By a vote of 36-27, Chairman Joe Oxley's selection committee nominated John Curley to be the GOP candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder this year.
Curley bested former Atlantic Highlands Councilwoman Kim Spatola in a second ballot roll call vote.
The selection committee consisted of past and present county and state elected officials, former county chairmen and municipal chairs.
Curley was defeated by Amy Mallet in last year's election by a margin of less than four hundred votes.
The Democratic candidate for Freeholder will be chosen next weekend. The Monmouth County Democratic Party postponed their convention, which had been scheduled for today, when Freeholder Director Barbara McMorrow announced that she would not seek a second term on the board. McMorrow made her announcement on Thursday during the Freeholder workshop session.
good luck with that..
Looks like the GOP is finally 'getting it'.
The goal is to WIN.
and just like that...Oxley is already losing all power over the municipal chairs and whoever else was there this morning.
I guess we will all just hope that John doesn't explode in our faces....again.
how many times are you going to select a loser when we need to win.
my hopes are fading
OK Republicans - Now let's move on. Kim gave a great speach,handled herself like the classy lady she is - and we need to respect that. Republicans need to support Curley and get him elected. Take back Monmouth County!
Who led after the first round?
If Curley remembers that he is arat of a team who can do great things if they work together, he will win easily.
exactly-good luck with that..
sounds, unfortunately, like another "creatures of habit", Dole or McCain decision, again..hope it doesn't turn out like their elections did!.. everybody that voted for him needs to step up right now,raise/give money (enough to beat Czar Cryan),and actually show up, for the next 8 months,and do the hard, grassroots, grunt-WORK that will be needed!..(ya came up way-short ,for the county candidates, last year)..so,call HQ now and volunteer, folks- it's up to you to make it happen......
Curly will do fine. He isn't going to be left out of his own campaign this year. He also starts out with a huge advantage. He will get a large majority out of the twelfth district because of the democrats inexplicable decision to run Michelle Roth for assembly. The people voting against her (Italians, Orthodox Jews, police, African-Americans, and many others) will continue to Freeholder and vote for the republican there. That majority should be large enough to overcome any losses elsewhere.
AnyBody But Barham.
It is time to govern based on ideals of the GOP. We need to seperate ourselves from the correct perception that our politicians operated in their own political interests and not as public servants should, in the public interest. We need candidates that would do the right things, even when the APP is not looking.
We must work together to Take Back Monmouth County - The three other candidates were all excellent however John brings countywide name recognition and was narrowly defeated last year With the support of Freeholder Lillian Burry and Rob Clifton, the Monmouth County Legislators and all good republicans I am sure we can put aside our difference for the greater good TAKING BACK MONMOUTH COUNTY CONGRATULATIONS JOHN P CURLEY GO GET'EM!!!!!!!!
36-27...with all the talk Curley's been doing around the county you would have thought he would have gotten in by a landslide. Not an impressive margin at all. It's time for him to now roll up his sleeves and get to work and win this election instead of just talking about it. getting 36 party leaders is nothing in the big scheme of things.
Best of luck John!
We will rally around you and we WILL take back Monmouth County!
Congratulations to John and to the entire Monmouth County GOP. Showing true commitment to a good candidate and using the groubdwork and name recognition built last year, I am confident that John will deliver Monmouth County. Chairman Oxley oversaw a fair process and I am hopeful that we will all work together to achieve the goal of taking back Monmouth.
don't get what you are saying: with Barbara out,who is to say that they won't run a woman, (like Roth), for Barbara's seat??..the rest of the county may not hate her the way you say her own town does..and, Monmouth has 4 other legislative districts that touch it, by the way, the 12th is only like 12 towns, (so stop being so localized in scope)..also,it's a Gubernatorial year, not a Presidential, so don't start out counting on the same # of votes: it is a different turnout,every year, look at the stats.... I expect John to be in ALL 53 towns now, and, ps, county officials, in any paid polls, NEVER have more than 12-19% name id: just because we few pay attention, the "regular Joes" out there still don't know what a Freeholder is..so, there's MUCH to be done, y'all need to start raising $$ and volunteer, NOW!..
Is John a Republican again? I haven't checked today.
Interesting comment from anonymous stating that, "the rest of the towns may not hate her the way you say her own town does." That makes no sense. She just won an election for Township Committee by over 500 votes (counting absentee ballots) in Manalapan. A town where the Republicans blew away Obama and the Republican Congressional candidate. The only hate comes from the town republicans who couldn't stop her two victories in 2005 and 2008.
