Monday, January 11, 2010


Popular Republican leader signs on to assist with grassroots efforts, fundraising

(Fair Haven,NJ) 12th District Republican congressional candidate Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre announced today that Bill Spadea, Republican grassroots leader and former District 12 Congressional Republican nominee, had joined the Halfacre for Congress campaign as a senior advisor. Spadea will assist with overall strategy, grassroots outreach and fundraising.

“I am thrilled that Bill Spadea has decided to join my team,” said Halfacre. “Bill was the first person I reached out to when I decided to run because he ran the kind of hardworking, grassroots campaign I’ve been running. His positive influence extends far past his hometown of Princeton or Mercer County; he is widely respected throughout the district and the state as an articulate voice for conservative principles and political strategy. His advice will be invaluable to me in my effort to defeat Rush Holt.”

Spadea, a popular Republican speaker and president of Building the New Majority, a grassroots political organization which focuses on identifying and empowering candidates for local office, said he thought Halfacre’s campaign had hit all the right notes so far.

“I was impressed with Mike when we met in the spring and as I’ve followed his campaign for the last 8 months I think he’s said and done all the right things. I know this district, and it won't be won solely with a top down approach through television and radio. It will take someone with Mike’s record of cutting taxes and spending in Fair Haven, combined with a strong grassroots campaign organized at the neighborhood level to be successful.”

“Mike already has a great head start reaching out to Republican, unaffiliated, and Democratic voters who gave Chris Christie a 16,000 vote victory in this district last November. I'm looking forward to sharing my knowledge of the district, and ideas regarding grassroots organizing and fundraising with Mike and the campaign team. I believe Mike is the right person, with the right message, to defeat Rush Holt in November.”


Anonymous said...

I am sure the Siprelle camp is going to throw the towel in now--oh no.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone told the good people of Fair Haven that their taxes have been lowered?

I think they would disagree.

Anonymous said...

I would be ashamed to have Mike Halfacre as my Congressman.

Anonymous said...

hope all his consulants work for free, since the "unknown rich guy" apparently has a lot of bucks to pay a big staff, which makes it tougher than Mike would have expected, when he rushed to the forefront in the "odd," gubernatorial year..

Anonymous said...

Wow the negative comments about halfacre are increasing .

Someone must be scared of him.

Unknown said...

Halfacre is a loser. He went to third-rate schools. He didn't last very long at that Bathgate law firm in Lakewood. No other firm hired him. He's a single practioner doing real estate closings, which is about as low as it gets for a lawyer. He supplements his earnings by doing as much part-time government work as he can get. Halfacre certainly hasn't accomplished all that much. He certainly isn't someone that you would say you are proud to have represent you. He will lose this election.

Unknown said...

There seems to be the same person(s) bashing Halfacre, the comments are very similar every time an article about him appear on MMM, Politicker or other blogs. I think that person(s) has everything in a document and just copies&pastes every time. I'd at least hope to some variation, like putting all those comments in the context of the article, but it never happens.

ML said...

And what have you accomplished in Life?

Have you beem elected Mayor of your town.

Have you gone to any law school?

But lets not talk about that, I have a better idea. Why don't we talk about ideas.

What ideas do you want your congressman to espouse?

How about we make the campaign about Ideas rather then percieved personality defeciencys because I bet you can not come up with any candidate who does not have some of those.

and the same goes for those who want to trash any other candidate

Anonymous said...

Halfacre isn't interested in talking about ideas. As we have seen on this very blog site, Halfacre is much more interested in issuing press releases in which he talks about his opponent's success and wealth. If Halfacre wants to discuss how someone else makes their living, then it's certainly fair to point out that Halfacre hasn't accomplished all that much.

Anonymous said...

I have not nseen halfacre post anything like that on this website.
If he is trashing how people make a living in his press releases then shame on him too.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to have someone representing me in Congress who has earned through his own hard work the money he intends to invest in this campaign rather than someone who has schmoozed on the Chamber train last winter (and bragged about it)with various firms who want to feed at the trough and quite possibly are contributing to his campaign. I would rather have a person who has a proven track record in the corporate world than someone who earns much of his living from political cronyism's contracts. I would rather have someone who doesn't oust innocent Cub Scouts from having meetings in our schools. And I would rather have someone who never held public office than someone who has a history of quitting every elected office he's held when opportunities for more personal power or money do not present themselves. But, that's just me...