Freeholder Director Barbara McMorrow started her term as Director in January with a declaration that the era of partisan government was over. She must have been referring to the previous year when Republican Lillian Burry was Director.
The Asbury Park Press is reporting that McMorrow will go along with Deputy D'Amico and Amy Mallet in appointing Mallet's running mate for Freeholder, Glenn Mason, as the county's Emergency Management Coordinator. Mason, who is collecting a police pension, will leap frog acting OEM Director Gary McTighe, who has been performing the job with acclaimed results since 2007 when Harry Conover was busted for stealing 7.8 gallons of gasoline. Mason will earn over $90,000. McTighe will remain on the job.
Potentially more expensive than appointing Mason to a vacant job, is McMorrow's decision to go along with replacing Mark Acker, Monmouth's Chief Financial Officer for 25 years. I guess a AAA bond rating for years was not good enough to save his job.
D'Amico said that Acker who makes $175,000, and Lynn Miller, head of Human Services who makes $125,000, will be replaced by promoting from within their departments. The new directors will earn less. D'Amico didn't say why he sought cost savings from these jobs, while forsaking a $2.5 million savings by closing the Youth Detention Center.
Not reported by the APP, but widely talked about in county circles; Mike Mangan, Director of the Monmouth Democrats, is also up for a $90K+ job and McMorrow's husband is seeking a judgeship.
State Democratic Chairman Joe Cryan issued a statement that he supports McMorrow's re-election bid. No word on Cryan supporting Freeholders from other counties. The timing is purely coincidental.
DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care
18 hours ago
This may be your finest hour. An excellent, insightful post! Keep up the great work.
You sound shocked...but isn't this the same thing that happened with Oxley getting appointed counsel, or Tobia hired by the Republicans? C'mon works both ways. Then there's good 'ol boy Carton in the mix too. Or how about Bennett in Colts Neck...or even Czech from all republican Middletown...There's lots of this going around Art, and its really not surprising. Also, it will take quite some time to get up to the republicans when it comes to taking care of their friends and supporters.
I expected better from you. Appointing Mason to a job that has been vacant for two years, where the acting coordinator is performing admirably is not the same as appointing a municipal attorney. Check the archives. I was critical of process for the Tobia appointment, though it seems to have worked out well.
McMorrow said this type of crap was over. She caved.
Heeyyy...I can be as partisan as the next guy...who just happens to be a republican.
Barbara McMorrow just undid all of the respect she has built among Republicans and Independents. With the black vote in Neptune and Asbury Park likely not coming out the way they did last year, and the big clod in Trenton sinking faster than a rock in water, Democrat control in Monmouth may be short-lived.
Wonder how many Republicans will be praising at the feet of Barbara "Property of Joe Cryan" McMorrow now.
Apparently we live in Union County now.
Does Purcell have a job yet? You'd think he'd get one if Mouthpiece Mike can get one as well.
It is comical to think you may actually think the Republicans didn't do worse. Can you say operation bid rig. Who appointed the guy who took the gas and how many other scams did the GOP wink at for 20 years. Why would anyone give control back to a party who doesn't even want its own rank and file deciding who will be there candidate.
Why would anyone give control back to a party who doesn't even want its own rank and file deciding who will be there candidate.
The Democrats don't have an open convention either. They have a "mini-convention" that does not include all county committee members.
First of all anonymous 11:47, it's "their" not "there" and second of all, Democrats were also caught up in Operation Bid Rig and if you throw in Sharpe James, Wayne Bryant and the scores of others, the Democrats are light years ahead of the Republicans as far as corrupt behavior goes.
Great point, the dems are more corrupt then to GOP so vote for the corrupt GOP. The only way to keep any check on these clowns is to keep one party from getting too much control. The GOP ran things now let the dems. Keep them all fighting for control and maybe we will get some good result. Trying to slam McMorrow though just makes the GOP look as petty as most of the partisan pundits are. Maybe some day we will get a third party that actually represents the people.
Trying to slam McMorrow though just makes the GOP look as petty as most of the partisan pundits are.
Anonymous 3:28 just called me petty. GFY Anonymous 3:28.
Here's the difference between corruption in the Democratic party and the GOP. When someone in the GOP is accused of corruption they are scorned in the party. When a Dem is accused of corruption, they are scorned if they are not needed, they are kept on board if their votes are needed---ala James and Bryant kept in the Senate to vote for Corzine's school funding scam while Mims Hackett was forced to resign from the Assembly where there was a safe partisan margin.
McMorrow held herself out to be a different kind of politician, ala Anna Little, who wouldn't back down from principle in the face of extreme partisan pressure. Today she gave that up for self interest. Had McMorrow held out she might have been tough to beat, even if her husband didn't get the judgeship, which he probably won't get anyway.
She sold out to Joe Cryan, John D'Amicp and Mike Magan. Now we are going to defeat her and D'Amico next year.
All true Art, excpet Barbara sold out last week when she voted with the Dems on not closing down the Detention Center and other votes as well.
