bloggers, but I think you don't actually succeed until the liberal media starts bashing you. Well done Tom!!

I hear Ann will debate Bill Maher in NYC. I think it would be great, but being in NYC it will probably be just left-wing wackos in the crowd booing her and cheering him.

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter. What a perfect box for a tool like DeSeno. said...

I heard about that debate too, Chris. Maybe we should all get tickets and have a road trip! said...


A word about Anonymous commenters. I support it because I understand some folks are uncomfortable with criticism of someone that can harm them.

Maybe someone works for the government and wants be critical. Or any other employer for that matter.

I don't understand the idea of going anonymous when criticizing someone like me.

I'm harmless.

People can log in with their names when they criticize you or me, and go anon when going after someone they fear will retaliate.

I'm not sure why they don't.

I have NO anonymous posts at my site. Whats up with Monmouth County folks and all the Anons on sites like yours?

Sue Veitengruber said...

The Memphis Flyer's Tim Sampson invited Tom DeSeno and Ann Coulter to Tennessee to eat each other.

I would write a song parody, but I can't decide on the theme to Deliverance or Bolero.
posted by Art Gallagher at 3:35 AM on Mar 5, 2009

Whatever you write it should match the only approriate dance tempo ---- a Paso Doble --- complete with matador's cape.

Unknown said...

Tom, for that debate we might need police protection. You know how crazy those libs get when Coulter shows up, almost every time someone start a scene and needs to be arrested.

Anonymous said...

two words: "The Rastaman"!.. (who needs it?)

Joe Hadden said...

Tom, you ignorant slut.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I finally de-anonymousized myself (and may have just created a new word) I read your comments and had to throw a snide remark your way.

Congratulations, you are becoming increasingly popular. Memphis. Very cool. I hear if the economy down there gets any worse, they'll be using Graceland for affordable housing units. said...


You are right. They do throw pies at Ann. Maybe we should bring some spoons.

Joe - that's hyesterical! Love the old SNL reference. I was trying to find video of Lisa Lupner and Todd last night to show my kids when SNL was good.

ambrosiajr said...

Tommy...if you eat Coulter, you will probably get Mad Cow...don't do it!

Anonymous said...

well, Pres.Social-ism gets ready to destroy the best healthcare system in the world, we can say, at least we have some intelligent, funny, and right folks to fight the good , entertain people, and keep the dialogs going!- whatever can wake us up from this huge mistake/bad dream works here!..

ESedler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Tommy - if you don't I will! Vavavavoom!!!! said...

I hear you stopthesocialists!