Friday, March 06, 2009

Open Space, Affordable Housing and Segregation

Must read from Tommy DeSeno.


Anonymous said...

Oh please, scrap the open space program and let the developers run hog wild? This is the will of the voters, not some boneheaded program rammed down the voters throats by the government. I want open space, I want a lot of it and I'm willing to put up my money to do it. Nothing communist about it. What union are you a part of? The only people who are against open space are the developers and unions, who want to pave over every inch of New Jersey, and the Democrats, who envision blocs of Democrat voters sitting on those open space acres. said...


How do you feel about tax dollars going for urban housing.

If you are against it, how is that different than spending tax dollars on open spaces?

Anonymous said...

just keep track of all the missteps and bad moves of all the Dems, and get the message out there that they've gotta be picked off, one by one..we have to start in '09 and retain/win more assembly seats, hopefully grab the freholder board back, maybe even Gov., God willing, then move on next year to take back Congress and put some breaks on the ever-encroaching socialism this guy's ramming through!.. then, by 2012, he's outa there.. lots of work to do, but they make it possible more each day- they can't stop themselves, so, we have to!..

Anonymous said...

1. open space benefits a lot more people (like everyone) then urban housing. Urban housing can only be used by the people living in it,

2, people can make a profit off urban housing. Therfore the free market can provide it, Open space can not realistically make a profit for anyone. That is why it is appropriate for Government to provide it.

3. i do not use urban housing . I do use open space therefore it is easy for me to be in favor of one and not the other.

Anonymous said...

justifiedright - I would much rather eat Ann Coulter than eat into my tax dollars with urban housing. I was out all weekend on open space that benefits me and every other resident of Monmouth County. Urban housing benefits and rewards the lazy leeches of society to the detriment of the taxpayers. This will be devastating to the Democrats, as they already have a reputation for being in the pocket of the unions. Now they want to make land that would otherwise be preserved available to these same developers. The Republicans should jump on this Madonna on A-Rod. And for the record, I am as conservative as they come pal, just not a big fan of urbanizing every inch of the county. said...

Stopthesocialist -

I don't use open spaces. I had to give my tax dollars to buy yours.

Doesn't that make you the leech?

Why not use your own money to buy open space? Why use mine?

You some sort of socialist?