Now she is nothing but a puppet. She has no voice and no vote, voting for her is like voting for Joe Cryan and Jon Corzine. If you want Cryan to still be in charge of the Freeholder Board and their decisions, then go ahead and vote for McMorrow.
Jon Corzine & Barbara McMorrow ... perfect together ...on the unemployment line!
Correct, both Art and Baba!.. and, Rick , maybe we could stomach the rapid deployment of Dem pal-paybacks into the county, if the hypocrites hadn't run for the last 3 years, milking the same old bid-rig crap, (which was dealt with, both by the law AND county reforms, done BY the R's) and claiming they'd END "old-boy"- style cronyism.. they ARE worse, because at least the R's, over all those years, didn't "fix" things if they weren't broken, as the D's are now doing, and repeatedly re-appointed former Dem-appointees LIKE Mark Acker and Bob Collins, because they felt they were doing a good job- period.. that is the difference, and your buds are phony, Bergen/Trenton puppets, nothing more-they will be replaced, as they come up,promise..
You read it here first.
McMorrow's a figurehead. For Flippy, for Cryan, for Norcross.
If the GOP did not have a tollorance for corruption, the Brookdale College campus would not have a huge memorial to the crook Harry Larrison. Some say he died before being formally convicted. That is a rationalization. His name should be removed from the site where impressionable youth see it rewarded every day becasue of the known corrupt acts, like using a $90k County Offical Bridge Inspector as a personal driver for years.
Anonymous 1:55 you need to pay a little more attention to the facts.
Abatement ab initio, dictates that when a person dies before having the chance to appeal a conviction, the conviction essentially gets wiped away. Everything associated with the case is extinguised leaving the individual "as if he had never been indicted or convicted" wrote the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in a 2004 opinion that is the most recent articulation of the principle.
You misread my post. Your rationalization that Larrison was not convicted is misplaced. My point is that that the County GOP never cared that Larrison did abuse his position, for example the documented case of using the $90 County Bridge inspector as his full time driver (and bag man). This is documented. The GOP looked the other way, and left a monument to a crook on a college campus. This sends he wrong message about the GOP's tollorance for crooks, and the wrong message to impressionable kids on campus.
Again, Larrison is a documented crook. He did misuse county resources. There should be no monument to a GOP crook.
Anonymous 10:32
You misread my post. Innocent! No indictment, trial, conviction, appeal or sentencing. He doesn't need the benefit of abatement ab initio. He died an innocent man, did more good for more people and was the vision that spawned BCC.
Granted, Palughi was a dirt bag and earned his stripes.
That's tolerance, not tollorance.
You can't dispute that Larrisson's misconduct in office ny using a $90k+ county bridge inspector, Palughi, as a personal driver.
This is misconduct. He should not be honored with a building named after him. Even Jack the Ripper probably did something good. That doesn't mean Jack's significant faults should be ignored. The ability to defend an obvious crook, on a mass scale, is why the masses don't trust the GOP.
Again, Larrison is a crook. I use the current tense becasue his example lives on at BCC and in your mind, encouraging more of the same. Politicians that are crooks should be on notice that their reputations will not be repaired by the trainees they leave behind.
One more quick point, can you name a county in NJ that did support and succeed in "spawning" a county college?
Who is Jack the Ripper? Since you don't know how can we be sure he did "something good"?
Anonymous 10:08
Yes, Monmouth County. Genius, check with "Webster".
My Mistake...This entry
One more quick point, can you name a county in NJ that did support and succeed in "spawning" a county college?
was intended to ask, Can you name a county that did NOT create a County College? This is hardly unique to Monmouth County, nor are politicians that guilty of misconduct that occasionally do the right thing when people are watching. Finding the ones that do the right thing when nobody is watching is the difficult task.
And Larrison is dead and buried. A page in history. If you want to change the name of Larrison Hall, that's cool, talk to the Brookdale trustees.
That is the problem. As long as this memorial to Larisson exists, his crooked deeds will live on to inspire others to weakness. I wish he was dead and burried as you stated. Just the lesson our kids need???
As I'm susre you know, the BCC trustees are political hacks that are left over from the Larisson/Barham era of patronage and special favors.
get OVER Palughi, for God's sake- he was punished for his awful mis-deeds, arguably not long enough!.. again, there would BE no BCC without Larrison, it's just a FACT you can't seem to county history before you spew the APP?Dem line.. also, stop being so "holier-than-thou": name one person who hasn't made a mistake!.. the man was dying, on experimental cancer treatments and drugs for a long time,and still was in the county, paying attention to business, til he couldn't stand up any longer, was there more than most freeholders show up,and that is just a fact.. you obviously have no knowledge that the man saved many a family from freezing, when they couldn't afford to pay him for coal or oil, and THAT is a fact: he also treated his employees with respect, and helped those who had personal problems, and kept many from the unemployment line.. you just DON'T get re-elected with bi-partisan support for that long, without people remembering who has helped them personally!.. again, never convicted, he was USED by creeps when he was dying, another FACT!!.. so please, STOP!
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