Frank Pallone's opposition researcher is Adam Herbsman of New York City. Adam was the Deputy Research Director of the Corzine '09 campaign. He's probably the guy who came up with the "dirt" on Chris Christie last year, i.e., the loan to Michelle Brown, the traffic stop in Lawrenceville and the accident in Elizabeth. All pretty obscure stuff. Herbsman must have good research skills. As a graduate of Columbia and Tufts, he's probably a smart guy.
On April 25, Herbsman submitted an OPRA request to the Rumson Police Department (in the 12th congressional district) for "any reports filed for police calls" to the residence of Diane and Mickey Gooch. In case this is your first time reading this blog, Diane Gooch is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 6th congressional district. The seat is presently occupied by Frank Pallone.
Much to triCityNews publisher Dan Jacobson's chagrin, I am happy to report that there are no police reports concerning domestic violence because of Diane throwing a gold ingot at Mickey, as Jacobson speculated in his newspaper. Nor are there any calls initiated by the Gooch's neighbor General Pete Dawkins, as Jacobson also speculated. I'd link you to the triCityNews article, but Dan doesn't publish on the Internet.
However, there are two reports that will keep Herbsman busy for a while, should Diane win the primary on June 8.
On October 4, 2006, Mickey Gooch called the police to report a suspicious vehicle in front of his residence. It was a 1988 Subaru DL AWD Station Wagon. As is did not have historical license plates, it had Montana license plates, an 18 year old Subaru is somewhat out of place in Rumson. According to the report, Mr. Gooch later contacted police headquarters and advised that the vehicle was owned by a friend of his nanny.
Now I'm not a smart professional researcher like Adam Herbsman, but over the years of selling and leasing trucks I've learned that Montana has been an easy state to get a drivers license in, if for some odd reason you don't have the proper paper work to get a drivers license in New Jersey.
I'm not a trained professional researcher like Herbsman, but it only took me a few minutes to discover that this 1988 Subaru DL AWD station wagon was sold in Livingston Montana, with over 127,798 miles on it in August 21, 2003. Some two weeks later, September 5, 2003, the car was serviced at World Jeep Subaru in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. Six months after that in March of 2004, the vehicle was sold in Montana again, according to the Montana Motor Vehicle Department. Six months later, September of 04, it was serviced at World Jeep Subaru again, as it was about every five-eight months through September of 2006.
World Jeep Subaru's service department must have an outstanding reputation in Montana!
On October 11, 2006, seven days after Mickey reported the car as belonging to a friend of his nanny, the car was reported to have been in a front end collision in Monmouth County. It was towed and there are no further reports on the car.
None of this could mean anything about Diane and Mickey Gooch. However, Mr. Herbsman might be inclined to do some further research, especially given one of the other reports the Rumson (12th congressional district) Police Department disclosed.
On November 5, 2005 the Gooch's security company reported an alarm coming from the family room. The sergeant who was dispatched located a housekeeper named Ima waiting near the front door. The Gooch's care taker, who is known to the police, said Ima was OK to be there.
Again, none of this could mean anything. It probably doesn't mean anything. If it did, the Two River Times, the small business that Diane Gooch owns, would have written about it. TRT reporter John Burton OPRA'd the same police reports that I received. He got his three weeks ago, the week the TRT reported that Pallone's operative made the request. I got mine today.
But I bet Adam Herbsman will be digging deeper anyway, should Diane Gooch win the primary on June 8.
Gooch's opponent in the primary is Highlands Mayor Anna Little, a former Monmouth County Freeholder and an immigration attorney.
The 6th district covers portions of Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset and Union counties.
Was that it Art- Your best shot- pathetic.
Btw- It's Seema- not Ima and she's a US citizen and she lives in the 6th district and has a Gooch sign on her lawn!!
So go fish-
Was that it Art- Your best shot- pathetic.
The best shot I'm willing to take out of the police reports. There are three reports that I am refraining from writing about....you know the ones I mean....should Diane win the nomination I hope the "Democratic Sleaze Machine" shows the same restraint.
Btw- It's Seema- not Ima and she's a US citizen and she lives in the 6th district and has a Gooch sign on her lawn!!
The police report said Ima. Are you sure it is the same person from five years ago? I'm sure Adam will be looking into it, and the status of her payroll taxes, should Diane win the nomination.