Anonymous 8:12,
Don't forget that even though the 12th may not have a large # of towns, they have LARGE towns, and hence, a large block of votes. Securing the 12th is a major step to securing the County.
fine, and, at least we can count on Colts Neck,but without decent pluralities in Wall or Middletown, it's down the tubes for Rep's..all I'm saying is, if Roth's presented to the whole county, her local misdeeds don't necessarily hurt her elsewhere..gosh, you 12 people are so sensitive: use that passion to get your guy elected everywhere, now!..
I wonder if Anonymous 12:37 realizes they just proved the point that they were disagreeing with. The republicans in Manalapan DID blow away Obama. By 1300 votes. But they lost all the other seats in Manalapan because Manalapan votes bottom up except for President. When the republican municipal chairman in Manalapan sabatoged his own candidate, Michelle won by about 500 votes (actually a little less). Had the republicans managed to side step McEnery, she would have lost. In fact, in 2004, when McEnery was pushed aside, Joe Locricchio beat her by 2400 votes. And that was BEFORE she raised taxes, paid three times market value for John Lynch's land, spent 30,000 in taxpayers' money for a litigation to nowhere over a 10,000 remediation, blew the surplus, antagonized Italians, Orthodox Jews, and the police and before the public knew what she did for a living. Obviously anonymous 12:37 doesn't know politics in Manalapan. If Roth is the candidate in the twelfth district and the republicans can keep McEnery away from the campaign, that will go a long way to insuring a victory for Curley -- who, by the way, lost by a smaller margin across the county than the republicans lost Manalapan by.
that's actually an interesting point. Do you realize that McEnery is personally responsible for two of the three democrats sitting on the Freeholder board? He lost the first seat to McMurrow by manipulating the convention to shove Lucas down our throats. And last year he threw the election to the democrats in Manalapan ending up with Curley losing.
no argument there, but he's their chair for yet another year, so the others have to work around the problem, somehow....which is why the new blood in Marlboro better step up and do a better job, and so forth, to make up for the mess(es), or, it'll be "liberal nirvana" in Freehold, that will continue to louse things up for another year! ..traitors used to get hung in America, now ,they work in their own self-interests,blur the lines, and make dangerous deals that cause havoc, and whack the taxpayers with no mercy....
Good luck John. You did not lose the election last year. It was a disorganized County party with self serving leaders (attorney's) interested in pushing their own agenda's that caused the lost. Those of us who are not Esq's know this is the truth!
and, plenty who are and are not attorneys, can count the missteps that added up to that small loss!.. "disorganized" ??.. if you're so judgmental/great, where were you?..sure could've used many more hands for writing, putting up signs, making phones calls, and raising enough $$$!.. am counting on the critics that you'll have everything running like a top!.."disorganized" is when one promises/agrees to a plan, and then goes off somewhere else, blindsides your runningmate, and grabs a cheap headline,and raises no money.. but, am confident that "lessons were learned," and that the behavior will be more dependable, this time..if not, the destruction of the county'll continue unabated- so, enough about last year-show everyone how much better this year will be!!..
Hey folks, we are supposed to be on the same side here! There's always time to fix the blame, can we please focus on fixing the problem in Monmouth County for now? Go John Curley! Let's take back Monmouth County!
Sad that of all of these comments, only Tom has the courage to post an opinion with a real name. Chickens.
Good luck Mr. Curley.
Anonymous 7:16am ( aka Geri)
You're right..disorganized isnt the right word. Incompetent is much better. Disorganized is when you stray from the plan. Incompetent is when your plan is amateurish and doesnt include campaign 101 things like polling and opposition research.
You dont have to have made phone calls or put up signs to know that.
Hopefully John Curley is not the only person who learned his lesson.
glad you're quite certain you'll raise enough money this time, since it didn't happen last time, to support all those little extras that you can employ, INSTEAD of the much-needed,everyday, grassroots, outreach and "people" work..when there isn't enough to go around, choices have to be made..check the reports: plenty of money was spent on demographics that told them, by history, exactly where to "mine" their votes.. obviously, it was not followed because certain geniuses knew better...again, glad much was learned, everyone's looking forward to much-needed improvements, and a big win....
John has an extremely good chance this year, as long as Oxley and crew (Christine Hanlon, Geri Popkin, Eric Sedler and the rest of the chronies) actually work to help John instead of spreading rumors and promising fund raising while giving it to local races. Half the stuff said about Curley was exaggerated last year lets make sure that it does not happen again!
