Tuesday, February 09, 2010

CD 12 Race

There's nothing new to report.

I'm just giving the supporters of each candidate another comment section to bicker in.


Unknown said...

Why don't you start another one for NJ-6 as well? I'm tired of the NJ-12 stuff...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great turnout in the snow,at the Sippprelle event in Monmouth tonight.. nice,smart guy, bright young staff, good message, we'll see!.. CD 6 possible Gooch present- do believe she'll get in, so come meet them both Sunday at Lincoln Day!!...

Anonymous said...

And NJ-12 is tired of you as well, Chris.

Unknown said...

Sipprelle and Gooch! Perfect together! Does this mean you're getting a double pay day?
And btw, there wasn't even snowing in Red Bank until 11pm

Anonymous said...

"great turnout in the snow,at the Sippprelle event in Monmouth tonight"

Where was this event? I would have loved to have attended. How does one find out about such things?

Anonymous said...

Did Mickey Gooch run from Halfacre too? Wow. I thought he gave a nice donation to the Halfacre campaign early on.

How unappreciative of you, Chris.

Anonymous said...

if the event last night is any indication as to where this one is going, its game over. Middletown, Manalapan, Tinton Falls and Marlboro were all strongly represented. That's about every town in Monmouth in the 12th Congressional District. Halfacre is a long shot even with the Monmouth line--without it--he's a no shot.

Anonymous said...

The part of Redbank I was in had snow starting at 9 pm

To get invited you needed to Know the secret handshake.

Interesting crowd was present. I would say 40 people. Diverse group. i even saw some people who normally don't like to be seen in the same room.

I was suprised to see some contingents from a number of large towns in the district. Chairman and elected officials.

This will be an interesting primary

Anonymous said...

It's been said before that there were elected officials that did not give Halfacre the endorsements that he claims. I agree that if last night is any indication of where the momentum is swinging, Halfacre should bow out gracefully. From who I saw in attendance last night, game over mate.

Anonymous said...

Middletown, Manalapan, Tinton Falls and Marlboro were all strongly represented. That's about every town in Monmouth in the 12th Congressional District.

Also in Monmouth and the 12th District: Eatontown, Englishtown, Fair Haven, Freehold, Holmdel, Little Silver, Oceanport, Rumson and Shrewsbury.

Anonymous said...

So how did you find out about this event? I do not care for Mr. Halfacre and would like to hear the other candidates myself.

Anonymous said...

Chris, why do you say "Sipprelle and Gooch! Perfect together!"??

Isn't Diane Gooch's husband Mickey Gooch, who gave a substantial donation to the Halfacre campaign? Why do you say his wife is perfect with Sipprelle? Has Mickey Gooch decided to no longer support Mike Halfacre? Wow.

Anonymous said...

There are 14 Monmouth towns in NJ-12. Judging by Rhodas pics of the affair, there were representatives from three towns in the district there and half the people there werent even from the district.

I'm guessing Halfacre isnt pulling out the white flag just yet.

Anonymous said...

How about a dispassionate observation. The fact that Sipperelle was able to draw some powerful people from some large towns in his district is obviously a bad sign. Halfacre needs to do really well in Monmouth because Sipperelle is likely to get the line in the other counties.
On the other hand not every person in the room had made up their mind. Some where just there to listen. Plus in some of these towns most notably Manalapan their is a split in the party. Just by virtue of the fact that some people choose one candidate other people will go in the opposite direction.
There are literally dozens of factors at work in this race besides who attended this dinner.
For instance how will Illions and Thompson fighting it out to be Chairman in Middlesex impact this race? What affect will Corsi have?
What affect will internal power struggles in Monmouth County have. I could go on and on.
So while the list of attendees is not good for Halfacre, he should have stronger support in his own backyard this race is far from over.
As a matter of disclosure, I attended the event to listen and have not picked a candidate yet but I was very impressed by Sipperelle. He is smart and seems to be principled and a nice guy.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you this ... there are MANY Republicans even in his own town of Fair Haven who will not support Halfacre, but are keeping their mouths shut ....for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Out of oceanport, shrewsbury (has a republican from shrewsbury ever been seen at a gop event?) rumson, fair haven and little silver, etc. will probably have about 3 votes on the screening committee in all. I think Middletown alone makes up more of the 12th--and 6th for that matter. Don't see how halfacre even pulls the monmouth line. also, it was snowing before 8pm in Red Bank--don't know what state you were all in.

Anonymous said...

Someone should explain to Chris most people are more concerned with debating issues then promoting themselves or their agenda. We can easily filter through the partisan nonsense from him and anonymous posters like him that keep spewing the party machine line. I can safely say as someone who would have been inclined to support Halfacre, the posts on this sight and schilling for Halfacre has done more harm then good.

Anonymous said...

I think the way things are run now the screening committee is one vote for the chairman. elected aand past elected officials get a vote, I am not sure if that includes council people and mayors.
If that is indeed the case then middletown has know more clout then Fairhaven.
Of course the dam process changes so often that who the hell knows what will happen.
When are we getting those state mandated By-laws?