So go fish-
Good For You
If she wins Franky boy will eat her alive.
So go fish-
Good For You
That's funny Art.
atta boy!
Art, just a few days ago you were all in a tizzy because someone had the temerity to share a link to Anna Little's immigration law practice website but now you go spreading this utterly meaningless garbage?
"an 18 year old Subaru is somewhat out of place in Rumson." That's a ridiculously laughable comment. Do college kids ever deliver pizza in Rumson? Are newspapers delivered in Rumson? Do they deliver in a Mercedes?
You are really reaching and show a level of desperation that I never thought the Little camp would reach. If Anna wins this primary, I won't even hold my nose and vote for her in November. I may just stay the hell home.
Art, just a few days ago you were all in a tizzy because someone had the temerity to share a link to Anna Little's immigration law practice website but now you go spreading this utterly meaningless garbage?
No I wasn't. I thought it was a sign of desperation from the Gooch camp and an opportunity to drive traffic to the Little campaign site.
"an 18 year old Subaru is somewhat out of place in Rumson." That's a ridiculously laughable comment. Do college kids ever deliver pizza in Rumson? Are newspapers delivered in Rumson?
With Montana license plates?
Do they deliver in a Mercedes?
Maybe a 91 Porsche, 2004 Ford Expedition or a 01 BMW X-5
You are really reaching and show a level of desperation that I never thought the Little camp would reach.
Low is what Pallone will do if Gooch is the nominee.
If Anna wins this primary, I won't even hold my nose and vote for her in November.
That's because you live in the 12th district.
I may just stay the hell home.
No you won't. You'll be voting for Scott Sipprelle.
Art, I live in the 6th and I won't be voting for Anna either. That post of your is so filthy, I feel dirty for having read it. Excuse me while I go take a shower.
Seema's neighbors have lawn signs up now too and they are getting the vote out for Gooch in CD6!!
They are outraged that the Little campaign via their Muse Art Gallagher would inject such spurious drivel and question their integrity.
This angle will backfire on Pallone too.
All of these comments from the GFI Group IP!
I appreciate the traffic.
Art, you are a sad, little man. Anna has pretended to conduct a decent, above-board campaign. But she allows and encourages you to do her dirty work for her. Meanwhile, her staff has contacted the Gooch campaign several times about hiring her after the primary to "reach out to tea party followers." I am sure Diane and Mickey would have considered doing so but probably not, now that you've gotten personal.
everyone reacts so personally, gosh!.. to me, it just shows a point that the Goochies will need to be VERY ready for, when Frank really unleashes on them..I'm telling you, Gooch, as the candidate gives the libs one of their favorite tactics: the class war!..the APP is big with it, the mainstream media is big with it, and so is the level of our increasing US socialism ( meaning:down with individualism and ability to create wealth, redistribution to those "less fortunate," which has increased in monumental proportions over the last 40 years,and the dichotomy of thought where: everyone wants to BE rich, but everyone hates those who are)..I think Art's just trying to point out that Frank has, and will use ANYthing, to stay in power, and his fund has 4 million ways to accomplish that.. I, too, see Diane and her family, and way of life, torn to smithereens by Nov. 8th.. if that's ok with the Gooches, well, there you are..and, ps: if Diane had reached out and asked Anna to work for her, it'd have been a win-win of a team: the knowledge and the money MAY have wrested this seat from the tentacles of Obamanation statism, but, at this point, in no way is it gonna happen!-sorry..
Wait a minute.
Art has not said anything bad about Gooch in this post.
He reported facts that are part of the public record. None of which reflects badly on Gooch.
The worst thing he did was question wether the domestic help was having taxes and Social security deducted. He did that because you can bet pallone will.
Quite frankly that is a legit issue.
You guys are completly missing the point here.
If Gooch is the candidate Pallone will know every time she and her husband have gone to the Loo fot the last 5 years. If what Art just printed (which in essence says nothing here) upsets them then they should call it quits now.
