Friday, February 12, 2010

The Honeymoon Is Over

Governor Chris Christie's honeymoon in Trenton lasted just a little bit longer than this marriage in the UAE:

NY Post:

An Arab ambassador lifted his "beautiful" bride's veil to find that she was really as ugly as a camel's behind.

The unnamed envoy from the United Arab Emirates -- who immediately demanded an annulment -- had only seen his wife before their wedding while she was wearing a niqab, a veil that completely covered her face.

The powerful Arab was enticed to marry the falafel-faced woman after her mom had showed him what appeared to be a pretty picture of her. But he now claims that the woman in the photo turned out to be the homely bride's beautiful sister.

To the ambassador's horror, he lifted the woman's veil on the day of the their wedding and found out that she looked like a bearded and cross-eyed mix of Yasser Arafat and Amy Winehouse, Gulf News reported.

Outraged, he quickly went to an Islamic sharia court and demanded the marriage contract be annulled.

And he also asked that the bride pay him $136,000 to cover the cost of the jewels, clothes and other gifts he bought her before their wedding. The court granted the annulment, but refused compensation.

Since the Florio administraion, reform rhetoric has been the veil that gubernatorial candidates wear to get elected. Whitman, McGreevey and Corzine all wore it. Soon after arriving in Trenton they unveiled themselves as bearded cross eyed camel butts who fit right in with the ugly ways of Trenton's spending orgy.

Yesterday in Trenton Governor Chris Christie revealed that his rhetoric is not a veil. He means what he says. He meant what he said through out the campaign.

New Jersey doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Changed has arrived. Chris Christie is shining the lights on the uglies. He's ending the fiscal insanity to balance the budget now and promising deeper cuts to balance the 2011 budget.

Not surprisingly, the legislature is reacting like the Arab Ambassador who was tricked into marrying the bearded sister.

"So much for the handshake. He's governing by executive order," squealed Senate President Steve Sweeney.

Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono (D-Middlesex) said the broad language of Christie’s executive order could mean he has given himself power to break contracts, set aside civil service rules or anything else. “What the governor did today is in essence declare martial law,” she said. As if that were a bad thing.

Former Governor Jon Corzine didn't know how to leave quietly when he got fired from Goldman Sachs. He spent weeks parked in his limo outside the bank's offices trying to stay relevant. He still hasn't learned. His spokesman told Politickernj that there really isn't a $2.2 billion budget deficit for Christie to close, but only a $533-$739 million deficit, "which isn't an emergency."

Partisan bickering will be prevalent as the hacks scramble to save their fiefdoms and maintain the status quo that Christie has claimed a mandate to destroy.

My money is on Christie to prevail for two reasons. 1)As Buono said, Christie has all the power and 2) if he doesn't prevail, I won't have any money anyway.

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