Sunday, January 10, 2010

Parting Gifts

Gannett's Michael Symons notes that the NJ Legislature's Joint Budget Oversight Committee is meeting tomorrow morning to consider Governor Corzine's request that $44 million be transferred to the Department of Community Affairs special municipal aid fund.

The fund already has $72 million in it. The Local Finance Board is scheduled to dole out the $116 million to Camden, Paterson, Jersey City, Union City and Bridgeton on Wednesday. Each of those cities has a cozy relationship with a legislator or two.

Does anyone think that Corzine's request will not be approved?

Even if the Democrats can't deliver their promised social agenda, i.e., gay marriage and in-state tuition breaks for illegal aliens, they can be counted on the deliver the pork.

Corzine will give his last State of the State address on Tuesday. I wonder if he will mention these gifts.

I wonder what accounts the $44 million is coming from.

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