As a staunch Gooch supporter, I commend you for your reporting on this issue, Art. You raise very good points, and I really think you were very fair and unbiased in what you said. I very much appreciate your following up on your earlier post on the topic, and noting that the results of the search didn't turn up anything that is shady on behalf of the Gooch's. Your reporting on this far surpasses your previous posts on the CD-6 issue, both in quality and fairness, and I really hope that you will continue this tone throughout the next ten days. Everybody should be supporting who they support, not dividing the party with innuendo and creating a gap wide enough to drive an 18-wheeler through the Republican cause.
I don't think the 8.29am post came from GFI IP- but if it did it wasn't me- so it must have been Seema. She's pissed. She called her sisters and cousins in Long Branch and Asbury Park to get the vote out for Gooch and she's taking a bunch of lawn signs and flyers home with her.
Art why aren't you just assuming shes being 1099ed as most house help help are expected to pay their own taxes because they work at several houses.
some people would say maybe some wealthier folks would have less grief if they cleaned their own houses,watched their own kids, etc., but I digress!..the point remains, in this rabid political world today, NOTHING's sacred or off the table, when it comes to slamming an opponent to gain an edge, no matter how unseemly or slimy, oe even untrue, it is.. ask Sarah Palin and familly..and, good for her, she can now laugh all the way to the bank!..it does make one pause as to whether Diane will survive this campaign,and whether Anna'd be a wiser choice for Frank to go to work on!
Art why aren't you just assuming shes being 1099ed as most house help help are expected to pay their own taxes because they work at several houses.
I'm not assuming anything. I'm pointing to issues that Pallone/Herbsman will investigate and/or exploit.
The reactions to this post support my theisis/headline from last week's post, "To thin skinned for prime time."
Like someone commented, this post doesn't even say anything. It confirms that there is no smoking gun and raises an issue that Pallone/Herbsman will inevitably investigate. It is naive to assume they won't. As I wrote last week, it is a safe bet that if Diane wins the nomination, that there will be a great deal more research done, it is probably being done already. We only know about this research because Mickey Gooch reacted to it in his newspaper, a huge gaffe that I exploited.
The Gooch camp came on here and asserted that there is not an issue with their domestic help. If that is true, it is a good thing.
However, this post threw them off their game, if not for the entire weekend, then at least for today.
Throwing them off their game going into the weekend is what I wanted to accomplish. I threw them off their game last weekend too.
I'm going to throw them off their game all of next week too. Even their knowing what I am up to, now that I have announced it, won't keep them from reacting badly to what is in store for them in the final week of the primary.
If I can do that so easily, what will Pallone and "the Democratic sleaze machine" do to them in the fall? It will be ugly.
The Gooch camp has money. But that don't have a message, they don't have a messanger and they don't have an organization that can beat Pallone.
Their money has bought them embarassing TV ads,equally embarassing print media, and polls that show them losing.
They have anger when they perceive they are being attacked, but there is no passion on the street for the candidate. Their campaign is reactive and easily manipulated.
If Little wins the nomination, the money will flow in. She won't need $2 million to beat Pallone. She has the message. She is a great messanger and she has a passionate hardworking team of volunteers the likes of which I have never seen.
Their money has bought them embarassing TV ads,equally embarassing print media, and polls that show them losing.
Speaking of polling... the Gooch camp paid $18,000 for polling back in April. If the poll would've been good (against Little, or against Pallone), they would've publicized it. Instead, it's around that time that they took Diane out of the shell and started sending her to events, meet&greets, etc.
Mark said...
Let's start talking about the 2,500 lb gorilla in the race.
Comment deleted
Feel free to come back with that when you have some proof.
I cant believe how over wrought the Gooch supporters get about this stuff. This is nuthin
The first thing I would have done was sent out a flier that said.
Dianne Gooch will not vote for herself in this election....
Because she can't.
She does not live in the district and can not vote in it.
She doesn't know the people in this district and does not understand them.
Anna lives, works, holds office and votes in the this district. You are her neighbors. She understands what your hopes and fears are. She will know how to represent you in Washington.
feel free to use it Anna.
Art, do you want to interview the gentleman at that grocery store? Would that be proof? He happens to be a reporter!
Do you all honestly think Franky Boy wont use this and spin it all over the place??? Something happen and Franky Boy will use it if its legitimate or not.
Mark said...
Art, do you want to interview the gentleman at that grocery store? Would that be proof? He happens to be a reporter!
