Friday, January 08, 2010

MoreMonmouthMusings Picked Up By

MoreMonmouthMusings is now being syndicated to the Gannett site

Earlier this week I accepted Editor Colleen Curry's invitation to tag my posts of local interest "Freehold" and have them fed to the site, which Colleen tells me is fed the front page of the Asbury Park Press site, and to Google news.

Next week it will be four years since I started this blog to play with Honest Abe and spar with Jim Purcell.

Had I known how much my life was going to change as a result of my new hobby, I probably would have taken up golf. Yet, this four year ride has been an incredible journey filled with opportunities and new friendships I never would have predicted. Last night I ran into a couple who's charity I promoted. The week after next I will be covering the inauguration of a Governor who knows me by name. None of that would have happened if not for those of you who stop by here daily to read my musings. Readership continues to grow and almost everyday more than half of MMM visitors are repeat visitors. Thank you.

Will the Freehold.InJersey relationship amount to anything? If I've learned anything over the last four years, it is that I have no idea what is going to happen(as some snarling commenter is fond of pointing out in my annual prediction posts). Whatever happens, it is likely to be fun, interesting and hopefully make a positive difference.

Welcome new readers from


Bob Ingle said...

Welcome to our world, Art.

Art Gallagher said...

Thanks Bob! I'm honored to be in your company.