Governor Chris Christie will be celebrating Earth Day tomorrow with Clean Ocean Action at The Surfrider Beach Club in Sea Bright.
Those who wish to attend should call Clean Ocean Action at 732-872-0111 or via email to .
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
12 hours ago
hopefully, our social director has thought to invite the same favored-few who attended the Gooch, let's stay consistent!: enjoy,whomever gets the photo-op, lots of us drones'll just be working...Happy earth day, blah, blah..
ps: that would be the same Clean Ocean Action that's been a shill organization for Pallone and his ilk for FAR too long, more than 20, do not be fooled: and, hopefully neither will the the old argument: oh, sure, the Dems will personally clean the ocean, they're the only ones who want a clean ocean.. name me a Rep. who doesn't want a clean ocean, etc., one more time!
how about tapping responsibly, for our needs, into our earth, what God gave us, to power ourselves, rather than depending on the oil barons and dictators holding us captive, due to the short-sightedness of the libs, for far too long?..
Who exactly did God give the earth to? YOU? What about the rest of the humans or other organisms that don't want oil spills contaminating the ocean or washing up on the beaches. If the Earth was created by some singular entity, I doubt oil rigs were part of the agenda.
Do we really want this to happen of OUR coast?
Burning rig leaks oil into Gulf of Mexico; 11 workers still missing
CNN) -- An oil rig fire in the Gulf of Mexico refused to be extinguished Thursday as a plane and helicopter rejoined the U.S. Coast Guard search for 11 missing workers.
Crude oil was leaking from the rig at the rate of about 8,000 barrels per day, Coast Guard Petty Officer Ashley Butler said. The Coast Guard also is preparing for possible leaks of up to 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel but can do little to protect the environment until the fire is out, Butler said.
If we don't do it, the Chinese or Russians will. They're already drilling off the coast of Florida. Despite the current oil rig situation, those accidents are very, very rare.
NIMBY....Drill Alaska
Rare, yes STS...but they DO happen. All it will take is one and the shore is gone for years. What will that do to our already fragile economy. One mishap and the tourism business is bust. How many people will that put on the unemployment line. Rare, yes. But only one to ruin us. Would you take that chance just for some cheap gasoline?
oh, 9:53, grow up: it's not 1968 anymore:whether you believe in a higher power or just yourself, yes, most of us do believe, with gratitude, that this earth was given for us,each generation, for all to share, and use, and care for, and live with the things we were blessed with!.. guess you missed the "responsibly" part, and yes, it can be,is, and would be done more, if the damn libs would stop over-regulating every single aspect of life!..and, since mankind was given the brain with the capacity to create our high-tech and better qualities of life over the centuries, mankind can certainly live well and in harmony with all of our planet.. you whiners are so single-minded and intellectually stunted by your years of liberal indoctrination, it is both frightening and appalling!..
So ambrosiar, using that logic, plane crashed are rare, but they do happen - maybe we should stop air travel. Paralysis in football is rare, but it does happen - let's ban football. Drownings while swimming in pools are rare, but they do happen - let's outlaw pools. You can't regulate our world based on the rarest occurrences - you would paralyze every aspect of our existence. Technology is such that these accidents are rare, and if one does occur, the mitigation is swift and effective.
right on, 9:27, the libs just can't help themselves!..and President "People ARE Bad, Americans ARE Especially Bad" will be seeping that philosophy into our psyches, for hopefully, only 1 yr. and 8 mos. more!.. if we are strong enough to keep the faith, love the best of our country, and turn these human wrecking balls on freedom out, on their pompous,socialistic, elitist butts!..
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