No. Let him report it. If it is credible, I will reference his article.
Art, I'm curious. Will you pledge to fully support the GOP nominee in CD6, regardless of who it is?
Art, I'm curious. Will you pledge to fully support the GOP nominee in CD6, regardless of who it is?
I will support the nominee.
"All of these comments from the GFI Group IP! I appreciate the traffic."
Just like the majority of Diane's contributions. How coincidental. I'm sure Mickey's execs really care about New Jersey's 6th District. Their benevolence is overwhelming.
"Meanwhile, her staff has contacted the Gooch campaign several times about hiring her after the primary to "reach out to tea party followers."
Name names Joe. G'head...I double dare you. Coward.
Here's where we're at:
1) Art prints public information from a police report, does some research and the Goombies go bananas (that's "Gooch" and "Zombies" combined Joe. I know it takes you a second to grasp simple concepts)
2) Joe makes shit up and wets himself while doing so and the Goombies come rushing in to defend him.
That's a pretty fair description of this race so far.
Anna lives, works and runs for the people she'll represent and has been doing so her entire life.
Diane woke up one morning and decided she wanted to be in Congress. (Or, more accurately, the Republican establishment went looking for the richest one out there and said that's our girl!)
There isn't a single, solitary substantive reason to vote for Diane Gooch. Not one.
Let me hear one Goombies.
Enlighten us.
anon,3:22:.. exactly!.. the Gooch candidacy is a sad joke on those of us who do live in CD 6..and, my fear is, has absolutely nothing to do with really retiring Pallone, lowering my taxes, or keeping me safer from our enemies "foreign and domestic", and there sure are plenty of them here right now in this DC admin!..we are not laughing, Diane and Mickey- this was/is a very bad idea for us!!
Saw todays paper. Article about the 6th congressional race.
Gooch says she is conservative.
OK then why are all the donations Gooch has made outsiade of NJ to democrats.
Yeah I know it was Mickey not Dianne BUT LETS NOT FORGET THAT IT IS MICKEYS MONEY THAT DIANNE IS RUNNING WITH. if she was not marrried to him she would not be rich.
So the Goochs live in a Republican district in a Republican county in a Republican Town so they give money to local Republican candidates.
But outside NJ who do the give too?
Chris Dodd, Andrew Cuomo, Democrats running for governor in Texas, Not to mention the 50 grand Diane and Mickey each donated to NY democrat Tom Souzzi.
But worst one are the $6400 to Pallone and the donation to liberal PAC ACTBLUE.
I still have not heard an explanation other then Dianne did not make those donations (even though she did make one for 50 grand)
Well that does not cut it. Your husbands political donations show him to have strong Liberal propensities.
Since he is finacing your campaign Mrs. Gooch please explain how we can beleive that you are a conservative.
I like ya, Bayshore Bob: do come to our Affiliated GOP Breakfast of Champions, on June 19th.. we need brave and real folks like you out there, telling it like it is!..
You are not doing ANNA any favors by posting this ridiculous stuff. I was debating on whom to vote for and the more garbage I read coming out of the Little campaign, the more I lean toward Gooch and then I'll tell another to vote for Gooch! The old political smear & trash talk is a big turn off. The state of our Government Affairs is too important to waste my time on the 'Little campaign trash talk.
Gooch vote it will be in the 6th.
"The state of our Government Affairs is too important to waste my time on the 'Little campaign trash talk."
Right. But apparently it's not important enough that you wouldn't vote for a political neophyte who is obviously doing this for her own glory and not the Country's. Otherwise you'd stand up and vote for the right person for a change.
Nothing Art has said on this blog is anything but the facts. If you don't like bad facts, that's your problem. The only people turning this race ugly is Gooch and Joe Schilp along with their little minions. Anna has run an impeccably clean race in the face of obviously planted smear merchants and been nothing but gracious and classy.
You Goombies are really brainwashed and I feel sorry for you.
fine, 9:01,you go and do that, probably were, anyway..they'll be happy to have you at their one victory party,in June, unfortunately,there won't be one in Nov., though..so, go ye therefore and follow the money crowd, better hors d'ouvres, I'm sure, but not so much for the rest of us, when Pallone drubs her and goes back to voting for Obamaville.. smart move there!..
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