Monday, February 01, 2010


Letter urging easing of security restrictions in Gaza latest in a number of anti-Israel actions

12th District Republican congressional candidate Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre today criticized Congressman Rush Holt for being one of 54 signers of a letter urging Israel to ease security restrictions on the Gaza border, calling it just the latest example of Holt siding with Hamas and against the Israeli people.

“Rush Holt has established a troubling pattern of siding against America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, and this letter is just one more example of that pattern,” said Halfacre. “The idea that Israel- which has endured countless terrorist attacks and as recently as a year ago was under rocket attack from Hamas in Gaza- should be taking advice from Rush Holt on how to best provide security for their people is the height of arrogance. Given his history though, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Halfacre said that in just the past several months Holt:

*conveniently missed a House vote which condemned the Goldstone report, a UN report that accused Israel of war crimes, choosing instead to be with Governor Jon Corzine on election night. Holt has only missed 90 of over 7,000 votes as a member of Congress. (the report passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support, 344-36).

*was a host committee member for a convention hosted by J Street, a controversial organization whose gala dinner was, in the words of the Washington Times “shunned by Israel's U.S. ambassador and several members of Congress because of its views and ties to controversial figures”. The Times went on say that “by embracing individuals who have expressed hostility to Israel, J Street also has alienated some veteran Israel supporters in Washington. For example, one of next week's speakers is a Muslim activist who has said that Israel should be considered a suspect in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”

*Returned from a trip to Gaza and held a press conference along with two of the most anti-Israel house members, Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. James McDermott, to call for Israel to ease restrictions on border access in Gaza.

Halfacre concluded “This is the second time that Mr. Holt and the likes of Mr. Ellison and Mr. McDermott have called for an easing of security restrictions into and out of Gaza. Their lip service about the security needs of Israel and their alleged concern for the Palestinian people would be more believable if it wasn’t coming from people who have clearly demonstrated a ‘blame Israel first’ worldview and a complete ignorance of recent history. Between his recent actions, and the company he keeps, it is obvious that Rush Holt shares that worldview. I am 100% committed to supporting Israel and its right to defend itself, and if I am elected to represent the 12th District, my actions will reflect that.

1 comment:

Art Gallagher said...

Anonymous 12:18,

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