Best of luck John!!!
Eric, you chrony, stop spreading rumors and giving money to local races!
roll up your sleeves and work instead of slinging mud against your own party...nobody is starting rumors about John...everyone wants him to win..now get out there everyone and make it happen..and that includes john moving forward now too..stop pointing fingers and win the election...jen beck is a great example of how one person can win an election without as much money as the opposition...so all need to stop blaming that the party machine doesn't help blah..blah..blah.stop bellyaching and go out there and win!
Art, could ask people to label their comments with either a "P" (for pissing) or an "M" (for moaning)?
As far as the comments on Oxley's cronies spreading rumors, Eric Sedler was a big fan of John Curley last year, from the beginning and I never heard Christine utter a negative word about Curley. I don't talk to Geri Popkin enough to know her sentiments.
I will admit, that I was actually over confident that John would win last year and worked on the McCain campaign, taking for granted that in a Presidential election year that Monmouth County would go Republican.
I will admit that I didn't work much for John Curley in 2008. You can blame me for the GOP losing control of Monmouth County. Sorry. I will work harder to get John Curley elected this year.
Anonymous 5:23
"John has an extremely good chance this year......Half the stuff said about Curley was exaggerated last year lets make sure that it does not happen again!"
John had an extrodinary opportunity last year. For the first time in Monmounth County since 1964 a county republican lost in a presidential election year.
Check the newspapers clippings. There were no rumors being spread about John. He simply couldn't keep his mouth shut! "Scumbag and Skeeves" was his finest hour. Resigning his council seat and moving out of Red Bank was a close second.
He has been a Republican for less then 4 years. If Lonegan's conservative army brackets up against him in the primary good luck!
Mr Fitzsimmons you have eclair for a backbone. Get off the blogs, roll up your sleeves and get to work. If you need directions to headquarters we'll get you a map.
Go John go! We will rally behind you and get you over the threshold this time. The alturnative is rather gloomy.
amen,and well-said,11:39-the truth is the truth, which is why, though being supportive for an '09 win, many people have honest and justifiable misgivings, based on choices, behaviors, and actual experiences from last year, that we are all counting on, do not happen this time,or it's over.. and, all the "Pollyannas" out there,who don't help, or give/raise money,but are quick to judge, when they don't know what they're yapping about, (having never shown up), will do well to get off their ego trips and just pay more attention,stick to the plan, (whatever that winds up to be), and just do a better job, that's all..this is what continues to be the issue for the GOP on all levels: the inner fights for who's "in-charge", while the Dem's pull together and kick our butts..let's not be embarassed again..
Joe Hadden's remarks are really Joe Oxley's in disguise. Good to fess up Joe!
This one IS from Gerri, (and do know those who seem to have a hard time with spelling people's names),..due to the current tone and nature of employment, please refer all future helpful contributions, comments,calls,criticisms,gripes,snipes,and/or suggestions,if any, to the Chairman,our new State committeewoman and manager, Christine, and/or headquarters in Freehold..the needs for campaign dollars,and positive, helpful workers are many, and the time for accomplishment is short, just 8 months or so..the goal's very serious and necessary. Good luck to all..
I confess only to my own mistakes and no one else's.
But rest assured that when I become County Chairman (and I say that because at some point soon no one else will want the damn job and my name might be drawn from a hat) you may bring me the Chairman's jacket, the one with the big bulls eye on it. Perhaps by then, we will have changed our party's symbol from an elephant to a cannibal if we choose to keep sniping.
John Curley won the party line. Any concerns or misgivings about him or his candidacy should have been voiced already. It is time to put those issues to rest. Likewise, the time to assign blame for his defeat in 2008 has come and gone.
It's 2009 and if we get behind John Curley, we have a very good chance to retake control of our County government, maintain an all-Republican slate of representatives in the Assembly and have a Republican Governor in one Election.
2008 was a bad year for us. But it's behind us. Clear your schedules and empty your pockets and 2009 might be a very good year.
Who is running in the Republican Primary against Curley? Rumor is a woman from Manasquan is circulating a petion to be put on the ballot.
word is, it's about slates formed and jockeying for what column the gubernatorial nominees get to be in for June, doesn't mean anything other than, if Republicans can't find who they want on the Primary ballot, all is lost, and they're as dumbed-down as the knock-and-drag Dems for November, that always seem to inflict much pain on the thinking/working people of the world!!
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